Hoodbilly Highjinks

Package from @Oldtimerunderground arrived today. Now what should I put in the veg tent?


That Durban cross sounds great!


I have a bunch of photos already going. That will be run in the future but I’m wanting to keep a couple autos in their for more frequent harvests. I smoke so much that weed dealers tell me to cut back :joy:


It will be the rk62 x diesel ryder f2


I was going to say the same. Run the 5th pack there. Durban x jorges diamonds.


Next photo run. Got quite a bit starting in the veg tent now😀

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Overslept, paper towel dried out :grimacing: rehydrate please :grimacing:

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so far so good in the flower tent.


I’d say so! They look great. :green_heart:


I’m really love the ease of the recipe(if you can call it that) I’m using.

Roots organic soil
Dr earth tomato/veg fertilizer 1.5tbsp/gal soil
Kelp meal 1tbsp/gal soil all mixed up thoroughly

Water, recharge every other watering.

Flower about the same amount of dr earth bud & bloom and kelp meal

Water and recharge.


Sounds simple and looks to be working great for you. Had to get all caught up but I am now, nicely done!

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Now I just need to motivate myself to walk to the dollar store and grab some Epsom salts. Bit of purple on my leaf stalks and a more distinct yellow in some leaf veins. Nothing a quick foliar feed won’t take care of.

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That recharge is great stuff man. I use it regularly too to keep up my microbes. That and mykos azos combo when first mixed. But i can visibly see the recharge and mollasses waters boost growth in the days following using it. I just went to run 10 breath of the beast and none popped. I think my meter was shot when i added water to em.

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6 of 9 breath of the beasts have rooted and are now in soil cups. Aloha x headband/mikado seedlings are doing good as are the G-dubbs still waiting on the black snows. It’s like they just don’t want to germinate for me.


think I need to get a 2x2 tent and some cs/sts


Went with cal mag instead of the epsom foliar, saw some brown spots while pruning a bit yesterday so that made up my mind for me(also having 3 bottles calmag in my closet that I forgot about helped with that😅)

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Had to pinch and bend one of the ape tops. Everything is going smoothly so far.


Just stellar! They look so good!

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I just had a kickass idea, my neighbor keeps fish and likes my weed, gonna see if he doesn’t mind letting me get the water from his tank changes.


I have a fish tank and have mentioned doing this. I would think that you might not want to use it if your friend doesn’t take good care of the tank though. Bacteria in the water might, possibly, create a problem.
That being said, however, I’ve seen a setup of some friends that ran hydroponics straight from a 200 gal tank that was part of their fish raising program. They live, primarily, on what they can produce like my wife and myself.
It was the most inventive thing. I would love to build it here.