humidity is a problem in the tent

thanks for the advice, but the incoming air from the tent is 50% humidity, there is already a dehumidifier in the tent in the cabin where the tent is located, there is A/C and there is 20c 50% humidity in the tent 60 70%

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Do you have air intakes or even fans at the bottom somewhere to bring air in,or is it only vented?



Well I guess that answers my question lol. Hmm so itā€™s open like that, and yet showing close to 70% inside, yet outside the tent the air is 50%? What about several strong fans to blow air from the outside in to displace the humidity?

4 connections in total, the fan doesnā€™t help even if the tent is open when itā€™s 50% outside, the humidity sensor still shows 58%


Well hot damn. What a nice setup you have!

I would defoliate and let it ride. I do not consider 60% the high. In late LATE flower when buds are getting fat I donā€™t like above 70%. Moving air vs. still sweaty humidity makes a difference too. My fan is primarily for circulation, not to lower humidity.

Have you flipped to flower yet?


Thenks ÄÆ will do

No nex Weeek flauer

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cut leaves humidity dropped to 56% next week perjugsih 12/12

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They are going to be monsters. I canā€™t wait to see your jungle in about a month

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I will definitely upload a photo in 3 weeks

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never cut the leaves which are essential for buds on the internodes !
In fact, donā€™t cut any leaves during growth !
The plant will get into ā€œstress modeā€ and will produce more leaves as a result.
60% is no problem when you have one outlet of the tent connected to an air supply or near window. (fresh air is essential)
Your tend is big, the top parts must always be in movement. (And fresh air from the outside)
This big, use two or three inside vents and point it to the top parts !
The internodes wonā€™t produce buds when you cut the essential leaves.
Iā€™m a bonsai fan, and mine always have 60-70 (growth) and 60 at bloomingā€¦
Iā€™ll post a low res, but youā€™ll see what iā€™m meaning.
Buds around the internodes, a lot of them on a bonsai. (making 200g fresh)
Just a thought

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Wouldnā€™t this work?? It goes in the tent @Germankinggrower1 it even has a drain hose

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You need a dehumidifier like mentioned above.
Depending on the size of your lung room will determine the size dehumidifier you will need.
My lung room is 12x16 ft
After purchasing 2 dehumidifiers that did not do the job I finally went with a 150 pint dehumidifier.
Had to sp me about $450 on a descent one.
It finally solved my humidity problems.
I also run autopots
Happy growing and good luck :+1:
Or you can buy one that can fit in your tent if you donā€™t mind it taking up space and blowing hot air in there also.
I chose the room in the tent instead

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thanks for the discussions everyone, I hope you will be able to keep mum until the end


If possible ditch the tent, they cause more problems and give ya little for the trouble.
I use a cheap box fan in.the room
I do defoliation, most times but skipped it this run.
I also find the central ac set helps keep humidity
Way down.
If you can ditch the tent, your back
Your plants, will thank you.

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Brother you need a dehumidifier in your lung room (the room your tent stays in) Iā€™ve learned in tents anyways itā€™s easier to control your tent environment from your lung room. For example if my RH is too high Iā€™m gonna put rhe dehumidifier in the lung room. Or if itā€™s cold in there Iā€™m putting a heater in the lung room itā€™s the easiest way to control your environment in the tent without having to change all types of things. If I put just a small space heater in the tent to raise the temps it gets way to high and throws the rh and vpd and all the things.