Hoodbilly Highjinks

All 3 in flower are Apollo Ape. Only was able to get 1 black snow germed it’s still in a solo cup I’m the veg tent, well behind everything else too, it’s like the weed gods don’t want me to grow it yet.

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nice. they look good. i thought i recognized that chunk bud structure. and that black snow will be worth the effort.

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Looking great!!!

Topped 3 of the g dubs and 3 of the aloha x headband/mikados each. The 2 dwarfs, one of each need to grow a bit yet.


Coast of Maine stonington blend was on sale so it looks like there’s gonna be a mini grow off here comparing it with roots organic soil.


How far along have you been using coast of Maine…w.o nutes

Rumor has it you need no nutrients the whole grow almost like a super soil :face_with_monocle:


Don’t you tease me! I have a big bag of Ocean Forest I just opened cause I had it but it’s been hit or miss for me from the beginning. I’ve had better results with straight up Happy Frog in some cases. I’ve heard good things about COM so far but hadn’t heard this.


Not quite accurate, or at least not quite complete, from what I’ve heard. It’s good, but you’ll still probably need to supplement it to even get through one grow. To re-use it, you’d need to supplement it regularly just like anything else, unless you’re growing in huge no-till beds - in which case it’s a decent shortcut for one cycle. Replacing that much soil regularly gets expensive, though… cheaper to re-use and supplement imo.


That’s what I heard from the hive at least !!

Bought soil these two plants need constant attention

Made my own super soil haven’t had to feed anything to those ladies and they r almost done

Check it out … last grow ina tent

Sadly that was the last of it I have plenty of compost maybe thinking about making another batch but for this winter probably will just look for some dry amendments


Just got it yesterday and potted up a couple autos in the veg tent. Everything else is in roots organic with some dry amendments.


I think the more premium organic potting mixes all probably do about the same, I just get the best deal I can and work with it😅


Gonna try and get 2 of each of my photo strains potted up into each though, that’ll be the real test.

i really like the purple tinge on those apollo ape leaves. i wonder if there will be any visible purple in the buds.

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I really like that Stonington Blend with some washed and buffered coco mixed in, that’s my base nowadays when I need another bin of soil because all mine is recycling. It’s definitely a lot better than Ocean Forest, though it’s a heavy mix, but coco is relatively cheap.

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Ok I think all my colas yoyo’d

up now :sweat_smile:


I grabbed one of the Subcool charge packs he put out right before he passed I have to mix up. It needs to sit for a few weeks after mixing it and the temp has to be moderate so I can’t do it until spring (I don’t have room for it indoors). I’m torn between using it as soil or making tea out of it. The though of simply watering though is very enticing. I barely feed anything now anyway though.


Back to 24/7 on the veg tent after 2 days 12/12 hope to see some preflowers on my photos here soon, it’s getting crowded.


One word to describe what I see there cuz lol BEAUTIFUL!


3 very distinct phenos this time. Still easily my favorite strain to grow so far.