How not to grow: Nirvana seeds' Green Crack and Amnesia Haze

This is my second grow. My first grow was decent with 6.5oz off 2 plants. I did a lot wrong last time and less but a lot wrong this time so far.

We’re I wise I would have run just the Green crack seed, and if I had an extra space I’d have taken clones. This plant has been a tank. I had Temps in the 80’s and humidity at 40% and it still didn’t blink. It has eaten full strength nutes for the last month and doesn’t show any sign of weakness.

That being said, the Amnesia Haze has been just as strong but slightly stunted from early. It fell over and grew sideways and I didn’t fight it. I tried HST and it didn’t care. It is truly a plant after my own heart in the way it gives no fucks about what I want if it doesn’t suit it lol.

Anyway I figures I’ll post some pics and see what others think. If you’ve got any input feel free I am just knowledgeable enough about growing to know that I’ve got a grasp on about 0.00001% of all there is to know.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the welcome!

I did the pictures in a weird order. Green crack is first plant and first flower. Amnesia haze is second plant and flower.


Oh sweet! I’ve been on a green crack kick for a few months now, made me realize why I loved her so much, that sweeet sweet mango gas! Love it, been acquiring seeds where I can to try and find a true GC cut! I’m down to watch the adventure , very cool.


I’ve never had the original green crack. I read reviews and info on it and thought I was getting that when I ordered from nirvana. Needless to say I was very sad when I learned the truth. As a newbie I doubt I’d do the original justice yet so it’ll be another great learning experience. Feel free to give any input!

And, thanks for hanging out!


I just received this the day before my knee replacement as an early Christmas present. The timing couldn’t be better! Hopefully I’ll come out the other side able to walk bend squat and grow weed!


Meaning you were disappointed because Nirvana isn’t “legit” or something? I’m wouldn’t worry about it, a lot of the seeds out there, especially for something popular like green crack or amnesia haze are not “legit” or are of dubious parentage, try not to let it bother you. I’ve grown some fine plants from nirvana seeds, I would say just enjoy the ride, it definitely looks like you’re going to get some weed at the end of the day.

Plants look nice and healthy, good luck and congrats on getting your first grow started!


That is some good advice.
I have been disappointed several times with seeds. Cool book.


Not that they weren’t legit just I had a lot to learn about plant genetics (still do) and I assumed the body melting time warp crazy high I was reading reviews of may not actually be the end result.

I’ve had some other nirvana smoke that my buddy grew and the bud was really good, and these plants are growing awesome. With the amount of torment the green crack has been through from me doing some really terrible HST I really wish I had another tent so I could’ve mothered and cloned it. It seems like this plant is going to be really good.

Edit to say thank you for the encouragement also. I don’t like to whine. I’m grateful for the input.


It is very possible that the resulting plant won’t exactly match the reviews you have read, but unfortunately in this world of “strain hype” and the reality of phenotype variations from seed, that is likely no matter who you got the seeds from.

If you’re feeling frisky, you can probably still get a cutting from that to root and reveg. Not 100% guarantee, but I’ve gotten it to work with some truly hurt plants, pretty far into flower before. I don’t want to steer you into a bunch of extra work if you’re not prepared for it, but if you really wanna try that plant again, it isn’t too late to try. Consider your own situation though, don’t let me mess up your plans haha.

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used Nirvana many years ago - OK strains - good solid strains - they re-make strains - No original stuff

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I would probably try except for two factors. First I would need somewhere to veg it while these 2 finish in the tent. Second I had knee replacement yesterday so I’m not able to really get around and deal with them very well for a little while.

I wasn’t trying to call out nirvana specifically. I was just more bummed that it was a clone only strain originally and the mother seems to have been lost to disaster. I’m very satisfied with nirvana overall and every session I’ve had with their strains were great.

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Yeah, I was turned on to them when I first got started when they legalized in Virginia. My buddy had used them several times in the past and recommended them to me. I haven’t been unhappy with them.


Those are both excellent reasons to not take on extra work haha.

Good luck with your recovery. ! :+1:


Thank you! I’m out of likes so I’ll have to catch up after a bit. I still haven’t figured that out yet. Lol

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The plants are still performing. I haven’t been able to do much for them since my knee surgery but my kid cleaned up the worst leaves for me.


Well this grow failed out on me. I’m a little bummed I had such high hopes for the green crack. I may get a little bit of edibles out of them, but I had knee replacement at the end of December and wasn’t able to take care of the plants like I should have.

Oh well I’ve got more seeds and more time so I’ll keep pushing. I think at the beginning of February I’ll be popping some of JP’S LUKE’S FORCE strain.


I think the green crack and the amnesia haze will get another run this spring. I’m going to start them around March 1 and hoping to plant them outside around the middle or end of April. I’ll track them here.


You pop the gc or amnesia?

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I did. I plan to run them outdoors this summer. I ended up passing them to a buddy. I’m gonna start some more soon and get them out and in my journal.

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Very cool! Look forward to the updates. Best of luck and happy grows!!

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…was the Nirvana Green Crack Strain Seeds total bunk?
…or, is Nirvana’s at least a pseudo-Green Crack Strain?

I’ve got a few Green Crack hybrids going at the moment:
God Bud x Green Crack
Green Crack x Watermelon OG
Blueberry x Green Crack
Super 91 (Top Dawg) x Green Crack (Humboldt)
Green Crack x Skunky D (Schwaggy Seeds)

It’s tough to find any Genuine Green Crack Seeds, as with all the elite strains, it’s a special pheno found in a pack of seeds. With that said, I don’t mind doing some pheno hunting - I’d rather find a new unique hybrid, rather than a “knock-off” clone-only strain.

I’ve been curious about Nirvana genetics…what did you think about them?