How'd you get your username?

I was trying to find a reliable source for seeds, so I signed up on another forum as Needsomebeans. Now I really need to grow out some beans as I have way too many.


My kidā€™s friends started it.

The spelling is representative of a Publik Skool Edukashon.




I came up with my nym in 1987.

In '83 I crashed my 1970 Bonney chopper and broke my back, (no cord injury thank jah!), and after recouping for a couple years decided to go back to school and fulfill an old dream to become a chemist and then make drugs to get myself rich. Was stuck on welfare at the time with a baby at home but convinced welfare to keep giving us a cheque for 2 years while I went to BCIT to finally get a diploma in environmental chemistry.

My dear mom coughed up money to buy me my first computer for school and I bought a modem for it so I could access BBSs that I had heard about. At first I joined a few environmental BBS groups and needed a name so as I was in labs all the time I came up with LabRat. It was some years later that I found the Avatar on the web and changed it around a bit so the Rat has a burning joint in one hand and a clipboard in the other.

I still have the old flip-up phone book that I recorded all the different BBSs and passwords in the Vancouver area where I lived at the time.

So Iā€™ve had this name since before there was an internet but hereā€™s been many pretenders to my throne since. lol



I probably should have mentioned that by the time I made it back to school I was in my early 30s and had got to know people who were involved with dealing the type of drugs I could make in a lab or portable trailer out in the woods. Not the type of people I care to associate with and I had two young boys as a single dad so I gave up that dream. I was being pressured to go to work for some nasty people who like to ride big motorcycles and that was one of the main reasons I left the lower mainland of BC and moved to Bumf**K, AB way up north.



This is my legal name. Easy enough, I just changed the spelling of Up in order to conceal my identity.

Oops, probably shouldnā€™t have told you that. No one try and figure out the correct spelling.


Well mines not as cool as some of these stories. Here it goes, I used to be called Evo, as everyone that knows a Steve, they call em Steve o. I didnā€™t like it so I made peeps knock it down. When I moved to the other side of wa state I started working for Kenworth as a parts runner. One of the counter guys said I look like shaggy from Scooby Doo and it stuck. Then I used to ride a Honda TRX450R in the dunes. Bam! There it isā€¦ :joy:


I chose my nick because of the mandragora music and the meaning of shanti shanti shanti-hi, but I only went to research it on wikipedia after listening to the music.

I really had no idea that there was already someone who used that name and was very well known in the cannabis world, in Brazil these historical things about marijuana are not widespread, many stoners who are great growers in my country donā€™t know much about cannabis historical facts 80% of people do not speak or understand English and 70% of those 80 are too lazy to use google translate.


Your name got my mother and I to put seeds out everywhere when we saw it on the old OG. It is inspirational. They damn sure canā€™t stop us now!

I wanted to pick something marijuana related. And due to the job I had for 40 years I now have pain In my elbows and knees a lot.
Violaā€”ā€”ā€” Oldjoints


Wife got me thisā€¦ helps for visuals.


Thatā€™s Awesome ! :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

Mine is in reference to the backwoods country area I grew up in. It is called Bullskin by the locals. Itā€™s an area with a big creek running through it and it joins a large river. Everyone in Bullskin is friends, pure country and loves life. And the party never ends. Probably as fine a group of rednecks as I have ever known. Proud to say Iā€™m part of it. It that kinda SxS, 4-wheeler cooler on the back kind of area


I meant my name as just an old school Gwar fan!

Never even thought about OG meaning Overgrow when I made up the name. I might have been high when i did it.


I like weed and think anarcho-syndicalism is pretty based.

I also have no personality beyond my obscure political views :sweat_smile:

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Pokemon of course!

Quite possibly the most cool Pokemon squad around

Squirtle Squirtle Squad

And all this time I thought you were Mr. Bombastic

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Seed Cracking Time 2020

But shorter.

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Iā€™ve always been somewhat lucky itā€™s just kind of something certain people have called me since I was young.

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Nah, lacking on that swag. :laughing:ā€¦ maybe at times a lil bombastic.

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Copy and pasted from when someone asked on another threadā€¦

I had the radio on one day years back and an ad for a local hydro/grow store came on. It went something like ā€œGet your lights, nutrients, and soilsā€¦ For your tomatoes!ā€ ā€œWeā€™ve got whatever you needā€¦ for your tomatoes!ā€ I thought it was pretty funny and my name on a fishing forum at the time was JustOneMoreCast so I came up with it like that. I first signed up on ICmag and spelling it like ā€œJustSomeTomatoesā€ would split the name into the line below so ā€œJustSumTomatoesā€ it was. I hope you enjoyed my personal biography. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was actually buying a ton of soil last year for my garden and the owner asked what I was growing jokingly (knowing darn well what was up) my response was just some tomatoes and we both smirked lol.