How'd you get your username?

Well it’s kinda a play on a name I’ve had for over 20 years back then I used to race mudd trucks up in maine and my buddy noticed that I would hunt up the qutest chicks in the crowd and ask if she would be my copilot and give me an edge I felt that they might balance out the weight in the truck side to side at least that’s what I told them so he started calling me Pimpdaddy4x4. So I went on AOL with that email name for so reason OG wouldn’t let me have that as a user name so my daughter said why don’t you use Potdaddy4x4 and whoop there it is I do miss those lil mudd racing days and some times weekends up in maine esp cislly the strawberry festival in pittsfield and Oxford mudd run near Oxford plains speedway if any of you Mainie acks know of them


Mine seems pretty straightforward, I’m a grower and I’m from the MW of the US. It actually started years back when I got onto a home distilling forum (I’m also a home brewer and distiller) where my name was MWshiner, also a pretty straightforward name😎 with my hobbies at least I know I can make currency if there’s ever an apocalypse


Really? I think mine is self explanatory.




I was growing meds for DH. He had grands my girls ages. They called him GrandpaS… I was afraid to use a female name. I just read hear until I found there are some really nice guys here. Than I started posting but and the rest is history.
:seedling: :green_heart: :four_leaf_clover:


How’s your cloner coming along?

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I got the nerf bullets. but the 1/2" pipe insulation all has a 3/4" ID. I spent today again trying to find some but they all carry the same stuff. I can’t even find the 3/8" for the 3/8 pipping have in the basement. I have everything else ready to go. Thank You for asking.
:seedling: :green_heart: :four_leaf_clover:


Im in Canada, but I just checked and Lowes and Homedepot both have it in 6’ lengths. Its cheap too.

Hydro420 was my screen name on OG1.0. Growing soil so no longer applies but it nostalgic so it stays. Hydro420 was already taken so I added a -

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I’ve loved Snoopy in his Joe Cool, and Red Baron personas and when I started using the net in the early days I flipped a coin and joecool won out. So just about everywhere I go I’m Joe Cool.

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I just came from HD and there 1/2" really has a 3/4" id and to big for bullets.
:seedling::green_heart: :four_leaf_clover:

I legit assumed your name was Ray Cox.

1 Frog Hair. There was a saying around here when I was a kid if you asked an old timer how they were doing you’d either get, “fair to middling” or “finer than frog hair.”

I flipped it around backwards because dyslexia, and added the _1 so there’d be no discussion about who the first one was. LoL


I read “Pippi Longsocks” to children
Pipi invented a word that sounds fantastic, but there is no meaning. Then he was thrown in search of Spunk …
Only later I saw meanings in the English speaking area

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Nothing fancy just good soil and green plants.

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Well, I’ve had better experiences with cats than the general population, so I came up with a fun name based off of that! I’m ok with being a cat lady.

However! I am 100% in support of getting pets spayed and neutered. :laughing: Just recently helped a lady in my neighborhood get connected to a feral cat program and she had NINE cats fixed.


Hum - Firehead. A kinda obscure band and one of my faves.

You know, I was just thinking the other day, I really regret not putting more thought into my username. I didn’t want to use my normal username that I use publicly across everything else I use. So I panicked! Well… I’m smart aren’t I, see I take prescriptions to stay sane. I smoke to stay sane. I get DOPAMINE to be happy in so many ways. I’ve also been unable to work a livable wage for a while now, so I am a financial dependent. I came here with no cash and one answer for peace in my mind; grow some weed real cheap. So far so good! Almost to the point I don’t feel it represents me any longer.


I’ve played a game called Golfstar for eight years.

My I.D. in this game is the.yeti.

I grow.



Mine is from an old 90s roller blading movie called Airborne.

The main character, Mitchell Goosen, has a life changing dream where he wakes up his step brother played by Seth Green. He mentions the guy who’s been bullying him visits him in the dream in the form of a shark, named Peppy. And the girl of his dreams takes the form of the wave. So he’s surfing this gnarliest wave (the girl of his dreams) and the shark (his bully) wants to take him out. But in the dream, the Shark says “La Ola Es Mia” which means “The Wave Is Mine”. He was speaking Spanish in his dreams, brah. So it gives him the confidence to go catch his wave :slight_smile: Since it confirms the shark really isn’t a bully afterall. Classic film. Jack Black and a few other awesome actors are in there too. You’re missing out if you’ve never seen it.


Cyber- hi tech
Smib- Southern Maryland In-bred (local joke)

Came up with it back in the AOL days, tends to be available. Good thing Smibs are hard to train, much less retrain