Hoodbilly Highjinks

Hard to tell at this point. It could be, or it could just be new nodes growing. Keep an eye on it, particularly look for clusters of flowers.


Pulled another male. Dropping these csi Irene og x Chems from @corey into some water. Curious to see how they hand vegging under hps. I think theyā€™ll be fine, the only other kush Iā€™ve got any experience with is the Black Snow Iā€™ve got in my flower tent rn and it seemed to like the hps better than the mh.



you might be the first person on overgrow to try the black snow.

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Sheā€™s(I hope) doing pretty nice in the flower tent now, not much stretch but a bit. Did not really want to much in veg till I swapped out the mh for hps.

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what kind of difference do you see vegging with a hps rather than a mh?

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Just seemed more lively, leaves stayed droopy and growth was really slow under mh, same for the dwarf aloha x mikado/headband I had(turned out to be male)

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iā€™ve heard using MH in flower can add frost to them but i donā€™t know if thatā€™s true.

No clue, but led seems to put on more frost than the hps.

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Awesome! Hps adds more weight to the buds, and grows a more linky stretched out plant. Mh will keep plants shorter and more leafy.
A lot of growers us Mh first 2 to 3 weeks after flip to reduce stretch thus a shorter plant. Mhā€™s are also used last 2 weeks of flower for its uva and uvb. The uva and uvb from the Mh will add flavor and potency because the plant naturally produces more oil trying to protect itself from the uva, uvb rays.
CMH bulbs are the best of both worlds. You can get them in 315, and 615 watts iirc. There are a couple people who are making DE 1000k CMH HIDā€™s but you will spend 150 on it.


Iā€™m gonna eventually be all led, just gonna be a bit on that. I always seem to have some other shit that needs buying first :sweat_smile:


Lol. Yeah thereā€™s no end to itā€¦


Damn cuz! Those are some beautiful plants, lol Loving the looks of the Apollo Ape also, now I canā€™t wait to get mine to going!
Youā€™re knocking it outta the park up in there! lol
Grow On!


Iā€™m going to have to buy a thesaurus because I am running out of words that mean AWESOME!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Anyone ever go check on seeds only to find they set everything up but forgot to drop them in the cup :sweat_smile:

Issue resolved and more beans in more cups

Now germinating are
3 Irene Kush x Chem 91 fem
4 Durban x Jorge Diamond fem
3 strawberry banana s1

Got another tent, fans and air purifier coming soon too


Iā€™m real glad these all the seeds Iā€™ve got popping rn are fems, Iā€™m pretty sure the gdubs and the aloha x headband/mikado in the back are herms too šŸ„² keeping an eye on em, black snow hasnā€™t shown yet.


how many weeks in is that last apollo ape?

9 going on 10, seemed longer for some reason

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it might just keep putting out pistils

Trichs are still mostly clear to cloudy, Iā€™ll give her a bit longer till some more amber up.