How NOT to use a washer in an envelope

I like the way you think! :rofl:


If you’re Canadian then sure but if not I always do fake addresses for international.


I am not sure if we can do that in the US? :thinking: I am trying to remember when I sent out some of my first seeds internationally and wanted to keep the seeds in their original pack. For years, I had this thin sheet metal model kit of the Millennium Falcon I send the seeds in. I am assuming it made it to the destination as I have not heard back from the personnI sent them to.

Elvis says you can , he wouldn’t lie

I know a guy who steams off the uncancelled stamps he receives and reuses them.

As kids going to school
We would have to stamp bus ticket was a square so 8 stamps total front plus back ( sides )
First we bleach stamp numbers with needle and bleach
But after a while ticket would fall apart
Then we used wax
But as line went thru ding , ding ,ding ……. Then thud no ding haha bus driver would just laugh , ( thems were the days )
Then cello tape so you could just wipe stamp off

Then scotch tape came out ( fancy )

The cool kids just used cigarette packet and cut a square out of it
Hard core

The money we saved went on better lunch or later for cigarettes or alcohol
: )


I know a guy who turned pennies into subway tokens with a pair of tin snips.


Fun times : )


I know another guy (not me this time) who got arrested for making fake monthly bus passes.


I read the article you linked to, no mention of cannabis seeds being stolen.

Maybe it’s just a Rhode Island Thing… haha.

I’ve done weird, temporary jobs at the USPS and UPS and I’m telling you, nobody at either of those places gives a fuck about what’s being sent/delivered. Could just be because it’s Los Angeles and a ton of shit getting delivered every day, but from my experience, they mostly just bitch about their job to other co-workers and don’t pay any attention at all to what they’re actually being paid to do.

One Theft Ring in Rhode Island does not a Cannabis Seed-Stealing Scheme make haha… And if people are sending anything in brightly-colored envelopes that scream,”This is a gift!!!” then they deserve to have their shit stolen.


In my country yearsssss ago a big new nature Center opened on the coast with car park beside on what was wasteland

Many years later Center was closing and they asked the local council to come and take hut and barrier away

Council were like “ we don’t have barrier or hut there
Guy was never seen again lol


Another old guy was pressing pound coins with simple press in his shed in garden they recon he made millions over a lot of years , they only found out when he died


I can pull more articles, it’s not an uncommon thing, all over the country.


I use those plastic centrifugal vials. seems to work. pay the extra for envelop shipping.

I disagree.


Resistance is futile ! :roll_eyes:


Dang …and here I was beginning to just write a script and rsync Doug Dawson’s seed stash :wink:

@resimax who sent these dm me. This is bull. I sent out tons of beans for dust it would seem


Yeah, I was just kinda kidding. Nobody “deserves” to have anything stolen. My point was really just, you know, discretion and all that. Common sense etc etc. No need to make thieves’ job easier for them.

I always send seeds via first-class mail or certified mail or whatever it’s called, with the tracking number and the label that you have to print out and whatever, costs like $3.80 or so. I dunno if that makes a difference or not, but the seeds have always gotten to where they were supposed to go.

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Dosnt look very jolly : )

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Nope trashed it. Sheep :sheep: le

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