humidity is a problem in the tent

Hi, I have a problem with humidity. and I think the leaves should be cut out. Maybe someone can advise how and when it is best to cut the leaves? Is it better to leave?


Do you have an exhaust?

I defoliate by hand. It’s the easiest.


Yes, I have it, but it doesn’t help, and there is still an air conditioner inside, but it doesn’t help. how does he do it?

How big a grow are we talking about?


tent 150cmx300cmx220cm inside 6 plants in 35 liter pots. Irrigation equipment autopot System 8 weeks wegi

Throw you datas : temps, RH and eventually a photo of the context … it accelerate a bit the understanding of your problem and your context.


Would a Dehumidifier not be a better tool to work with, than an A/C?

  • Tent Temp ? Humid %
  • ventillation / exhaust ?
  • air movement in tent?

Temperature at night 20c during the day 27c exhaust 1000m3 turned on 30% drying I am already inside. does not help moisture holds 60.% 70% air bag several bag fans inside

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60 is high but fine

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According to me, I can bloom and there will be no borthrit?

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I read that removing the leaves should help because the plants are very leafy

Well let’s not be silly, rot will set in when it feels like it.

I defoliate really heavily. I live in is US south and it’s humid as hell. I will strip every leaf from the bottom 2/3rds of the plant and put a fan blowing up through the canopy.

Can you post a picture?


I will take a couple of photos when they wake up in an hour

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what percentage of leaves do you cut? and how to continue with food, feed the same strongly Or reduce?

This is an excellent question.
I might just need a better dehumidifier because mine does a D+ job and gets pretty warm.

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Temps 27c and rh 60 ? I don’t see a problem here, instead of fighting humidity, just raise the heat a lil to 29-30c and 60-80rh, you should see very fast growth.
In flowering after a few weeks when they are bulking up try to keep humidity to 40-60, especially if they are tight close clusters strains.
Defoliation sure helps if your tent is over crowded with growth.
Other than that a dehumidifier in the tent or in the room…


I cut a lot. Over multiple days. I have an ACC Durban in my tent right now that I defoliated fan leaves at flip on June… 16th (I think) then I went in again the next week and took some side branches that would just be larf, and low fans or fans covering bud sites
Then twice more this week I took more fan leaves that were low, skinny stemmed, or covering bud sites.

I manifold train so your experience may be different.

Eta: I’m in DWC hydro. I feed the same. I actually feed 2 weeks of Jacks bloom, then switch back to maxigrow. Increasing PPM until the plant gets irritated.

Eta a pic of the leafy ladies, I keep her legs trimmed from the red line down


thank you very much for the detailed description. how did my children get up, I will take a picture, you can see for yourself what is happening there

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dehumidifier in the tent for 8 weeks wegi and they are very big and leafy

One idea that works well here in the capital of high humidity, is a whole house dehumidifier. The one I got has a sensor that will cause it to come on automatically when needed. It keeps our clothes and stuff from molding. If you deal with it this way, the air coming into the tent will be drier to begin with. The water is vented through the same pipe as the a/c drip, at least in our case. Depending on the model and speed of removal, if you did need the other dehumidifier in the tent, it would be able to easily get it dialed in. I can’t prove that, since I have never grown in tents, but I am sure it would do the trick by dealing with the core issue. The drier the air is coming in, the more moisture can be absorbed on the way out…

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