How NOT to use a washer in an envelope

I’ve received stuff in thin foam with slits cut and a thick piece of letter head glued over like a wedding invite or a block of wood with holes drilled and taped over and painted ;)…sorry for the loss bro

Hmm. I really hope this person just made a mistake and makes it right with people. We all to dumb things sometimes.

However, it does occur to me a clever scam would be to set up a bunch of trades offering desirable seeds, send junk seeds instead but in a way you know they will get crushed and not be able to be grown out, say you don’t have any more to replace and get help from kind people trying to help you make it right. You might even end up salvaging an okay rep in the community, and getting to keep the beans you got in trade.

This gives me a new appreciation for the forum recommendation I read somewhere suggesting new members send their half of the trade first, and wait for it to be received.
Probably no way to apply that in the take seeds / leave seeds thread, but certainly a pic of packaged seeds or required creation of a feedback thread could be part of it if you create a new one of those threads @LoveDaAutos


Be careful with that method ive received beans like that and gotten them smashed into a powder with a vial with a popped top.Got ran through the rollers and the machine squeezed the tube so hard and fast it shot the beans out the tube into the see through mylar bag like a champagne getting its cork popped and smashed all my beans to smithereens.

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I was a bit bummed that I lost so many seeds and money. Not just from this trade, but failing to receive a reply from others I’ve traded with here. But I’m over it. In fact, I don’t even want this one character to make it right. It is unlikely that these highly sought after strains were legit in such numbers, and with no origin story. Could be bagseed, or anything really, purposely mailed to be crushed, in order to get good ones from those who were kind enough to send first like myself. I’m not really sweating it anymore, because someone came through today, another surprise multi-pack from @Pawsfodocaws. I’m no longer down so many strains out of my collection, though still down…but got some offers to make up for that from some good people here.


Hey man, I’ll be around I’m sure OG will be good to you btw check this out man go enter the wiki for the sticky.

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That wiki closed almost 2 hours ago

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Awe man for the stickers? Really? Sorry my mistake

I didn’t see but you can still enter the contest and win beans and such

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Were you the one who had some prick slice his package with a razor and steal his coinflip of beans?If it was im sorry you lost your beans but that pic of the letter envelope stained with bloody fingerprints was priceless with the caption hope the bastard cut himself good and gets tetanus lol.Someone zigged and his fingers got zagged serves em right


On a brighter note, I just placed a seed into my beautiful soil mix that will become the first mother for my plan to make some gear for the first time in almost 20 years. I’ll be hooking plenty of OGers up when I’m happy with the results (it will take a while).


Keep the faith @resimax . These are heading your way tomorrow morning.

Hopefully something to help with your seed making endeavors or at least bolster your trading stock.
Safe journeys!


Fun fact: due to poor management of his ears around machinery, my Dad can no longer hear birds.

He still thinks they’re real, though :wink: :rofl:


Holy wow. Thank you man. That is mighty cool for sure.

To keep the vibes flowing, when I get some cash for envelopes and stamps next week, I’ll send a flip of some TLT Malawi Gold I got a lot of to the first few that DM me :slight_smile:


Birds are fake!


Drones bro drones


Hit him up! Wait these fems bro? :laughing:

Lol, you wish. TLT is a landrace company.

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They sound nice man! Hope someone hits you up!

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I would, they sound fun lr are sick. I have a few lmk. If no one does. Send me some :wink: @resimax

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To be honest, LR’s aren’t what most people think. But that’s another topic all by itself.

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