im going to be a rich man

After reading through this thread all I can say is I don’t qualify to give advice to the OP but do wish him luck.


I think we all missed it…
Dude has some serious ganja… I need some of it if it’s that good.

could we refrain from talking about stocks? I feel its a privacy invasion. basically the stock market is heavily invested in technology and some bored millionaire could severely react in your private life. the stock market I feel is way too aggressive, opposed to growing lbs

if I do settle for less then 3m ill probably move to a small town and try my best to start a decent club, or just vend after some help

sorry if these posts make little sense im heavily sedated from antipsychotics

does anyone have any tips on starting a weed distro point? planing on growing seeds clones and herb, no concentrate no edibles, and maybe ill work the community. it’ll probably be in sf or Oakland or maybe la

They are up to $.58 already. :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


What ever he’s smoking, I’ll take two.

Wayyy better states than Commiefornia.



to OP: Save the money and use this time to focus on your health. If you were considering inpatient it’s got to be bad. The meds they put people on at first aren’t the ones, they have to tweak the doses and try many meds to find the right ones for you. Try not to get discouraged and if it’s not working out with your doctors get a new one, advocate for your own health.

I had a wealth advisor that I could just give an amount of money I chose and he would give me however much advice. He said to put most of my money in a higher than normal yield savings account, I think at the time he suggested Marcus by Goldman Sachs.

Save that money man, always be putting some aside for later or maybe get a mutual fund or something to invest in with minimal risk. There are a lot of the “socially responsible” funds if you’re worried about investing in big tech.

I know this advice will fall on deaf ears but extremely high thc leads to psychosis in psychotic people (ask me how I know). Maybe leave the dabs alone at least until your on a stronger medical footing.

Most of the antipsychotic meds do not work with alcohol I’m sure they told you that too. If you ever want to talk to me in private about it feel free no pressure but I know it can be confusing and seem like an uphill battle, but the only person who can take this journey is you.

Best of luck,


Ps weed helps thankfully, thank the good Dude for weed.


Were not Rich but don’t have to really work Again unless some Dr says I have a problem an theyvfound a solution it just takes all our money to maybe solve the problem, I say this Because I just watched 2 people with alot of money blow threw it trying to say his wife and the other family blew threw multi family members money trying to save there loved ones from dying of cancer.
Like multiple people say Health is most important or put quality of life ahead of longevity am get the party started lol

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Yea these people I know through a third party are the owners of the Dollar Tree. He’s had lungs and everything else transplanted probably not going to live much longer might already be dead. And they are possibly billionaires. Doing everything they can to live and the science just isn’t there yet. I wish money could do anything but sometimes even its powers fail.

Thanks dale, I think I just smoked strong sativa and was temporarily dazed and the meds made it worse, I think I have a side affect from zyprexa but I’ll need a specialist since I didn’t hear voices until after I took the meds


Yea take care to notice side effects too. Some aren’t so bad like dry mouth or even weight gain can be dealt with. I was on a med called prozac or paxil or something with a p and it made me shoot blanks downstairs. Stuff like that can be frightening just tell the doctor and they will adjust the meds and fix it. I know it is a weird thing to do. The biggest mistake I made was sticking with shitty doctors who weren’t taking care of me instead of immediately when it wasn’t working going elsewhere. There are many doctors and true since covid availability is less, you can still get second opinions and change them like shoelaces.


You need to be having your blood sugar monitored too with stuff like this.


I honestly don’t want to tell you how to spend your money, just be careful. With that mindset, you’ll go broke quicker than one might think. This is of course just my opinion.


Also, if you are having problems with the zyprexa, look into atypical antipsychotics, like abilify, abilify maintena and some others. Just a suggestion.

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Oh fantastic diabetes runs in my family and I already have permenant disfigurements from another med, I think I’m electing for a really good therapist and waning off the pills and trying to cope with the new voice in my head I got 15 years ago lol

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im on haldol and it makes me talk to my tv =( and I dont spend much time on my computers since all the computers in my house have monitors that looked really fuzzy, other peoples computers are fine

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“Remember that this medication has been prescribed because your doctor has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.”

Oh boy, must be a fun one. No experience with Haldol, but I’ve been on Zyprexa for treatment resistant depression for a few months. It makes me feel… weird. Feelings too strong, my skin hurts kind of weird. It’s just… not very pleasant. It does keep me out of bed all day it seems though. So I have to choose to keep taking it I guess.


I gained a ton of weight on Zyprexa and I have permanent body disfigurement from Rispedral, when I was on Zyprexa id sleep for like 15 hours when id normally sleep for about 8, fucking ruined my life, and it made me extra paranoid when I smoked weed

I dont even remember what happened, I was prank calling Comedy Central and an anjelina Jolie trailer played on my tv and it was a downward spiral from there


Be curious to see what this situation is in a year :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: