I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

always feels good to end a cycle and have the chop done and over. the clean up chore and prepping for the next cycle is work that usually sucks until everything is all shiny and new with the new plants going. :seedling: :sun_with_face:


You my brother are unstoppable, I don’t know where you find the time or energy to keep up with everything.
As you know I’ve had a woeful grow season so far, so my back up plan is to drop some of your beans and hopefully pull a harvest before my window closes.
Wish me luck brother


Redberrycheesebake day 77.

1 Chopped,I think the others will soon come down together

To all of you,have a Great day.
To @repins12 : Kudos for these plant crosses and efforts,thank you Brother from another mother :heart:


You are most welcome, my friend :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Morning Gary.
Plants are looking dam good, bruh.


nice looking colas for sure!


afternoon Gary. glad to see you up and about and on line.

a bit of info / food for thought.

comfrey was once commonly called knitbone, because of its amazing ability to heal broken bones and knit them back together again. the botanical name symphytum, means to unite.

The incredible healing action this plant has on broken bones and wounds comes from a constituent contained in the leaf and root called allantoin. This compound is a cell proliferant which helps to regenerate wounded areas of the body and speed up new healthy cell growth.

years ago after i was busted up from a motorcycle accident i used it to help recover from my injuries. that was back before there was a lot of info about its use and possible side effects. [it was used as an old ancient medicine back in time]

of course every coin has two sides. the down side of using it, i would say more like abusing / over using it is that it is hard on the liver.

Comfrey contains substances called Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), which may / can damage the liver. seems pretty mild compared to some of the side effects of today’s pills/ meds. :grin:


i sorta remember making a tea out of it, using a tea ball and also taking casuals filled with it. just thought i would share the info with you, so you can check into it and decide for yourself. :v:


It looks like the others are almost ready too.




Wow looks so empty but I know you’ll address that issue shortly lol. Hows your lower half doing are you getting around a little better? Hope so and good vibes to you growmie! Your MBAPBF is just amazing smoke! Over 4 wks cure and has really just gotten better and more potent. Smooth smoke, no cough, and has a nice kick to it. No couch lock at all perfect for yard work, repetitive kinds of work, hobbies, and creating art would be great. Art as in all art whether it’s music, craft art, woodworking, fishing, golfing… It’s good for just about anything imo. It might be good for work but I don’t like work so I smoke different smoke for that time. This is save it for your time doing whatever cause it’s such a nice buzz makes everything better. Don’t want to waste it on someone else’s time. Thanks again bud!

2 arachnid pies outside I stunted a bit and had thrips :exploding_head:🤦. All clean but not gonna be a good showing of your genetics hopefully I can keep her happy and max out the terps and cannabinoids!


Cut day for all the cheesebake.

This Is the biggest cola before chop.
All the others have been cut before this day.

Final report for this strain in some days/weeks
Thanks to all of you.
Thank you @repins12 :heart:


nice chunky colas, you grew them plants awesome! got you some real clubs there. :star_struck:


It Is a phenomenal strain for many reasons,I only added light and nutes,I ll report you back when I m done but I m not new to this strain :grin:




happy fathers day Gary. hope you are having a good time today!

and as stated above happy fathers day to all “you sumbitches” :grin:

hope everyone had a good day today! :100: :green_heart:



Dude, your so funny… love it.

People, run, don’t walk… to get yourself some of Repins Gear. Just harvested one of your “One Eyed Snake Bait” and omg this plant produced some of the biggest fattest buds. I tried to run it lollipop style and it just wasn’t having it and would not be denied.


Holy Crapola Batman… and I say that because dat there is a baseball bat of a head bud. You sir can grow, Kudos…
Gary, need me some of that Cheesebake bro… maybe we can trade some of my GDP x Beast Mode Auto…


@Carty Well,the plants were grown under 120 Watts only,so I feel they were very big for being 4 under that low of a wattage.I like to play with the least Power and max outcome and I m dialing in every parameter by time.
Thank you for the compliments,we really all should Say kudos to @repins12 for his outmotherfuckingstanding crosses