Hoodbilly Highjinks

You can tell the difference better in person for some reason :sweat_smile:

Think Iā€™m gonna pick one of each strain to reveg.

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Iā€™m for sure keeping the breath of the beast roast beef. The short ape, and this chunky Flintstones vitamin smelling Monster Pebbles


Feel like I really lucked out and got a tent full of unicorns. God I hope Iā€™m up to the task of reveg after chop.

I have gone ahead and dropped 7 apollo ape seeds in water


Haha ā€œflint stones vitamin smellingā€ epic my friend, EPIC! God I loved those as a child!

Eutierrias coming along nicely, bout time to put the ape seeds in root riot plugs too.

I took this picture while pooping.:sweat_smile:


Fertilizing the air? Must be an advanced technique.


Part of me wants to upsize to an 8x4 for flower, but that little more responsible voice in my heads telling me maximize what I can do in a smaller space first.


Theyā€™re setup right in front of my toilet :sweat_smile:


Yeah i had 4x8 tent i always found myself wasting space and not getting 100% coverage cause 2 hps units leaves a lil to be desired in the center of the 4x8. Using the 4x4s now with the walls on all sides of a 4f block of plants im getting much better coverage from the same light (1hps per 4ftsq ) and it shows in the colas. using 4x8 i was getting like 10-12 plants in there and couple fans in 4x4s 1 fan good extractor fan and am fitting 8 plants per 4x4 these arent huge plants but at 2oz a plant (reasonably easy ) its a pound per 4x4 or close.


Iā€™ve got 10 in mine right now. I feel like I couldā€™ve fit 2 more pretty comfortably if I swapped out to smaller fans inside.

Ainā€™t fucking around with my germ tech on these ape seeds this time. Root riot cubes and nothings moving in without a tail. Got one ready so far.

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Yeah i like root riots. But lately been doing all my germ in paper towels with water and 20% or so h202 then i ph it to around 6.2. I put the towels in ziplock so they dont dry but i leave air in ziplock. 24-48 hrs 100% germ on everything.

One thing Iā€™ve found is germinating in soil is a recipe for high failure rates. Plugs, paper towels, water cup, rockwool all work great. Dirt not so much.

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I think I am going to move up in size on the tent. I can afford to a 4x8 for the winter so long as I swap to ac hoods. Figure 16 in 3 gallon pots. Gonna keep them short still but these 1 gallon bags have me chasing water, watering 10 plants 2-3 times a day is only feasible because I have a terrible sleep cycle and rarely leave the house. Should have me fully upgraded to led by spring.

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Now do I go 3 600s or 2 1000s? I have the ballasts and bulbs for either setup. Power usage and heat output are close enough to be negligible. 2x booster fans on the cooltubes if I go for the 3 600s 1 if I go for the 2 1000s. Veg tents just gonna be the 4x4 moved to the kitchen.


Id be inclined to go with the 2 x 1k, if theres no major heat issues, its not a huge space to cover.
Should be some chunky flowers.

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My funky soloberry had to get cut. She hermed on me and is hanging to dry. Did pop a nug in the toaster oven for a quick dry and doob. Tasty stuff for sure.


But my Eutierrias are doing nicely, Iā€™ve begun the flush on my bobs, apes and my quick pheno of monster pebbles