How'd you get your username?

A nautical mechanic like myselft, Mercury, Tohatsu and Honda outboards dealer and mechanic here.


My friends and I were burglarizing a jewelry store in '03 and being broad shouldered I had to literally grease up to get into the airducts. Sliding through the vents made it spread down my jumpsuit more and just made a real mess. At some point one of the guys went after a display that had a separate alarm we didn’t know about and the place lit up like Christmas morning. We ended up tossing a chair through a window to get out of there quick. I was the driver but my hands had accumulated a good amount of grease on them even through the glove I was wearing and I was fighting that wheel to get a good grip. Hindsight I never should have been the one to drive.

Anyway we got a single block away and cops came flying up on us. Four guys in a Grand Marquis in black and blue jumpsuits on an otherwise completely empty and closed street was pretty obvious I guess. I was banging turns like crazy skidding wheels and just trying anything to lose them but these roads weren’t built for speed. Long story short they pit maneuvered us and spun me into the side of a building when I tried to cut through a parking lot.

As they were arresting us the cop handcuffing me said “why are you so slick?” referring to my arms and another cop said “slick driving too there slick” and then as they walked me to the car he said to watch the ice spot saying “watch it’s slick here just like you speedracer”. At the station they kept calling me speedracer and then in jail the other inmates heard it and followed suit. From that point on they just called me speedracer. Anyway I went to sign up for OG and was taken so I thought Slick1 had a ring to it.


As long as it wasn’t that v6 mercury they put in some of the speedster and challengers, that motor was a pile o shit

Rotax all day

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They had so many crappy motors… Man you need weed in your life so you can keep going for back pain, I have worked in small places but work on these in a trailer is back killing game, 3 is the number of jetskis I have serviced before giving up on those things.


Ya they really do mess with u back on trailers, I’ve always put the skis on shop stands which did get u close to the skis and easier on the back. Majority of the problems with the skis was the grey fuel lines melting now that we use ethanol in our fuel, I just change everything, clean the check valves for tank vent and pressure relief valve and rebuild the carbs with genuine mikuni also doing needle and seats and new jetting to spec. 9/10 times they are turn key after that, the other 10% is electrical or inner crank seals spitting oil into cylinders or low compression


Or that or the old test tank, but I don’t have one. Nice is when a rope get sucked by the turbine, you can work laying down.

I do everything but nowadays is mostly a carb. Clean hera and there, some electrical jams in older units, usually if well maintained a outboard can last up to 25-30 years without major problems.

I got a nice seadoo, 2 stroke and pilot was peeing water but the block completely blocked with sand… Too bad, was a 2 stroke brp sea doo.

Nice to see people from the same line of work here.


Well I suppose I have the least imaginative screen name, lol. I am Douglas Earl Dawson named after my Father Douglas Wayne Dawson and his father Douglas Leonard Dawson. My Grandfather on my mothers side was Earl. I always hated how some folks can be on the internet. So fake and so not what they are in real life that I decided I would just use my name on all the sites I go to. My way of saying “What you see is what you get” sort of thing.


I collect cookware.
Just fucking with you haha, I’m a stoner.


Im Jet, ran hydro for decades…JetDro


Could be stoner cookware! Psychedelic smile Acid balls ROFLMAO WTF am I laughing at. Here I sit

High as fuck @125


All my stoneware is glass haha. Well my Dyna vap isn’t. Well, I guess part of one of them is. Doesn’t matter, I’m clearly also HAF.


Sorry to be daft af…

I like books and I’m in the UK.

Simples…( Now that’s a UK reference for y’all)




Cannabis was the first “drug” I took and it certainly wasn’t the last. My 20s are a blurr.


OMG! I havent seen that video in decades! :heart_eyes: :sunglasses:


A lot of people haven’t seen it ever. I seen it to early I think :rofl:
It dictated my life up till now but I regret NOTHING :grin:


I was the one always telling every one to pause for the cause. You know take a smoke break lmao. It stuck


2 of my most favorite songs.

