I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

great looking plants! mbapbf day 61


5 Blueberry Bastards got soaked

Let’s see what happens :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:


Aero Garden had been running non-stop since I started the autos that are in my tent and about to be harvested. I finally broke down and cleaned it before starting these Blueberry Bastards. This is just gonna be an open pollination out front for a seed increase. Note to self Aero Garden does not work as well as my hydro without being cleaned. Kinda figured but, had to try.


Blueberry Bastard F4

(Drunken Bastard F3 #19 x Blueberry Dragon Fire Bx2 #8) x (Blueberry Dragon Fire Bx2 #24 x Drunken Bastard F3 #7)

Our goal with this cross was something with Blueberry Dragon Fire’s blueberry/skunky terps, but maintaining the ABC leaf shape.

Using the strongest tallest BBDF male we found in the bx2 hunt, we paired him with our #19 DB female that was the only one we found without that citrus scent.

We then did the reverse of this finding the tallest BBDF female exhibiting that strong blueberry and skunk smell, pairing her with our DB #7 male.

These 2 lines were then crossed to create the f1 seed stock. That original seed stock was hunted by our good friend Deemu, selecting the best pair that had only the blueberry terps, without those citrus undertones.

Crossing these 2 for the f2 line, we began to see the ABC leaf shape again. Anything that did not have the ABC leaf shape was culled.

The remaining 70 plants were allowed to finish naturally outdoors, open pollinating.

We then took the seeds from this open pollination indoors to hunt over the winter, culling any remaining non ABC leaf phenos, and removing any citrus smelling laggards.

We have tested this F4 line outdoors all of 2023 and are very happy with the results.

Again just like with Drunken Bastard, If your looking for a massive yield, or huge plants these are not for you. They are extremely short stocky plants that grow wider than they do tall, although they are a bit taller than the original Drunken Bastard.

The unique ABC leaf shape is fully stable and all phenos will show as such.

Flowering time :

Indoor: 74 - 80 days

Outdoor: October 15th

• Yield: Average

• THC: 23-25%

• CBD: 2%

• Terpenes: Blueberry, Candy, Fuel and Melons, with Skunky/Musky undertones.

I have one still growing from my last attempt. Surprised that anything grew at all :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: :wink:


My plate is already getting more full than I think that my health can handle. I’ve got a Geeked Out Encounter and an Alien Goo, that need to be harvested. The Snow Capped Abduction is right behind them. That will leave 3 in my tent and they should be ready to harvest in the next few weeks. I’m not too sure that I am going to do another auto seed run this year but. that is subject to change. Sooner or later I am going to have to shut my system down and get some help to shed the tent. Not sure if it will be after this harvest or another quick auto bud run. Plans are kinda fluid right now. Once I loose the tent, my inside breeding, is probably gonna stop, at least for a while until my health improves, plus I’m not sure that I want to clean a whole room versus a tent. I just can’t keep up with trying to produce 20-30 crosses a year anymore, as much as I hate to admit it. Been even considering just doing a bud run with the photo’s outback this year for the same reason. Been a long time since I did that. If I start feeling better in the next few weeks, this is subject to all change. Just saying :wink: :man_shrugging:t4:


I would like to cross my Sobriety Checkpoint with the Blueberry Bastard and call it Blue Light Special


I really need to finish creating the smaller hydro system for my autos. I started coming up with the design before I got diagnosed with cancer a few years back. I think that I have all the material, just got to get healthy enough to finish the build. I was trying to create a hydro system that would fit into a closet, for my friends that live in apartments or have limited space. Sounded like a good idea to me :man_shrugging:t4:


Garden 🪴 gnome is rocking 🪨 ! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


That sounds like a killer name. The drunken bastard blueberry cross sounds amazing!

The mbapbf only threw a few balls for about 2 weeks. Close to harvest and no signs of pollenated calyxes so :crossed_fingers: but looks killer!


Man Bear Alien Pig Big Foot

Man Bear Alien Pig x Samsquanch

About half the plant


Geeked Out Encounter. This is about a quarter of the plant.


holy shit! I thought mine looked good wow you killed it! That was hydro right?


Yes Sir :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Hoping to chop a quarter to a half of the Snow Capped Abduction, here shortly :+1:t4:


Good morning my friend!


Snow capped abduction auto

About a third of the plant. What’s in the trim bin is a quarter to a third of what I cut


Redberrycheesebake cheesebake day 35
Hope you all are having a Great day,I m not lately


hello from maine. i was wondering do you reconizes, this auto? the outstanding vida blanco boarder jumper? same strain different pheno’s





let me know if you do please.


Good morning @repins12 ! I hope your day is going just as you would have it!


Overgrow them . Grow lots and grow hard .

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