How NOT to use a washer in an envelope

Sorry , too soon to be makin jokes

Unwatching my own topic because this is depressing. I’m not trading anymore after this one (and others). At least I got some good trader feedback if I decide to ever come back to trading.


The best i have noticed is centrifugal vials, printed pucks and bubble packaging.

I sent some in a fishing reel once , underneath the spool
They were expensive so got the 5 star treatment
Was old beat up cheap reel

Zebco? :joy::joy::joy:

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Yeah think it was bought in a petrol station lol
Cheese for gearing

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Me too! Kid stickers are great fun!

We’re lucky to be able to reliably get stickers and random cards and envelopes at the Goodwill outlet thrift shop near us for almost nothing.

The first time I mailed seeds was before I joined OG. Didn’t know how bad the rollers were, lost most of them. Now it’s pucks and washers and coin flips from me.

I share lots of seeds when life isn’t crushing me with its own rollers. About a dollar a mailing, multiplied by for example, 50, isn’t nothing but isn’t a huge deal for my budget. On the other hand, multiply it by two our three dollars instead and I wouldn’t be able to justify it.

My postal people want $3.65 or more postage on bubble mailers for in country. They give them back to me if it’s less, and twice now they’ve brought seed envelopes to me with postage due for the higher amount. Those seeds were still a total bargain of course, just pointing out my post office isn’t letting anything slide by. :grimacing:


Who sent these?

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@kon sent these and multiple letters like this to others

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That’s pretty fucked hopefully he makes it right

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I called him out all over hopefully, that or buyer beware for anyone reading the call outs. Also dmed him.

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Was this from the take seeds leave seeds thread? I sent out some from that and don’t believe I ever received them.

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He ruined a few peoples trade I know of personally that I’m trading with including me.


Yes, on my instance. Two others I know traded and lost tons of beans.

Was always going to be a gamble , he’s only been here for 4 weeks

Wild card


I agree. Just hoping people rethink before making a trade with him
. These types will be around like always.


I hope people take note in general regarding all new people , take blinkers off and evaluate the situation and personal value of trade first


Yes I very much so agree on that.


Been burnt a few times too , hopefully im wiser now , once bitten and all that

Happens too everyone , how we learn and grow

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And maybe have traders DM a photo of how they plan to package the seeds, before agreeing to trade with anyone.