Hypertension, high blood pressure..How do you deal with it?

Yes, I was told to take them in the morning…My blood pressure is normal at nights because I’m more relaxed I think…


I tried lisinopril in 2010 and it gave me psoriasis now I take a small amlodipine. Sound advise from your doctor. Peace.


You do know that they both have side effects right…I would rather take the dry cough from Lisinopril instead of taking a chance of fucking up my perfectly normal liver. My bloodwork results said my liver and kidneys are in great shape…

Theres a chance Amlodipine can fuck up your liver, its on the paperwork the pharmacist gave me that came with the Amlodipine pills…I would rather trust a pharmacist than those drug pushing doctors…I’m just saying…


yep I know that bullshit is one of the main elevators for me to do more to decrease my hypertension by the other factors like cutting sodium caffeine alcohol exercise I did the 8 week Hep C cure in 2019 after having Hep C for 30 years. I was a lucky one with less than a 1 on my biopsy 1 is lowest damage 5 and your dead. Peace

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years ago I started what was called Hep C protocol supplement super antioxidants for liver
milk thistle 1000mg day
selenium 200 mg a day
CoQ 10 cant remember dose at the time think 25 mg day
Alpha Lopiac Acid 200 mg day

It was suppose to slow the progression of chronic hep c by super antioxidants
I still use the alpha lopiac acid and selenium traded the CoQ10 for 1000 mg Omega fatties


Those are the same things I too have to do.


Yep it’s important for everyone to do it. Hind sites 20/20 Peace


I’m on Lisinopril, Doxazosin (Cardura), Metoprolol and Amlodipine. If I miss one dose I blast up to ~210 / 140 in no time at all.


I’m just taking Lisinopril and thats it, the last time I went to the doctor it was 140/90…I also told my doctor that I’m done and all I’m taking is Lisinopril, ease off on my salts/process foods and coffee…and I also trying to lose weight and take my pit bulls for long walks…I don’t take my blood pressure daily anymore, watch my food intake and just live my life…I do have to go back for more blood work in mid August…I still go out and booze twice a week and smoke my weed…I only smoke weed when I drink.


Old guy I use to work with said he took apple cider vinegar daily and it took care of his blood pressure.
I dont know if that’s real or not


I was on lisinapril until my health care ran out, someone told me about total beets, and I’ve been using it for a year now, helps with my blood pressure and resting heart rate. Give it a try. It 15 Dollars for 60 chewables at Walmart. It’s all natural and tastes like cherry :cherries:.

It helps by relaxing your arteries and helps your heart rate.
Which I needed after a 2017 heart attack and stent .


it’s a myth :slight_smile:


Blood glucose damages the lining of your blood vessel’s, this causes them to constrict and raises BP.

ACV reduces blood glucose release and levels, ergo, reduces blood pressure.



Went to the Doctors today for the results of my bloodwork, kidneys/liver is working fine but now my triglycerides is high so she told me to not to booze so much…Anyone here have high triglycerides? How do you deal with it?

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Basically stop eating and drinking things with refined carbs/sugar in them.

It’'s calories mainly carbs that are converted to fats for storage, but float around your arteries and damage the artery lining causing scarring and thickening.

Lots of omega 3 fatty acids helps with the arterial damage, I had the same problem arteriosclerosis is its proper name.


Hey Phil. My sympathies. My father had two strokes last year. The result made him have very bad hypertension. They had him on anti depressants until he found out what they were. He didn’t ask for them. He has VA. But it troubles me deeply to see him angry and upset everyday. Anyways
I hope your doing better. Take care.


I google it but I don’t/rarely eat these…

What are refined, simple, or “bad” carbs? Bad or simple carbohydrates include sugars and refined grains that have been stripped of all bran, fiber, and nutrients , such as white bread, pizza dough, pasta, pastries, white flour, white rice, sweet desserts, and many breakfast cereals.

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I was surprised as well with that diagnosis, from what you eat I would not of thought you would have this problem as your food is made from scratch.

Ready made foods contain lots of hidden High Fructose Corn Syrup which has a devastating effect on our liver and cardiovascular system.

The problem may have started years ago and caused a slowly acquired fatty liver syndrome, which has now just reached its limit and is showing as pre diabetes due to insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is where your fat cells refuse to accept any more fat lipids for storage and your body has to increase the insulin to force the cells to accept the fat lipids.

The longer the cells refuse to accept the fat lipids the longer they float around your blood stream clogging up your arteries.

Refined carbs are what you have listed above, and so long as you have plenty of fiber in your carbs it reduces the problem a little but refined or complex, they will still cause an insulin response if you eat more than you can burn in a short time frame. Protein also causes a smaller insulin response but the body usually sends that for muscle repair and enzymes and hormones production, it usually doesn’t convert very much to blood glucose or lipids.

This is the problem I am resolving with my very low carb diet, and high amounts of EVOO and omega 3 fatty acids which clear out the vascular system of these problems.


Yes, I was thinking the same thing…I tell my doctor what I eat and drink…I haven’t had any sodas in over 15yrs. but I do tell her that I’m beer drinker…btw, I did go to the bar and drink beers everyday for 3 days right before the bloodwork so that didn’t help any…the doctor told me to slow/cut down on my beer boozing and to come back in 3 months for another bloodwork and we can figure out then what course of action to take…this is the price I have to pay for getting old and it sucks…:rofl::joy:

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It ain’t for the weak. That’s for sure.
