How NOT to use a washer in an envelope

I happened to have a bunch of stickers and it just sort of became a habit. It also amuses me to send Justin Bieber stickers through the mail.


or Q-tips. had one smashed out of about 100. :man_shrugging:



I’ve always just put the seeds in a “dime bag,” put that in a single layer of bubble wrap (they make these sort of “sleeved” bubble wrap sheets that you can slide the dime bag into) and then into a greeting card. No washers, no coin flips (both of those are a pain in the ass to get the seeds out of). I’ve sent dozens of packs all over the place and they’ve always shown up fine.

Just like growing weed, the key seems to be to not put too much thought into it haha. The more you worry about things, the more things you have to worry about.


That is actually a great idea…can tape up b wrap to make small sleeves then tape it to a card :slightly_smiling_face:

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Changing to a bubble mailer for me means going from letter mail to an expensive package with customs forms for most mailings. So it goes from a couple bucks to $15 - $20 per package. I send out thousands of seeds, there are many ways to do it without adding such a large expense.


Yeah, it’s totally easy, never understood these posts about,”My seeds got crushed!” or whatever.

Do the most obvious thing haha.

I don’t even tape it to a card, I just throw the packs in there. I wonder if that may have something to do with them always showing up okay? Like, maybe sorta “sliding” around is “better” or safer than having the packs stuck in one spot? I dunno haha.

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I used a hard plastic puck to mail seeds. Either the roller pushed the puck out the top corner of the envelop or someone used a knife to make a two inch cut in the top corner and removed the puck. I dont use envelopes any longer to send seeds.


Simple is as simple does, and it has nothing to do with dollars.

When was the last time you sent something outside the USA?

Have you seen the current Customs Declaration Form and the info required on the form?

Bubble envelopes work too.

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Oh it should also be noted

Pack the inside of the washer/coin flip tightly with seeds without them stacking on each other. Or, fill the voids in between the seeds with some pillow stuffing or pulled q-tip swabs. Or pieces of rice… This is mostly in effort to eliminate the sound of them rattling inside the envelope.


Because, your budget is the same as everyone else’s, huh?

(Yea, 3 bucks dont break me )

At least this post of yours I could actually somewhat understand

(Your IQ issues are your problem)

. Now I can finally just put you on ignore.

(Good , Chad…off you go)

What a prick thing to do. Come in and criticize people’s financial situations.

(Show Me where I did that?)

Real cool stuff.


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I can assure you that nobody at the post office is shaking every individual package they’re sorting to see if something rattles suspiciously. They just wanna get the shift over and go home; they definitely don’t care about what’s being sent through the mail.

Y’all’re overthinking this.


i was quite upset a while back to learn that is not available at all locations…it’s not near me :frowning:

I wish that were true.

And so on and on and on


Well if you can hear the seeds shaking around, that also means they’re not fully secure, and risk damage

And I’ve actually had perfumes held because the post office claimed they could “hear the sound of liquids” in the box :man_shrugging:


Someone mentioned using a cotton to stuff it. I had some seeds sent that way to me. I have also had people send me washer with the seeds taped inside which I am not against and think it’s a great idea if you don’t fill up the washer completely.

I appreciate everyone’s comments as I for sure made the mistake sending out my first round of letter not knowing about the rollers at the post office.


I always wondered
Say someone sends me coin flip of seeds

Can I open it , refill and write RTS big on envelope and it will go back free
Or is that an old thing and I’m showing my age haha


I bet if you steamed open the adhesive it would work.


And some of those letters would end up in some crazy places lol many use fake return addresses


Wanna try ?

One of my worse seeds ( single ) for one of your worse @Foreigner