Hoodbilly Highjinks

great. i’m loving this feedback.

I’m gonna give the black snows another shot when I put the Eutierrias in the flower tent, (well more likely when they’re about halfway through it)

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it’ll be a long while but i’ll be sure to send some seeds your way when i make new crosses.

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Breath of the beasts by @rooted


don’t know why it doubled the above pic :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Try to keep that ape line around, if she smokes as beautifully as she grows and smells could be the next big hype thing. And I’d be more than happy to test anything you throw my way. This is by far my best grow yet.

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glad to hear your grow is going well. i have enough Apollo Ape seeds to preserve it but i can’t pass them out like i have recently. @DougDawson might have a few stashed away though. also, i can confirm that the black snow is decent quality from what i’ve heard. i only grew some outdoor and people seemed to really like it.

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I still have over a dozen of the apollo ape seeds :grin:, and close to that each on the snow and solo seeds :grin:

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yeah, i’m really glad you got that package by chance since someone cancelled (or something along those lines).

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Keeping moms and taking pollen from any males next time they get run.

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Nice journal here @EugeneDebs420 ! Some real pretty plants!

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Wow it’s really only been 39 days since flipping to 12/12 feels like so much longer.


Eutierria seedlings


Cleaning up some of the plants as things get further along. Smells are becoming more distinct. The apollo apes are straight up grape kool-aid.
The monster pebbles smell like Flintstones vitamins, two of the breath of the beasts are skunk and roast beef, the others are all gas. The Soloberrys are gassy and fruity but seems like they’re still to early to get a real good nose for them.


:+1: :+1: :+1: :cool: :100:

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Got a few sample pouches if recharge, shits the real fucking deal, watered some in the other night. Basically brought my Soloberrys to life. They still got weird leaves but just perked right up.


Yeah recharge is good stuff. I usually water with it or something similar every week or so and add mollasses to a lot of my feeds to keep the microbes fed. They do things basic nutes in a bottle just dont do.

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I was trying to figure why they looked so dang hungry. Same soil, same amendments, same top dressings. Apparently it just needed some microbiology to activate shit.


For sure gonna get the big bag when I’m out of samplers.

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SB3 Before recharge
