How'd you get your username?

I tend to keep to myself and just nap all day if I need some candy instead of be fake and dramatic and get in trouble like a lot of people


Just learned not only are we both old, we both have hunks of metal in our bodies. :+1:t5: Oddly enough, I got mine from hockey.


As far as my screen name, it comes from this guy. We were in the thoroughbred world back when. Kingmambo was a great racehorse and sire; and I liked the name. image


My name is Rob and I just added numbers that I could easily remember and just went with it.


My man @Jellypowered! We don’t see enough of you these days. Hope you’re well and delightfully high.


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Oh my! I should know that! :chile: :taco: :star: :man_shrugging:t3:


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Mine a homage to a Stonehenge Festival organiser called “ wally hope”. Wally had a Chilum and would walk about festivals shouting “ Half a Mix” We used to do similar after but with my accent it sounds “Arthur Mix”


As a decoy, because I’m actually a special humanoid.


Random password generator. I suck at naming things (comes with the job of being a software engineer)



Great book!

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So far the only book by R.A.W. that I haven’t enjoyed is “Everything is under control”, which was unbearably boring. Of course, it’s not really supposed to be entertaining, but still… At least it’s a good resource for writing short-story fiction :grinning:

I really wish he’d have done another book to follow Nature’s God. That’s one of my favorite book series, but I really wish he’d have finished it.

zephyrus was the greek god of spring renewal and the west wind.
Combine that with the California Zephyr, a rail line in northern california, and you get me.


Reminds me of an old shirt I had, it said, “There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don’t.”


Freaking love that shirt. Used to have one myself. Probably still do, somewhere…



Well, my first time growing I stopped about 15 years ago after getting 4 years under my belt. That was my first phase as a newb.

Figured starting over theres so much new shit- LEDs, living soil, crazy new genetics, tents are a huge thing now, etc. Even tho i had previous experience I felt like I was restarting as a newb. Thus my second phase as a newb began last year, hence newb version 2.0!


Friends had ‘a stoner moment’…er, or is that ‘stoned moment’ in the early to mid 70’s. About my habit of planting marijuana everywhere I went, one commented ‘damn, you’re like a Johnny Appleseed for weed’! and the name stuck, used by friends from then on for years. I liked it and kept it!


Johny Appleseed was an odd business man. The first realtor.

Not saying its good or bad. But he was odd, and hit an odd spot, then exploided it to make $. Hes the american dream. Nobody ate his apples, but they paid for his properties, and drank the apples via cider. My kinda guy. Merica…

Odd piece of info lol I never knew he was a realtor. But then, I never really had any interest in him, other than the mis-use of his nic by some of my friends

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