Hurricane Milton

A web page I follow tracks & links ‘space weather’ to storms.
Two days ago there was a ‘X’ class flare/CME, today there was another.
Historically tropical storms increase in strength during such events.
Seems Florida will get the ‘increased strength’ version today/tonight.
Best of luck to all involved.
“Hide from the wind, run from the water…”


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Definitely expecting to loose power within the next few hours. We better get the coffee brewing and in the thermos. Starting to get bigger gusts of wind outside. Glad we grow cuz I’m stress smoking, glad running out of smoke is not on the worry list.
Stay safe.


Be safe and good luck.


Decarb some weed in the oven before power goes out and eat that with some nut butter or something with fat. That’ll help chill you and others out a bit at least. Best of luck!!


Best Wishes your way and all the peeps affected!! Can’t imagine getting hit from a storm like this


Stay safe, warm and dry! Hope it passes quickly with little or no damage.


I hope it weakens before landfall. Be safe everyone down there!


It just went down to a Cat 3 storm. Best it will get before landfall.


Of all the times for our daughter to decide to leave home for the 1st time–and she’s right in the middle at Disney— I’m not even at home to deal with it, I came to Lansing to see my Sick Father, and to have a couple days ‘‘getaway’’ …not what I was hoping for…but praying for everyone in FLA…
Batten down the hatches, and lash the masts-- it’s coming full-in!!
Prayers for you all–even though I’m not usually the praying type… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :heart:


Disney/Orlando area should be okay unless something unforeseen happens. Good thing she didn’t go on vacation to Anna Maria, Captiva, Gasparilla. Hope everyone over there stays safe. Beautiful areas.


She isn’t on Vacation-she works/lives at Disney as an intern! :+1: :relaxed:


I never thanked prince for welcoming me to my new home when I started my account 1 year ago. Thanks. I remember it well.

Stay safe. Last minute planning. Any little thing you are over looking? I pack for a camp trip and forget 1 thing every time. Clean water in any sealable jar. Elevate valuables. Unplug electronics. Charge batteries. Pictures in Ziploc bags.


College program?


Nice! We were on Doveside lane right near the community center.

The first ever and last massive gang fight I had to run away from happened in that park… We were playing basketball near sundown then outta know where moviesqe gang violence so we all got on our bikes and bolted the fuck outa dodge!

I used to google street view the hood to see all the trees my family planted on that lot but stopped about 10 years ago when it was obvious the area was pretty drugged out.

Our old place looked like a crack house with extra broken trucks on blocks to add to the ambience and they cut down all the amazing trees we grew.

My dad would get 99$ canabuck flights round trip from Toronto to Ft. Meyers and a neighbour would pick him up. The place was co-owned so my grandparents lived there 1/2 the year (winter of course lol) and we came and went as we had time.

My dad would do these trips over a weekend so he could do plant maintenance and then collect all the fruit and get them back to Toronto in “legal for export” bags collected by our neighbours there during the year. Aka those net bags folks saw all the time in stow-away luggage until costs were soo high it makes no sense to do anymore.

In the latter years they tried renting it out in months that we couldn’t be there but then a series of bad renters did enough damage to make everyone loose interest in maintenance and thus it was sold off mid/late 90’s.

Though my Dad gutted the place and hid some small trees and cacti in the truck he drove back with all the property so we kept them going as long as we could.

My Dad’s 2 fav trees of his were an avocado that grew 3 stories tall and once broke his nose because you don’t look up when shaking a tree to get the fruit off the top branches…

The second one was a White Grapefruit tree. Once it grew a multi-pounder fruit so we kept the seeds from that and when we planted them one sprouted.

This became “the family grapefruit tree” and once my dad hit his mid 70’s he could no longer take care of it so I inherited it.

It’s still alive and gets moved in and out ever spring and fall and has flowered for me ONCE in the 30+ years it’s been a companion in our home.

All this is great but seeing this “Weather Alert Path” additionally breaks my heart:


I just tried to see the live stream from Captiva and it was glitching out hard for obvious reasons…


Well according to my local weather I will have the eye of the storm over me around 2am.


I am suited up in full rain gear and water proof boots and am out in this storm. I wish I had a water proof camera, some of you would shit a brick seeing what I am seeing…
For example stomping through the back side of the property, i disturbed a gator that was hiding. It hauled ass right in front of me into the back pond. Or the lake/river I had to drive through to get home…Im taking a breather and a smoke right now, but then its back out again…something primal about being out here, locked and loaded, full suited up, surrounded by crazy rain and wind…its fucking wild. Senses get heightened all around, I can stalk anything in these conditions…the mind eases in special ways… I stumbled upon several deer, and further under a tree a mama turkey with babies, and they didnt know I was there…
Btw, Ive done this “ritual” many years, been out in some of the wildest of hurricanes and tropical storms…people think I am crazy for doing so, but for me its relaxing and mind soothing…and fun. I do enjoy.
Stay safe out there, and hope none of you are by the west coast where its coming in…


DUDE @Cannabis bad ass!

Huricane Andrew I took my skim board out put on my snorkel mask and rode our lawn feeling the same thing until the winds were so strong I couldn’t stand up.

My mom yelled so much but I told her when back in all scratched up from debris in the air “Sorry Mum i could not hear you over the fun!”


These storms do things to people…
Wild crazy things lol