How are you bringing in the NEW Year 2022?

I microdose with them, 0.25 of a gram started every 3rd day, now I just use them when I notice my stress and anxiety levels creeping up.

The melotonin boost is also an extremely good anti oxidant which boosts your Glutathione production another powerfull anti oxidant which creates a powerful immune system, and reduces inflammation dramatically. Exactly what everyone needs in these times.


Mushrooms help all kind of stuff. My severe depression is totally in check for about 6 months after a macrodose. Microdosing does help day to day but I’d rather macrodose once every 3-6 months. They have shown the potential for neurogenesis. PTSD, anxiety, phobias, just maintaining a generally positive outlook in this sometimes bleak world…:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I did clean myself out just went back on it early lol


Just got my booster shot, hopefully keeping more people out of the hospital. Looking for some CBD isolate in Canada right now. Trying to find a place with a good reputation, decent price (for Canada) and reasonable shipping. Still going to try growing the CBD varieties the good folk here have stepped up to help me with but just looking at options for the future.


I occasionally do a big dose for me lol, about 1 to 1.5 grams.

Last time was 10 days ago, not had any since and I have been pretty chilled out, and feeling quite positive about life atm.

I made some big changes last year. Thinking about it, it was this time last year that I started microdosing :smiley:


look at them alot - can be expensive - a lot of “independent” breeders – hard to buy from with little information on breeder - buy a good place to show-case your genetics

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Mushrooms also work on our lower Dan Tien. I find it amazing that for thousands of years, the ancient folks knew of the lower gut brain. NOW all of a sudden modern science finds it, and it’s a new discovery.


I’m still working one the one thing. Love. It’s wonderful!!! Peace