Hoodbilly Highjinks

Had to spray down the veg tent with neem like crazy. Had a little spider mite outbreak. Pretty much saturated my plants with the stuff. Going in with spinosad soap in the morning too. Really glad I didn’t throw them in the flower tent.

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The little bastards are back :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: eradication measures ensuing.

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Yeah people say they aint chit but i hate damn spider mites. I had em so bad i had to shut down a lil bit back . I tried neem spinosaid trifecta tattoo green soap everything. Beat on em while the numbers low. They get mob deep they can be a problem til stripped n reset.

I’m alternating between spinosad and neem, also vacuuming. They haven’t done much damage yet.

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I think I vacuumed up the culprit :sweat_smile: not mites but an actual spider still hitting with neem and spinosad just in case but that explains why it was just a bit of web and not any plant damage


Little fella was probably helping with the fungus gnats tbh.


Sorry, joining the show late… I’ve been looking for a simpler way to germinate myself lately. Paper towels → soil killed 4/6, though it’s possible I moved them in too early… still thinking there has to be a better way. Has anyone ever tried just putting the seeds right into root riot cubes, dropping some purified water into the bottom of a prop tray, putting the prop tray on a heating pad and covering it for a week? I was thinking that might be the simplest way for my setup, but everyone seems to use paper towels, soak in water, or the @JohnnyPotseed method.

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I’ve done something similar but used an ice cube tray with a bit of water on the bottom and a clear Tupperware bottom with a couple slits in the side as a humidity dome. Worked pretty well now that I think back on it.

Nice, yeah that sounds basically like a homemade prop tray so I’ll have to give it a try. A hands-free approach definitely appeals to me, the seedlings always seem so fragile to me that I don’t like transplanting them. Usually they’re ok, but sometimes I just get mass extinctions like this latest with 4/6 dead just days after moving into soil. No idea whether it’s because of poor handling or something else, seems like the fewer variables the better. :slight_smile:

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Moved euttieras to the flower tent


This one monster pebbles just does not want to finish. Stg she’s been in flower like 12 weeks now, I’m half tempted to just cut her now since the high from her sisters wasn’t my thing, kind of a basic dumb you down smoke. But this one does have a distinctly different smell almost like a minty berry

she just keeps shooting out pistils and I think I need to dial the light back for the new entries.


Looks like another dehumidifier is on my shopping list, keeping the environment in one room at a suitable condition for veg, flower and drying is not working so great.

Yeah shes definately going for it. Looks like few weeks still.

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Got 3 euttierias showing male preflowers, 2 others showing pistils and 1 that’s not showing yet. Pulled the males, gonna chop them up in a bit.

Part of me wants to throw these 4 Apollo apes into the flower tent now that there’s some room. Might need to pick up some autos for the veg tent probably won’t start more photos till I’m 30+ days into flower.

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If there’s room for a large hillbilly on the couch I’ll take a seat for this show y’all!

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Cut the pebbles moved my healthiest Apollo ape into the flower tent.


@EugeneDebs420 which one is the apollo ape? glad to hear you have another one going.

The small one, I’ve got 3 more still in the veg tent too. Think I might throw her back into veg once preflowers show as the euttieras just had a growth spurt over the dark period.

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the one euttiera in the back got some stretch to her