How much do you smoke a day?

Good point! I just assumed it was stimulus, like said, but stimulants certainly could work in its place. At least for me! I loved the narcotics, so ur opium based, whether synthetically or not, products would be my undoing. But the stuff that sent me up the river and whatnot was the stimulants and my involvement with them!


Anything creative that needs focus, is good, it’s a type of meditation, and your brain frequency changes, from beta to alpha, as well as brain chemistry, which helps with addiction, problem solving, stress, self healing.

As an ex psychoanalyst I used hypnosis on my clients to access repressed, emotions and memories, and re program behavior.

Using hypnosis I can induce a stoned effect and feeling in someone who has smoked weed before, I can do it with myself as well, but it’s not as strong as the real thing, more like a light sativa buzz.


Try dmt 5 it is curing people all over.

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I would have to agree with your statement about focus. When I was a working Engineer (before my injuries, and illness) I would be preforming hydraulic flow calculations on inert gases in seamless welded pipe while singing along to songs to my CD player and usually several other things where happening at the same time as well. Now days… I meditate, try to eat right, I am attempting to live a better life (it would appear by all the little notes and letters that I leave reminding myself what to do, when, where and how to do it. My mind has turned to F*****G Mush… It started many years ago… Now, I’m happy if I can keep up with my (surrogate) best friend - Mr. Zippo.



Either, if the shoe fits :smile:


Your confusing memory with focus, memory works in strange ways, to remember something properly, you have to be in the same emotional/brain chemistry, state, as when it was created.


That’s why I can’t remember anything from my smoking days when I used to inhale by the bale.


right… I was trying to agree with you, I thought. It seemed to me, looking back, that I could concentrate or focus on what I needed to get accomplished (seeing a hydraulic gas calculation piping system running [virtually] through my mind) while checking the calculation with a program, while singing along to a song in the background. Is that not focus? I was getting accomplished critical task, while other things were happening all around me. If I am still looking at it wrong please inform me, I’m here to learn!
I do attempt to practice meditation, to concentrate or ‘focus’ since I no longer do long calculations any longer. I hope you will notice I state, I attempt, I never stated that I reach a higher plane of focus, concentration or even enlightenment. I’m not sure if I would know what ‘enlightenment’ was, if it slapped me or I tripped over it, but I search no less. But during my attempts I have found ways to ‘ponder’, if you will, on items that help to center and calm myself, alleviate some pains, and gain insight into how to help myself with problems of various types, both real and imagined (have disorders running amok in both sides of my family, go figure…).
I do enjoy cannabis consumption along with ‘meditation’. It is so relaxing with music as well, I think I have found what I have been missing most of my life. My problems seem lighter, and I… Things do seem to be more tolerable, I will leave it there for now. Hope I cleared up any misgivings I might have given on my previous post. I get sort of long wristed at times, I do apologize.




Sorry for my confusion, no need to apologize, yes working out the dynamics of a plumbing system, while listening to music and doing calculations is focus/ concentration, the statement that you are having trouble, keeping up with your surrogate friend, sounded more like you were struggling to remember day to day stuff.

Again though our unconscious mind runs programs we create through learning
new things, with the conscious mind.

Once we feel we have a grasp on something, that information runs itself on autopilot/memory. This allows the conscious mind to learn other things/problem solve while doing things we have already learned.

If you are not using that information or program, in the same emotional or psychological state, frequently the mind starts to have difficulty retrieving, what you need to do fully, the next time you do use it, until you use that information again more frequently.

It’s a double edged sword, yes it allows new things to be learned, which is good, but it also causes things to be missed, if the unconscious part of the mind deems new information, to be not necessary, or already known, this happens a lot. The unconscious is a little primitive in the way it associate’s new information with old.

For instance our unconscious mind associates biological functions, like urinating, deficating, vomiting, sneezing and ejaculation as all the same thing, getting rid of something from the body, even though they are completely different function’s.

People get hung up on meditation being a mystical experience. I am not saying you are doing it wrong, anything can be a meditation, even taking a crap lol.

Basically meditation is being present in the moment with total focus on whatever we are doing to the exclusion of everything else around, and inside us. By learning detachment in meditation, you allow your thoughts to come and go without worry or judgment, that your not doing it right. Like a stone on a beach, the waves wash over it and away, it is observed but not connected with.

