Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Oh yay! More silverleaf whiteflys! :partying_face: :cry:
Iā€™m guessing from the new clone thatā€™s only been in the flower tent for 6 days. Been clean in there for months, since the last cleaning, and today I suddenly find 15 or so of those fuckers flying around in there :thinking: killed all I could find and then went ahead and chopped the 3 TKā€™s at 69 days and gave em a wash and hang to be sure. Buds are close enough to done anyways, even though I wouldā€™ve liked an extra week on them. Then I had to leave for work :see_no_evil:

Gotta make more soap mix this afternoon and spray the other two clones down and probably all the veg plants when I get back. Veg tents have been clean this whole time but gotta be sure. Damn eggs can sit dormant for months until the right environment happens and then bam. Then the adult females can lay 50 eggs per day so gotta take care of it pretty quick once you see any adults flying around.

Fun times. I still have to take clones and up-pot all the veg plants. I did get my veggies started though! Some Bantam x Painted Mountain Corn F2 I made last year, Painted Mountain Corn F2ā€™s from a buddy, Silver Queen corn, Harrow Velvet Tobacco, Cherokee Purple Tomato, Ace55 tomatoā€¦ and I think thatā€™s it for now :thinking: Have some watermelon and squash I wanna get going for the summer too. Maybe a couple other corn varieties while Iā€™m at it :thinking:


Some of my favorite tomatoā€™s have done those up a few different years always turn out so good nice veggie selections cool your growing some tobacco too always thought it would be cool to grow a few leafs for some organic backwoods(not that I smoke blunts often)

And fuck them white flys hope for a quick eradication lil fuckers


Yeah I think theyā€™re my wifeā€™s favorite tomato so far! I picked them up on a whim and yeah, really tasty tomatoā€™s! I think theyā€™re her go-to BLT tomato and etc. She likes the ace55 for making sauces and those always turn out really good.

I love growing tobacco! I donā€™t smoke it much but some of them are nice. The tobacco will help keep bugs off your other veggies too. Iā€™ve grown 5 or 6 different kind so far but my favorite at the moment are these Harrow Velvet. Tho the Moldovan 456 was really good too, albeit very very similar. Both are like cigarette quality tobacco. Kind of a light smooth smoke, not too potent. Havenā€™t tried to roll any of the leaves but definitely could :thinking:

Cherry red 401 was pretty damn smooth but canā€™t say I got any cherry out of it. Big ass plant tho, easily 7+ft. Puts out some suckers too. The harrows and moldovan will only get to 4ft or so and pretty much never put out suckers. Real nice plants. Going to try and make more this year ^^


I ran bodhiā€™s maria Sabina and strayfoxā€™s hopi trippy citrus x maria Sabina and both those arenā€™t great lines imo. Basically like unworked landrace tobacco. None of them were crazy potent like the rumors say they could be. I made beans but Iā€™d rather grow something more modern. Both visually and for enjoyment from later.


I thought you said you were done with clonesā€¦ haha.

Anyway, that sucks. Whatā€™s that saying? ā€œInsanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results,ā€? Or whatever? Haha. What clone was it? Where did it come from?


Yeah bit insane :joy:

Spray and things will be good again. I had checked the clones over and never saw anything, sticky traps in the veg tent with them and nothing, but thatā€™s still my guess. The 3 TKā€™s in flower have been clean for months. 6 days after putting in the new clone and the bugs show up. Makes sense to me :thinking: Anyways, it was that rarebuyer TK clone. Shame on me for not just spraying them down anyways.


Alright. Buckets cleaned out. Soap mix made and applied to everything. New water made for plants. Will spray every day for the rest of this week and should be good after that.


From me?! I donā€™t have any bugs. Never even had whiteflies ever, and Iā€™ve had a lot. Guess again.


Idk then. But all the bugs are gonna be dead soon :grin:


Who do I need to give an offering to in order to keep the garden problem free? Asking for a friend :joy:


You got to figure out where theyā€™re coming from. This is science, not religion. I assume you never got rid of them from back in January or whenever it was you had them last time. Where are those eggs hiding out in the downtime?


Yeah thatā€™d be the only thing left. They were hiding in these 3 tkā€™s Iā€™ve had flowering this whole time until the temps hit 76/78 and then they sprouted. Itā€™s been upper 60s/low 70s until a few days ago when the tent started hitting upper 70s/low 80s. Would explain the leaf necrosis Iā€™ve had despite the feed. Like I said, these whitefly eggs can sit dormant for months until the right environment happens. Maybe I just missed them from before :man_shrugging:

The eggs and larvae sit, immobile, on the underside of the leaves and the tiniest white specks imaginable. Iā€™ve never seen one with the naked eye. The adults tho are easy to spot.


Just trash everything and start over.


They were only in the flower tent and it wasnā€™t very many. Sprayed the whole room anyways, chopped and washed the plants in flower save for the new clone I manually went over every leaf on with my gloved hands and then sprayed down. Should be good here in a few days. Still gotta take clones of the veg plants anyways.


Ten characters haha.


No bugs in sight today. Plants still look good. Going to spray again tonight anyways image

12hr and 24hr dried TK samples from the chop taste and smoke on-point, so thatā€™s good at least :partying_face:
I swear the TK has something in it that my body needs. Like a vitamin or mineral or something, I donā€™t know, but I donā€™t get that out of most plants :thinking:


trade you my 2 spotted spider mites for your silver fly problem !!

whats the soap mix you make recipe?


when I got home last night I noticed a new house plant in the dining room :sunglasses:, it immediately went outside for inspection. the nurseries must spray them heavily as no bugs on new houseplants for a minute.


Oh man, no to those two spotted ones! Soap mix might work for ya, otherwise Iā€™d probably be resorting to azamax and taking clones of the sprayed plants later. Canā€™t flower anything sprayed with azamax if you wanna be safe. The soap mix is good tho:

2 Quarts - Water
1 cup - 70% Isopropyl Alchohol - Stronger is not better!
1/4 cup - Tea Tree Castille Soap
1/4 cup - Peppermint Castille Soap
1 tablespoon - 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

Get like 2-3 days before the stuff goes bad or loses effectiveness so donā€™t make way more than you need. You could add 200g of citric acid to this mix if you really wanted but itā€™s not necessary.


Oh, forgot to mention, you really want that soap mix in a pump sprayer or similar. Something with a wand. Need to hit every nook and cranny, top and bottom of every leaf, on all the plants. Once every two days at lights out for two weeks. Can do it more often if you want but not farther apart in order to disrupt the bugs life cycle.