I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Fuggin guy needs to catch a break that’s for sure!
I wish him well everyday !
To a good recovery :crossed_fingers:t2:


Indeed!! Get really well Gary!!
@repins12 Miss you around friend!!!
:sunglasses: :v: :hugs:


Dammit!!! So sorry to hear that news Gary. Know this, loads of folks are putting their hands together and looking upwards for you. Your are a rare man and we need rare men these days.

For inspiration, and to applaud your efforts, here are some pic of your foundational White Widow auto line. I’m an old skool WW fan and this is classic expression of a legendary strain.

This is your “VA Widow” ten weeks from sprout.

Hadda add this closeup… laden with chems!


I’ve never had anything less than a foot long colas from your plants brother…

When I was struggling to find my footing at the beginning, it was your plants which came up and gave me hope…

When I was struggling with fungus and couldn’t even take anything past the seedling stage, I started couple of your seeds which you see above and along with it some photos…

As always your plants didn’t disappoint and paved a way for my current garden…

Get well soon brother, we’ll enjoy it together :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Good morning/evening. Whichever it may be, in your corner of the world. I just wanted to thank everyone for the kind words and well wishes. They mean more to me than y’all will ever know.
For the time being I’m vertical, still not kickin’ yet but, working on it.
I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Christmas Eve and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours.
I hope to be back full swing soon trying to get my life back in order but, only time will tell.
Have a great day. Y’all be Safe.


Best gift so far today… reading your feeling better buddy… that’s awesome.
I’m getting ready to drop a bunch of your gear to… maybe I’ll let you pick…
So glad your home for the holidays, we’ll get ya kicking soon bro… until then,
sit back, smoke a fatty and check out the movie Violent Night… hahaha…

Love you Gary… feel better bro.


Good to see you back on. Hope your doing better now.


Nice to see you back on here Gary…all the best, Merry Christmas!!!


Merry Christmas brother !


Merry Christmas my friend! I’d been hoping to see you on. That’s truly a great present right there!


Merry Christmas brother , glad to see you home and getting around. Take it easy and get yourself right. We got plants to grow and seeds to make !! lol. Really nice to see you back and hope you and the family have a great holiday brother :+1::+1::v:


Glad to see you vertical again Gary! Hope the new year brings better health to all on here. Happy new year and merry Christmas!


Well, well, well!!!
Look at what the cat drug in!
Glad to see you doing a bit better, Gary. Hope to see you in full swing very soon. Until then Merry Christmas to you and yours… And anyone who reads this.


Good Morning to everyone out there in WEEDVILLE. TGIF. Just wanted to drop in and say HIGH.
Finally got some good news from the doctor yesterday. Kidney functions are back to normal.
I hope that you have a great day. Be Safe.


That’s excellent news Gary. How’s those feet doing these days.
Glad you are on the mend, my friend.


Glad to hear some positive stuff. Have a fine Friday :pineapple:


That’s fantastic. Happy to read that.


Good to know you are back home.


I don’t know if this fits in here or not but, here’s a story I was once told. It’s about a little bird that kept procrastinating flying south for the winter.
There once was this little bird that kept putting off flying south for the winter.
It kept getting colder and colder.
Finally the little bird decided it was time to leave for the south, before it was too late, winter was fast approaching.
The little bird took to the sky, it was very, very cold.
After a while the little birds wings started to freeze.
The little bird fell to the ground and could not move.
Along came a cow and it took a crap on the little bird.
This warmed the little bird up and made it happy so, it began chirping.
Along came a cat, that heard the chirping and it ate the little bird.
There are 3 morals to this story.
Those who shit on you are not always your enemy.
Those who get you outta shit are not always your friends.
And :drum: :drum: :drum:
If your up to your neck in shit and happy, keep your friggin mouth shut.
I hope you enjoyed my little story.


@repins12 Great to hear from you friend!! :100: :green_heart: :seedling: :v:
Despite the scat, this ain’t bad to keep in mind whenever shit hits the fan!! :laughing:
Hope your feet, body and spirit are coming along well!! :hugs:
Great New year to you brother!|! :partying_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :sunglasses: :exploding_head:

Awesome weekend for you, your dear ones and all!!!