Enlightenment to me, is being constantly in that state, with total emotional detachment, allowing us to see the things that affect us, and understanding why. While being compassionate to everything around us. The compassion comes from seeing causal effects of non detachment from a higher perspective, of past, and present life experiences.

The ego doesn’t like a quiet mind, it will keep producing random crap to distract you, until you get it under control.

Then you also have metaphysical things going on at an energetic level as well, but I won’t go into that.

So now your brain chemistry has changed through your cannabis use and probably age/life events, accessing information you learned at an earlier time will be more difficult, due to your changed chemistry.

It’s not gone, it just needs to be used more often in your new system. A bit like upgrading your computer software from win95 to win10, you have to use a comparability program to get the old programs to function properly without crashing the system lol.

CBD creates new neural pathways, perhaps switching to that for a while, will satisfy your habit/program of use, and lower your tolerance levels as well. There will always be resistance to change though, so it may not be easy re programing.

So ends my Sunday sermon lol.


preach on brother Shadey!

Some very interesting information. Maybe, that is why It seems as though I crave Penny Wise so much, it is high in CBD (or balanced, equal THC and CBD).


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Very likely, the other good thing with meditation, is it allows the quiet voice of intuition to be heard, and help guide us in the direction we want to go in, through our higher selves, to better states of being.

This is difficult to explain, and causes people a lot of problems understanding, which is ok. I believe there is no right or wrong just experience, and how we deal with it on a soul/spiritual consciousness level. We create our personal reality, through our thoughts and emotions. Nothing is by coincidence.

The problem is, we are taught to focus on negatives instead of positives, so we ask/wish for what we don’t want most of the time. Instead of what we actually want. We are all “god” for want of a better word. Our minds create our reality, we get everything we ask for, good or bad. A lot of people will say that’s a load of bollocks and that’s ok as well, everything is subjective to ones personal reality lol.


And practising minfullness is the other thing that I find helps to calm the mind if it’s doing back-flips at warp speed and won’t let up.

That would make you an Existentialist my friend. The other piece of the puzzle IMHO is realising that nothing has any inherent meaning. And then you are an Existential Nihilist. :slight_smile:

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You should look up, neuro linguistic programming, on the net. It’s about how we communicate with ourselves, and removing negative communication from our internal dialog, that create the programs we run on.

This is probably the best and fastest way of transformation. Without the need to re experience, repressed trauma and emotions as well as improving oneself.

This is not a criticism of your statement, it’s an observation.

This statement is an example of what I am talking about, and how we are programed to use a negative, that will create the opposite.

Nothing is, no thing. So no thing has an inherent meaning. Which means everything does have an inherent meaning.

These simple little words sabotage our progress in obtaining what we want or need.

God, universal energy, whatever label makes you feel comfortable, is a creative force we manipulate through our mind, and emotions.

It doesn’t know how not to create, exactly the same as your unconscious mind. So when you use negative or future words your unconscious mind edits them out.

Future words are, I want, I need, I should, I will, this is where mindfulness comes into play, when you think or wish. These need to be now words, in the present, where you are, you are never in the future, you are always in the present. So the words should be, I have, I am.

Another word that sabotages us a lot is the word, try, it denotes failure, before you even start, as an expectation of the results of your endeavors. Use, I can do that, instead.

So for instance, a statement like, I don’t want to smoke today.

Sounds good, but after your unconscious mind filters it through, to the part of your mind, that creates the energetic upload into the universal energy field or to your conscious mind, to make it happen, you end up with.

I want to smoke today, because the unconscious mind doesn’t know, how NOT to do something it’s designed to run your body, and everything that needs to happen, to keep you alive.

The statement should be, I am free of any desire to smoke now.

So your statement should be.

All things have no inherent meaning.

Or you will or have programed yourself to create an inherent meaning in everything, and it’s running in the background, where your conscious mind is unaware of it sabotaging your life.

Scary isn’t it.

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Well that’s true enough, though putting aside the clumsy semantics of my original double negative statement. What I am getting at I guess is that I seen no rational basis for ascribing ‘meaning’ to existence or objects. I just see everything as chemistry and the laws of physics and find that is perfectly adequate explanation. No need to anthropomorphise anything, no need for dogma and no need for gods.
Also mate I don’t see criticism, only (slightly) differing perspectives. That’s what discussion is all about! To believe that existence and all the matter in it carry no intrinsic property called “meaning” is not to believe in the negative. Instead it requires us to bring our own sense of meaning to everything. And the way to do that I think is to engage in as many positive things as we can so that any sense of ‘meaning’ we bring to it is also positive. The thing is that the search for ‘meaning’ is a death march, short of psychosis, it’s never going to pop out at you one day and announce itself. All we can do from where I sit is to extract maximum satisfaction from whatever time our cells remain in a functional clump.

