How do you cope with pain.. without painkillers

Thanks next time i buy some will have to get it in caps

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Just make sure you’re buying quality controlled Kratom and weigh it into your own gel caps. Save you a ton of coin.

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it won’t, from what I experienced. over time, all things run their course, last the amount of time they are going to last, either they lose potency or they excel in potency. pain is the thing, that usually gets worse. I have some pain. everyone deals with pain in their own way, you may be able to handle pain better than me, I may be able to handle it better than someone I know from work? who is to know? I meditate, stretch as much as possible, and do what I am able to do without pain killers. but, but… I ain’t going to sugar coat-it to you, like some kind of reformed holy roller or other such type, I do happen to smoke a crap ton of weed ever day, and partake in many, many sugar-free gummies and other candies we have made from good old home grown bud. that is why I have to switch strains every other grow.

Penny Wise or PennyWise is a good all around choice, it’s balanced, sometimes it seems to help me more than a very high THC level plant does.



I do know that yoga helps.

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I dont talk much on here but feel I should chime in here. There is a few things I do for pain. I have chronic cluster headaches, Alcohol can kick the cluster headaches in, so I do not drink… Although opiates do not trigger the cluster headaches, like alcohol does, I cant take them because it makes the intensity and duration of the clusters worse. I can always tell when opiates have been in my body, its torture for me. Besides cannabis I do take kratom. My first time taking it was back in 09. I can say pure kratom I have had no issues with, but I have run across tainted, laced kratom. Luckily now, there is the American Kratom Association that has a good manufacturing practices vendors list. My suggestion is to Google the AKA, find the vendors list and buy from those brands only. Kratom is a wonderful tool, respect the kratom and it can help improve the quality of your life. Stay hydrated and well feed with kratom, and it will treat you well. Less can be more with kratom. I’ve never had issues while taking or while stopping either kratom or cannabis, even after year(s) of daily use. Well, outside of the issue of why stop? Help is help. I rotate different strains of kratom, like one would do with cannabis, to navigate around tolerance build ups.

There is a 3rd thing I do that has given me incredible results. A total game changer. (The real reason for this post) Not only is it free, with lots of online info, there’s been plenty of science done on it too. Its called the Wim Hof Method. It’s a 3 part method that’s super easy to learn and just about anyone can do this. I should note I also have Asthma/COPD. First part is a specific breathwork, This breathwork can fully oxygenate the body, causing a chain reaction that causes the body to turn off pain receptors. Its very easy yet strong. The breathwork should only be done in a safe place, not while driving or while in water. You can pass out doing the breathwork. The breathwork takes about 10-15 minutes a day. the 2nd part is cold exposure, when the shivers hit you relax your body. Denying the body shivers and relaxing is the key here. This can be as extreme as an ice bath or as simple as 2-3 minutes in a cold shower after the daily hot shower. (Work your way up to the 2-3 minutes) The 3rd part is to repeat daily. A phrase used in conjunction with the method is “get high on your own supply”. There’s a good reason for that phrase. a final note I have found one of the side effects of doing the method for several years, was that my posture has greatly improved. I wasnt expecting that but honestly greatly welcome it. I hope this helps.


Right now I’m crying. I feel lost. I’m tired of being like this.


I’m sorry man, feel better :slight_smile:


@Hemp, I really do hope you feel better soon as well !! :green_heart:


It was just rough last night. I’ll get it fixed soon. I think I was a little sad last night there’s a lot going on here also just besides my pain. Family members. I was reading about @TopShelfTrees1 his problem and it kind of hit me. A doctor done this he hurt me a few months back under anesthesia. He hurt my leg. Some of you may know I got into some fire ants. Last year was pretty bad the year before was just as bad. Thanks for the love and concern.


Hope you’re feeling better brother :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Hang in there buddy, pain let’s us know we are alive. But a steady diet of it does make it difficult to appreciate things.


Better today. I agree. I have gotten bigger. As in working out. Push ups and pull-ups have been great. Weed is the best relief. The problem is I pull some to soon. Gives me a major headache. The combination of pain stress and just dealing with the not really caring people in the medical field. All I needed was a good massage and some pt. The main problem was my leg was numb and the doctor yanked on it. I yelled you hurt me. I he said something smart ass. I told him I am done talking to you. Now it under investigation. He is responsible for his actions. He had a problem with something else. He should have left it at the door. Now he will pay. I have it all documented. I have a lawyer. Been like this for almost a year.


[quote=“Hemp, post:314, topic:76382”]
dealing with the not really caring people in the medical field.[/quote]
Agreed, but the issue is more widespread, people don’t want to work and those that are working, are having to do more with less and everyone is stressed. The important thing is you taking care of yourself and heal.


I totally agree with that 100%. I never knew people would try to cause problems with other people on the same team if you know what I’m saying. Today I’m doing better I was able to wrap my knee up which I haven’t been able to that really helped out a lot. Because of the horse lenament I’m using you’re supposed to wrap it up for it to help. Sometimes when it rains it pours.


Amazon carries a knee sleeve Incrediwear that provides a great deal of support and comfortable to wear. It is a bit pricey. I got one on the recommendation of my othropedic doctor.


This is from Subcool’s company. It’s Harlequin (cbd) x Jack the Ripper. Supposed to be very nice cbd to thc balance.


Also there is the strain Good Medicine f2’s (Harlequin cbd x Appalachia {Chem D x Green Crack} that were made here on OG for the members a couple years ago. Still seeds out there, maybe ask on the seed trading thread?


Update @Hemp . Just a heads up that you might want to chat w the kind @misterbee . He is the King of seed trades here and i think must be psychic, because he has Good Medicine avail. to trade. I and many many others have traded w him.

Screenshot of his new post from the “Trade” thread below.


Thanks for coming out, given that you hadn’t posted for 2 years.

I have heard of the Win Hoff method but never tried…

Cheers bro.


I know how you feel … I have been like that for the past few months… Finally know what is wrong with means causing the pain. Hip cartilage is gone… tendon is ruptured… muscles have shortened and also a problem with spine
. So all is great now :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed::worried: