How'd you get your username?

I was listening to “Fortress” by Miniature Tigers when I was signing up for my first grow site (thcfarmer, years ago). After trying to come up with clever weed-growing related names for a few minutes (all of which were taken, btw), I said,”Fuck it, just call yourself minitiger.” Now I’m stuck with it haha.

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from the AOL days


So how did you get your screen name? I guess ill go first, RIS is a result of my attempt to sign up as Risix on RIU. The name made sense to carry to overgrow as i had been using it for a few months. Now in case youre curious where Risix came from, that would be a username that was given to me by a friend in world of warcraft, 2005 i think. Prior to that i went by some random generated name, i dont even remember it now.

The friend that gave me the name was the same person that i got a tattoo for. WoW Related (You might know what it is from a seed giveaway). The name stuck since i then had to create other logins for similar games. Unfortunately he passed of leukemia at 24, some years back now. I have never gone by another user name… Until RIS, Im not sure why i feel so tied to the username, maybe it’s the memories it holds more than the name itself.

Anyway, What’s your story?


Was actually just watching the South Park episode on WoW and was jealous I never got into it when I was younger.

How’d I get mine? I hate Christmas time with a passion. Saw Bad Santa and loved the idea of a grimy Santa Claus that also hates the holiday, and bam, Mr.Christmas was born.


Mine started back in 2000. Was playing SOCOM on the ps2 and when you killed someone in game it said at the bottom “you were killed by …”. I thought man, you were killed by MyLittleGrundle is hilarious. So that’s were it started and it’s been my everything handle since. My email too. Mostly just grundle these days.


All my friends and students call me Brady Bear; when I started a heady glass appreciation page on Instagram, I made it “Heady” Bear… stuck with it when I came over here. And adventures… well, every damn thing I do better be an adventure of some kind!


Strongest most flavorful indica I ever smoked. This was in 2010 I think maybe 2009. Dude would never share a cut but i got lucky and found an s1 seed and had that til a year and a half ago and lost it. Had a few s2s and I got 1 to pop. It’s a dead ringer for the original and the s1 but it herms a bit but still worth it.


I was smoking a joint with friends in a park around the age 17.

On my turn, a pigeon flew down and walked up to me begging for food. Not having any I spun the joint around while kneeling and offered it to the bird while making a rather convincing “coo” sound using the back part of my throat. The bird looked but then turned to walked away flying off a few seconds later. I stood back up and passed the joint to the left hand side and everyone was just… well staring at me.

My buddy snapped out of it and accepting the joint said point blankly imitating Chong: “Dude! You sound like a pigeon…, man!.”

And the MOMENT he finished everyone had a look of realization and that was that.

So my handle has been “Pigeonman” since '98 yo!


DougDawson was already taken so I just picked the next thing that came to mind


Cyr is my last name, it’s pronounced see-er. Figured it was only right to have my handle cyr_grow. I ever start up breeding my business name will be called “Cyriously Grown”


My name is Colin like Colin Powell pronounced “Col Len” Cole Lennon


“mota” generally has two meanings in Spanish. First and more formally, it means a speck or a tiny bit, as in a mote of dust. Second, it’s Spanish (Mexican Spanish?) slang for our favorite weed. leaf

Thus, I use both meanings as well as my screen name here, Hopefully more than a mota of mota's mota. Pot leaf hopper


Nickname was always Cap my last name is Capitano so Cap-N-Cannabis just stuck


When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful… It says, “Dirk Diggler.”

ColeLennon is my porn name. I don’t work as much as I use too.


Someone yelled at me when I was in a foreign country and I thought it was hilarious.


Fun thread, @Ris! We get a little insight in the way others’ individual brains work. I wonder if I should be worried?!?! wtf rofl


Fight to the death! But you better to be ready to give away a bunch of shit.


I live in az, I’m a self taught 2stroke Sea-Doo mechanic and I’m always blazin so it was a no brainer that I’m seain and dooin 420 lol


TastyCrop born in OG and spreaded to growdiaries.

Because I only smoke tasty buds, so I need tasty Crops… Simple.

Meanwhile I started making this live wood rolling trays and branded TC as in tastycrop.

That’s my logo on wood, my picture.

And that’s it for me.