So, this is about Cues, Triggers and Rewards. My lifestyle, and all the weed etc around are Cues, when I get up in the morning, these Cues, Trigger a set of actions that operate in a predefined sequence (Routine). So for instance, I get up, go and check on my plants. This is Cue. This Cue then Triggers a routine that is on a repeating daily cycle, so a ‘habit’ if you will, so that routine involves chopping up and getting blasted and having a strong coffee and a cigarette. So these are my ‘rewards’. It’s a dopagenic reward cycle, and can be got through no end of habits that people form. What it needs IF you want to break out of it is to interrupt at least ONE part of the ‘Cue, Trigger, Reward’ cycle. Sound easy huh?

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Perfect, I totally agree with everything you are saying.

Everything is energy, and the only meanings things have, are what we personally ascribe to them.

I am an energy being, having a human experience, in my semi functional clump of cells, laugh my functional clump of arse cells off. Thats why we are here, to enjoy it all, to the full.

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For some yes, for others no, different personality types suffer different problems with change, that’s the right idea though. Changing the cues, and triggers can be hard, as they may be coming from outside of your control, or from the unconscious mind, the reward is where the change mostly needs to happen, problem is most people will still see the thing they are stopping as a reward, and the alternative as a punishment. So re framing the new reward into a positive is usually what has to be worked on, by focusing on the benefits of the new reward, not the negatives of the old.

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True that. Addiction is hugely complex. What I know though is that if I get away and do something different, so go camping, boating, fishing etc. then I don’t even think about having a smoke until I collapse at the end of the day. So for me, I guess that is about breaking the routine because the regular cues are not present. My bro works in a place where they drug test, so he can’t smoke, this let me tell you was a rude shock for a life time smoker! So he has just replaced having a smoke with lifting a few sets and while he would gladly smoke instead, the ‘reward’ has also been replaced. So it’s been surprisingly easy for him to stop when I honestly expected him to be climbing the walls.


Yes, a change in routine is a good part of it.

Exercise is a great tool for helping change, he is swapping cannabinoids for endorphins, a lot of addictions get swapped for lesser ones lol.

I used to do a lot of weight lifting, used steroids for 3 years, 3 months on 1 month off, not a good thing to do, but it makes you a monster quickly lol. I swapped my food addiction for endorphins, but later on when I hit 280lbs in fairly good condition, I needed 4000-5000 calories a day to maintain and grow. So I got to have my cake, and eat it lol.

25% of the population in the UK where the study was done, suffer from Neuro-physiological developmental delay, myself included. It causes all kinds of problems, in how we do everything, like eyesight, hearing, balance, breathing, co ordination, and information processing.

Its abbreviation is NDD and was created to help children with sever brain and physical problems. These problems are caused through traumatic births or illness in the first year of life. It can be treated through the specific NDD exercise program, that basically takes you back through the first year of life, where we operate on reflex actions. These reflexes become inhibited through being in shock, and not breaking the reflex actions, with specific movements like gripping, crawling, and several others.

They found it not only helped severely handicapped people, but also people with problems like, ADHD, dyslexia, severe anxiety.

One of the side effects of this program they found, is it re setts the brain, and cancels out any addictions.


I am truly non-productive when I smoke and I smoke 90% sativas. I may putt in my garden and stuff, but any “real” work is not getting done when I’m high. Even on vacation, I regretted it when I waked and baked. Social anxiety as well. If I smoke before my morning coffee kicks in, my day is lost.


Half to a gram of nugs but it’s cash flow. Just enough to not run screaming into the woods when people speak or walk around as phone zombies. I could be more mellow, more weed helps. I was smoking a half pound per year whatever that amounts to but I ran into some fiduciary slowness.

Semi derailing but I saw an article about people who can’t afford food because they “need” $1000 smart phone.

I desire to regress through the evolutionary chain and go back to being a cave man (near a grocery store haha) and grow sasquatch chronic on top of the cave.