Huge cache of seeds left behind, what to do?

yes holy smokes is available but those 3 strains are out of stock at all the banks i checked. it does suck they are 4 packs tho lol zero selection

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So I have to ask because I see this in damn near every post you make. WTF is XD and why is it added?


lol it’s a smiley xD &_& .__.

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big smilie without using an emoticon

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yeppers a smiley face! i try to keep the smiles around!:slight_smile:

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Haha, I had to ask him the same question last year when I kept seeing XD: :laughing: it’s supposed to be a symbol for laughing, If you turn it sideways the D is supposed to be a mouth laughing and the X the eyes… Go figure…:laughing:

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What’s up with this page @ohhhh? Is that that one that one guy wanted?

Had to.

Are you also getting rid of some equipment as well or just need some help?

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shouldn’t it be like this :smiley: whoa it converts it to emoticon! I used a colon dash and upper case D and it converted it

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Must be a kid thing.


texting on a phone :slight_smile:

Dude, they are in their twenties now! It’s legitimately acceptable to text a potential employer with emoticons, assuming you know how to use them properly…

Which I don’t… Lmao


Hey there mia/Ohhh, i noticed you said you’d grown auto’s… well along with all those strains you have ,are some ‘Mephisto’s Genetics’ auto chem city blues (maybe more)… nice collection you have… Good luck and happy growing


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Chat room (let’s chat!) :speech_balloon:

Mephisto genetics …Auto… was almost all I grew in my one year stent at the grow house. It was a bit disappointing honestly… with automatics you sacrifice weight and frosty-ness for ease of growing.

18 posts were merged into an existing topic: How do you store your seeds?

I need that special something for an amazing Xmas gift. PM me puleeeezzzzzz.


there should be a % of these seeds grown out to varify that they are what they are supposed to be.

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perhaps the people who received seeds could post close up photos of them to verify at least they are from different stock although its far from definitive lol


I hear you all!.. Most of the seeds have been purchased in the last 8 to 5 years … and refrigerated 95% of their life with us… to anyone that is interested in purchasing… To keep it simple… Whatever Attitude Seed Bank asks in British pounds I would ask in US dollars, plus shipping and handling ( $10 ? Packaging, Postage, and tracking


The British pounds conversion to US dollars is a little over 30% off… And of course if anyone was unsatisfied I would give them a refund or substitution