Hoss Selections for Charity (Cuts Direct)

Here’s a better pic. For now she’s been spending her nights on a stand with my flowering plants and her days in this sunny window. She gets a few hours of dark in the evening before lights on


@hoss8455 I didn’t know you were associated with Baddnews. I just got 3 packs from hugh yesterday! That’s pretty cool man!


Yup he did the RIL D release that you can see here

I probably sound like a shill but everything I’ve seen from Hugh and Hoss has really blown me away so they deserve the info to be out there.


Thank you @hoss8455, she arrived beautifully!


Truly a special plant bro. My advice is if your going for yield with this girl, lean more no top clone sog style. She will train into the best shape you could ever ask for but in my experience when she’s big like that she doesn’t stack as much.

This is probably my best large plant run of her but the tops just aren’t as big as she has the potential to do. But she’s got tremendous vigor to he a Bubba type. But as you’ll see… it’s the nose and the flavor that makes her so special.


I’m very happy to have her! Ive been watching your kush work! Thank you!


I’ve been looking for the right male for her.
The Impure kush is great but it’s not the one I want to be my attempt at bringing the LAPK to seed form. I think I’m going look for a male in the Impure to go with the #5, if she smokes well, and move forward with the line as “Limewood Kush”

If the #5 doesn’t hold her own potency wise then I’ll look for another similar and do the same thing.

But for the LAPK my next male pairing will be the same line I used to make the Corey Heime: Cheddar Skunk. In the CH, the CS brought fried food funk/cheese, purple color, and a air of incense to the nose and flavor.


I’m really excited to see what you do with her for sure. Cheddar is nice, I have some cheese work coming in that I’ll eventually pop the whole pack and go from there. But I’ll talk about thst more when I get there


Thank you so much for this LAPK @hoss8455 she looks like she traveled well!!

I’ll be watching your thread for more great stuff, I’m happy to donate to any cause



Thanks @hoss8455. Cool slap and some exciting crosses. Your the man! :v:


I’ve got one rooted LAPK ready to go. Donation for this one is The Faison Center.

$50 shipped, which breaks down to a donation of 40 and 10 shipping inside the US. Please contact me before donation to reserve.

Write up for the LA Pure Kush:


OG, these clones arrive in perfect condition, healthy and clean. Don’t sleep on these.


pm sent - :muscle:


[Donation: LAPK3]


Another one to the SPCA. This place saved my dog when she ate 3 pacifiers and had her intestines rupture, so I truly thank you guys for allowing me to begin to repay them doing the surgery for no money down.

Also with this one, the buyer sent some extra funds. With them, I purchased more solos to keep the train moving.

This will probably be the last offering for a small spell, but me and @JustANobody have something in the works. A little pigeon also told me @hughdunno will be making an appearance over here. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

[Donation: CH22]


It’s going to be berry exciting!


I’m gonna have to watch this thread closely :sunglasses:


LAPK showed up alive and well!

Thanks Hoss!

I love the shipping method you use! Very smart.

They come already planted in the cups, with the top taped up and some paper towels under the tape to help keep the soil in place:


Seems like a good way to send rooted cuts. Both times they have showed up healthy and happy after a week in transit. Not quite as cheap as the “envelope/chopsticks” method for sending unrooted snips. But I feel like they might survive longer transit with the cup method.


Very true , rarebuyer uses a similar method and puts the cut inside the double cups, inside a poster tube with a small LED at the top, with bubble wrap or something on top of cup the cuts in to prevent the coco spilling, and this method of using wire or string type stuff to hold said cups in place and not bouncing around inside the poster tube

btw the LAPK smelled beyond DANK when unpacking, I think that’s a good sign of some tasty kush to knock me on my ass! :sunglasses:

Thanks again @hoss8455


@hoss8455, PM your PayPal or Venmo, if applicable. I’ll donate $100, you dedicate to any Agency of your choice. ANY Clone(s) would be fine. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: