Holy's Garden (Part 2)

I am just going to leave this here.

TK: Farmer Joe (left), Rarebuyer (Right). There are obvious morphological differences in growth rate and leaf expression



And what about the stem rub?

The rarebuyer “TK” also looks incredibly like this 92OG that also came from rarevuyer


Oh, it’s so cool of you to be able to compare these :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


I swear the stems nearly smell the same, their smell could be a bit off as I spray with SNS 203, but the FJ stem rub is stronger smelling…much more of whatever that scent is, I think its sort of woody but not a specific wood like pine nor cedar… woody? With a hit of rank? :sweat_smile:

The FJ has the classic OG look with small leaf fingers closest to the leaf stem which are pointing forward, versus the RB cut where its leaves closest to the leaf stem are long and point backwards… as well as the proliferation of 3-fingered leaves on the FJ cut.

…and the RB cut is light green vs the FJ’s darker coloration


Is this the mix you used on the whiteflies the first time? Maybe there’s something that targets them better.



Forbid 4F works on them if your willing to go that route.


I think Holy already used that on the HLVD -infected clones :sweat_smile:

There this doc of pest spray mixtures, and Holy’s mix is similar to the whitefly solution in here https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/uhmg/downloads/UHMG-home-recipes.pdf


:100:% that is EXACTLY how I would describe it. Both the original cut’s scent being “woody” smelling, and that the rarebuyer cut is not nearly as strong smelling.

In person at the moment I can only compare against flowering plants and my memory/old pics but I would agree here too. Not being able to compare directly just gave me a feeling that it’s not quite the same thing but was trying to give it the benefit of the doubt. You having both right next to each other in veg makes it pretty easy :sweat_smile: Overall the rarebuyer cut seems close, but not quite the same.

It is but I must’ve missed them. I have not seen a single thing since killing all the adults i could find, washing and chopping the 3x day-69 TK’s that likely harbored them, and spraying down everything in the room. I’ve since sprayed twice now and will spray again tonight and every day this week.

Ah that’s good to know! Looks like they’re using half the water of my recipe tho and no peroxide :thinking:
I got my mix from here:




sweet this is the same recipe i saw on youtube! and yes the little bastards came from my back up place where the person decided to buy a bunch of house plants on clearence last fall… dont think i can get azamax in canada used dr zymes twice now using end all until bottle is done than i will move on to your recipe. eventually i will get the one n done mix

thanks for the easy recipe ratios!


The soap mix is cheaper than the one-n-done that you still have to spray multiple times :sweat_smile: IDK why it’s called that :joy: if I were to do anything from what I’ve seen of it and this and other mixes is, add the Citric acid to this mix the same you would that mix. Doubt you need the malic and polysorbate and everclear and all that other stuff. I just wouldn’t use the soap mix in flower. Veg only. The O.N.D. by itself apparently CAN be used in flower so it does have its own use case at least.


damn im 2 weeks and some in flower wonder if i should just ride it out with end all and pray for the best than use your recipe for anything else i bring in in veg what would you do ?


Hit it asap!!

Your best bet is to hit it now before the buds start to really stack on. Hit it back to back for 7 days. You can shower/spray them down with plain water an hour after your last spray (day 7) to wash off the Castile soap.

I’d say it’s a lot better than smoking mite infested buds.


Fact is OND WORKS…better than all others i have tried, including spinosad!
Does NOT harm plants, use lights on, use flowering. I have not seen a single mite since i made my first batch, and know i shall not again. OND is BY FAR the best bug spray you can use in my opinion !!!


Yeah it’s just not ONE spray and done :joy: It’s also like $80+ dollars just to get the ingredients. The soap mix seems to work just as well for half the cost. I don’t spray anything on flowering plants and would just trash them if it came to that so whatever works in veg the cheapest is the way I’ve been going. I’ve sprayed this stuff on house flys and whatnot and they’re dead inside of 30 seconds.

Spinosad is a joke IMO. Money grab. The thrips and spider mites I’ve had laughed that shit off. Maybe slowed them down for a day.

Worst case, there’s always azamax :upside_down_face: :joy:


Here’s that rarebuyer TK at day 9, best pic I could get today:

Been through 3 sprays and fucking with all her leaves, still lookin pretty good being on the veg feed. No 7 bladed leaves yet but definitely growing a bit more branchy than I’m used to seeing from the Original TK I’ve had :thinking:


Yes, I agree: MUCH branchier, greener, having larger and thinner leaves and expressing less stem odor than the FJ cut… “but it’s the real deal straight from TK origins” :joy::raised_hands:


Real Deal S1 maybe :joy: We’ll see ^^


Yeah the OAD just contains a lot of stuff – throwing everything possible into the mixture-- but doesn’t make sense from a cost perspective. Oil clogs feeding tubes, alcohol helps penetrate and also kills eggs. The citric+malic acid can be reduced to just a single one of these ingredients to lower pH with the same effect. But there are studies showing that polysorbate 80 breaks down with heat to create dangerous toxins so there is a small amount of due diligence and need for personal responsibility when swallowing the OAD pill. Just because a chemical can be eaten or put on ones skin doesn’t mean it can be smoked. .