How'd you get your username?

I live in a desert I have a big heart and I wanted to share my gardens and here we are :sunglasses:


Thereā€™s some pretty interesting back stories here. Thanks for sharing them. Iā€™ll be back with a batch of likes as soon as I get more.

For me - my Moniker comes from the RUSH song by the same title and Iā€™ve been using it for years.

Here are the lyrics which may help to explain the choice a little:

bu2b - rush

I was brought up to believe
The universe has a plan
We are only human
Itā€™s not ours to understand

The universe has a plan
All is for the best
Some will be rewarded
And the devil will take the rest

All is for the best
Believe in what weā€™re told
Blind men in the market
Buying what weā€™re sold

Believe in what weā€™re told
Until our final breath
While our loving Watchmaker
Loves us all to death

In a world of cut and thrust
I was always taught to trust
In a world where all must fail
Heavenā€™s justice will prevail

The joy and pain that we receive
Each comes with its own cost
The price of what weā€™re winning
Is the same as what weā€™ve lost


Until our final breath
The joy and pain that we receive
Must be what we deserve
I was brought up to believe



Esrgood4u thats a crazy story, I went through the 90s enjoying them aswell, mostly doves,mitsis,disco biscuits, snowballs and squares. Luckily in my home town we had one of the top 10 underground clubs in Britain so i got to see and listen to all sorts of different djs from all over the world, met my goodlady there 27 years ago, It was under an indian restaurant and we could openly smoke, no bouncers, my love of red stripe started there aswell. I wouldnt thank you for one now as god knows whats in them, i hear younguns saying they take 3 and 4 now, if we did that back then we would have ended up like you did, luckily you pulled through and im sure you had some great nights with them after that, i know i did lol. Peace.


Of course you are, my friend. Thatā€™s kind of what we all do here! :joy: :laughing: Is it 420 yet

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Yes but delicious!

I love you so much Slick


I believe 96 or 97 was the time that those crazy high dose caps turned up in the UK? From supposedly Netherlands but most likely Albania or even Belgium. Before that we only really had garden shed made type of crap and the occasional Walter White type chemist knocking out small batches.

I read a book about E recently and the crazy stories that went into and came out of that ā€œgoldrushā€ are phenomenal

Your a lucky dudeā€¦


end of the 90 there was a german goa live act called ā€œmittelstandskinder ohne stromā€ in english ā€œmiddle-class children without electricityā€? not sure you can translate it like that.

at that time i was often to this kind of music festivals and i liked m.o.s alot! so ā€œm0sirysā€ was born :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


I bought a '76 Dodge van from Buzz Leonard.


thatā€™s what google translate said it was.

i got mine in 2000. i had been in my special forces unit in the national guard for two years and was on the training team getting ready for sfas. i was living in the armory, and had a cot in my office i slept. it was when the internet was just taking off and i needed a username for a chat or something. i tried zombie since thatā€™s my nickname from basic training but that was taken, so i put the sf in front for special forces, that was also taken, but my lucky 13 on the end made it my screen name forever. if you see an sfzombie13 it is most likely me. a few years ago i bought a domain with sfzombie13 and now have a ā€˜myspace pageā€™ on the internet that folks can stumble across if they know where to look.


Cybersmib. I came up with it back in the early days of personal computers. Itā€™s a twist on ā€œHigh tech Redneckā€. Cyber is obvious. SMIB is a local unwoke joke stands for Southern Maryland InBred


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I read Pippi Longstocking to my children. One morning Pippi invented a new word - Spunk! Itā€™s a pity that such a good word didnā€™t make sense and Pippi starts looking for Spunkā€¦

Only later did I become aware of the meaning of that word in the English language. I like the word, but itā€™s a pretty stupid meaning for a nickname.
I think I will try to change it :grinning:


smoking m39 and other commercial mids as a teen listening to this over and over and over. the chorus was hypnotic


Took out a cheese factory by arson. (Accidental)
5.6 million in damages, city shut down with no power and I ended up with the nickname Pyro.

420 becauseā€¦ itā€™s always facking 420!!!


The dates seem to line up donā€™t they???
I was a seasoned user when this happened to me. My usual weekend intake was 6 to 8 mitsubishi or redbulls over a weekend so I really wasnā€™t expecting it to kick my ass like it did.

You couldnā€™t have chosen a factory that doesnā€™t do important cheese related work?


Iā€™ve been online since the days of dial up modems and bulletin boards, and Iā€™ve generally used the same moniker since the early 90ā€™s. However, that screen name was a little bit too self identifying for forums such as these (props to @DougDawson ).

So, needed a new name one day, and this was the next song that hit my ears, and I decided why not?

It would probably be a better story if I told you it was a nickname given to me by my first girlfriend :grinning:


Straightforward hermeneutical categorization, intended to be forthright and welcoming.

Grouchy (when provoked)
Old (enough to be most of yā€™allā€™s Dad)
Man (biologically, psychologically and philosophically)

It has come to my attention that my Nick may be misinterpreted by those lacking adequate powers of irony. :rofl:


More brick dust than MDMAā€¦ Ah those were the days.

I suppose thatā€™s better than a huge dose of DMT or similar that pills get laced with now!

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