Huge cache of seeds left behind, what to do?

OK guys i get it.

Don’t say i didn’t tell you. I am out of this tread, will no longer reply, watch or anything. But it’s weird that there’s people defending someone they don’t even know (as far as we believe).

This thread would have never gone this way if the parties involved reciprocated equally. What do i know right!?

Gotta defend Overgrow!



And in regards to this, I DOUBLE DARE THEM to come after me. My constitution prohibits extradition of nationals. Period.

I am untouchable to the US Agencies.


hmmmmm, I was not aware, I gonna have to investigate the cost of a Costa birth certificate.


Trying to blow my allowance of likes today, says I only have a few left

Hi guys… I hope I’m not sending off weird vibes… Seriously, I have no Shady intent, but who am I? Right?
It’s all understandable though :slight_smile:
Anyway, this pic is about the only time I really cook… I doubled / triple the recipe… I ate a brownie… I was shaking and crying and passed out cold! Haha, good shit! Fuck…says pic too big…hold on…:frowning:


I have a busy day, going to jump on and off here- but I have an address of a member now and going to contact him shortly about what he’d like so I could get those sent out :slight_smile: Thanks again everyone

I agree, I don’t want to linger on here forever about this subject… I’m kind of putting myself out there.

As tempting as those seed collections are I rather be safe than sorry. I agree with you.


I think if the cops were really worried about seeds it would be a lot easier and and more fruitful for them to go after the many breeders that sell mass amounts of seeds from their locations to all the states in the US and worldwide rather than go after some individuals that have some for sale or looking to buy some. Of course that’s just my opinion , Just saying if I was law enforcement and I was wanting to go after people for cannabis seeds I would want to go after the many Big fish that are out there selling bulk seeds not some individuals wanting to buy some seeds… :alien:


Nope…I’ve been looking at this for a while and somethings not right. Don’t you all remember how OG v1 was taking down…Seeds!

@mia I don’t think sharing your personal life is the answer to gain credibility. You continue to make yourself the victim in your stories. It’s hard to believe you share that to a marijuana growing forum. In any case, showing your face, location, personal background, may gain confidence in my colleagues here, however it shows me you don’t fear the US law, which makes me fear you.

If there is a slim chance this is real…then those are NOT your seeds and you should NOT be selling them. If your ex-husband is violent torwards you, I can only imagine how he will react when he finds out you sold his alleged collection. And yes it may be years but he will be back for them.

I don’t like being negetive but, I can’t hold it back anymore. We are one of the smaller growing forums, and she was recommend to come here from a big growing forum?? Why here, why not stay on the other forum?? Especially since she only wanted info of the seeds and didnt expect to sell them until she got here?? I may be stoned, but not born yesterday, this is grade A bunk!

Good luck to ya’ll!


Consider if you will the term entrapment, if you offer to buy the seeds at a price you suggest there is no entrapment. However if the seller post a price for an item and then agree there is an entrapment. Think about every prostitution sting if you name the act and a price and get busted it stands up but if she names the act and a price that’s entrapment. Now getting busted either way ain’t gonna be pretty
Just think about what you are doing with a new member we don’t know very well

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I’m a huge northern lights fan and am a Bodhi vendor myself. Doubt you wanna trade anything for the BCSC NL beans but I’m very interested in those as well as the ones i previously listed.

Lmk if you are open to talks. Maybe pm me


Hey i am back, changed my mind.

Overgrow, small as it is, it is hated by other cannabis websites, they don´t really like us. There are real growers and real breeders here, for such a small population, we have important people around here. That might be too appealing for someone who knows how to use that info.


they are only seeds but it wouldn’t be the seeds you’d get in trouble for, it’s the things the seeds become - and sessions is sposed to have a hardon for pot.

i suggested she come here as i thought ppl here might be interested in seeds. i’m a medical patient in a legal country tho so i didn’t/don’t see any inherent danger and i accepted it at face value. could always use bitcoin and a drop address to remain anonymous anyways.

how do you know this ?! :smiley: :smiley:


I am not familiar with the current MJ laws in the U.S, even less on a state to state basis, but, aren’t seeds legal in some states? what would the risk be for someone that lived in one of those states?

it’s federally illegal and the USPS is a federal agency or w/e

"My constitution prohibits extradition of nationals. "

Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms gaurentees Canadian Citizens the exact same thing. But Marc Emery was extradited, and he was born and raised in Canada and had never even visited the US. We’re talking about being born, growing up, starting a business, and being extradited out of your own country for breaking laws in some other country you’ve never been to. Like, it’s illegal to chew gum in Singapore… are we extraditing all the gum chewers over there?

Anyway, just wanted to rant about the whole Marc Emery thing. I think of it time to time and it feels like a great injustice of our time. (within the context of Cannabis culture at least)

But yeah, you just never know. The USA is absurdly powerful and they can literally do anything they want to anyone without having to answer for shit. They have a whole division of the government dedicated to making people disappear lol. What an insane job to go to work for. “Fuck, I had to erase all existing physical and intellectual traces of sixteen different people today. Boy am I tired.” i dunno


Yeah but Canada and CR are different in the fact that Canada does whatever the US tells them to, without wanting to raise polemic, brother neighbors…

Having someone come to CR and abduct me for growing weed sounds extreme. But if they wanted to do that, there is no constitution that will save you, that´s for sure…

MadScientist, a HIGH VALUE TARGET…

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Roux… I am not a victim! I told some background as an explanation why I don’t care about unloading these beans… I’ll never use all of them. And yes- they ARE MINE! My initial intent was to find one or two people to unload a couple packs to… Suggestion was made for an auction and I just rolled with it! As far as gaining reputation… I didn’t know how else in a matter of 24 to 48 hours to gain any kind of trust. It seems like I am spooking a few people out now- which is fine… It’s alright if this the red is deleted. Perhaps I’ll just p m a few individuals from now on? It’s up to them if they want to continue contacting me. Thank you everyone for your time and support!