I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Hey bud how’s the seed project going? I heard through the grape vine that your going to be doing something special for the community!


I have some monster ghost seeds coming in maybe we can join forces for a 2 man giveaway


Sorry for the late response brother, been busy. Trying to finish up these last 6 strains. Things are coming along, better than expected. Right now, I have 13 strains finished and have 6 packs of each of the strains, that are finished packaged and was planning on a little give away, with your help, my friend. I want to give back to the community, that has been so generous, to me. Just gotta figure out the logistics. I know that they are viable, because I keep having volunteers popping up in the soil pots, that I am using, getting geared up for the next run. I try to get the soil plants going first, since the hydro plants grow, so quickly. I believe that’s like 78 packs or so. Stay tuned, as soon as I get this figured out, we’ll kick this thing off. Hopefully, I will do another giveaway for the remaining 6 strains. I’m stocking up on stamps, right now. I’m gonna get some international stamps as well, just gotta figure out how many, I’m gonna be able to get my hands on.
I hope that all is well with you and yours, my friend. We are going to have to get this figured out soon, I know that you have been generous enough to help me get it figured out. I chopped the Blueberry Domina by ministries of cannabis last night

And we have seeds

This is one of the 6, that I am finishing up.
So far this is what I have come up with

Like I said, there are 6 more that are not finished yet but, I figured, I would get it kicked off with, these first 13, that are ready. Some I have a few more of, some this is the only time, they will be offered, need to keep a stash, for myself, for future projects.
I hope that all is well with you and yours my friend. I will get some pictures soon, working on chopping the Giant Devil XL, now.
Monster Ghost, sounds awesome. Brother, you know that I have got your six. I know that this Bubble Gum pollen, seems to be like a Timex watch, it takes a likcking and keeps on ticking. Just put my second drink in my hand and gotta get back to chopping, so I can re-pack the tent and do one more auto seed run. Side note, it has been over a year since I have changed my res or partially cleaned my Hydro system. I think that, I can now call this design a success, got the same system running in several other states, with similar results. Gotta get back at it. I texted Mark but, have not heard back from him yet, about the lineage of the Bubble Gum :v:t4:


I forget the exact lineage of the bubblegum but at least half of it is Afghan genetics. I’ll get it all soon.
I think we should do a giveaway after I get my ghost strains. I know you have more then me. We can do a multiple pack giveaway.
My envelopes hold 2 coin flips each. I can do 40 or 50 envelopes. Were gonna have to pm each other so we can figure this out… people one reason this is being made public is to try to let people know how envolved this stuff really is. Especially when you go in with another person. It takes time and fucking money to plan these things out…


Man you have been freaking busy as hell. Lots of nice plants , there’s got to be some really good flower in there.


Been a little busy. I hope that all is well, with everyone. Guess I got time for a quick update.
This is my work station, this morning


Finally finished wet trimming and got everything in paper sacks
Giant Devil XL bud


Smoothie bud


Mandarin Cream


All full of seeds, crossed with my Bubble Gum. Damn shame almost, can’t wait to see, how these grow for everyone else.
Fixing to fire up my vape and go get on the mower, for a bit. Still have almost, if not over half the plant left, on 2 of the 3


Bent the Somango, in the back over a bit, to let some light in



Have a great day, my friends. Be safe and Stay HIGH :+1:t4: :v:t4:


It’s always nice to see your updates ! When you get yours mowed your more than welcome to mow mine , Its finally quit raining here , on second thought I may need a hay baler !..lol


Like you say @repins12, outmotherfuckingstanding!


Yeah me three, brother. Been raining like a mofo here :v:t4:

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Thanks brother. Gotta get geared up for the next one. Did you ever hear back from Mark? I texted him the other day and haven’t heard back from him. Fucking mower wouldn’t start. Waiting for the battery to charge. WTF :crazy_face: :rofl: :joy:


Beautiful grow always enjoy seeing your work and truly kind gesture your planning up


I talked to him a few days ago about the bubblegum. He told me exactly what it was but all I remember was it was an Afghan cross. There was to much talking for me to remember everything lol. I’ll contact him again in a few days. I don’t want to bother him to much. I promise to write it down


Thanks brother. That’s why I didn’t call him, I knew that you were going to be in contact with him :v:t4:


No problem bud!

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Outmutherfuckingstanding!!! It took me awhile to get through your thread , I read it from beginning to end. I hope it never ends. I njoyd it. I made my first RDWC out of x3 17 gal totes but I couldn’t keep the temps down. Mine was in a 2x4 tent. I discovered hydraguard, and bought a chiller. Keep up the great work, I’ll definitely follow along. Peace bro!


Went to go mow the grass. Friggin mower, wouldn’t start. Put the battery charger on it, brand new battery, bought late spring… Finally got the fugger stated and realized the front tire was low. Back to the garage for air. Finally got to mowing, third to fourth pass belt broke. Gary ain’t a cutting no grass today.
I did get a chance to take a few pictures of my outdoor plants, in between cussing the damn mower
Freakshow male
Dr Grinspoon
Stealth Fighter
Pounder clone, not looking so hot
Greybeards Private Reserve German Duck
On to the back porch
Freakshow clone, this will be a male as well and will be moved outback, when it grows a set
Suprafreak male, from Dave
Front German Duck clone, back Suprafreak, female clone
Group shot
Coming up on drink thirty, for me. I’m fixing to put a drink in my hand. Y’all be safe and Stay HIGH :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


:v:t4: :point_right:t4:


Thanks for the kind words, my friend. I’m glad that you enjoyed it. Been a helluva ride. Not too bad for a dumb ol country boy, who has no clue what he’s doing :wink: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl:
I’ve used hydoguard, from the beginning. Everyone said that I needed a chiller but, I decided to go without, seems to be working. I’m just now passing the one year mark, without a res change and gonna do one more run, before I break my system down and give it a good cleaning. I will also be shedding my tent at that time.
I hope that all is well with you and yours. I just put a drink in my hand and am going to enjoy the last of the fastest two days of the week
Glad to have you along for the ride :v:t4:


Just added 50 gallons of water to my res, nothing else, will probably finish this run out on that. Unless, i see that I need more water in the am . I hope that y’all have a great evening and for my friends diwn under good day :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


@Bow4Buck a full year and no res change. They said it could not be done, I reckon it can and without a chiller. Probably gonna hear some shit, for breaking all of the rules but, now that it has been done, I reckon, the rules don’t apply any more. Just my $ 0.02
If you tell me, I can’t, I’ll prove that I will. Life is full of rules, that were meant to be broken or at least bent, to the point of breaking. I fought the rules and the rules lost :crazy_face: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :sweat_smile: :rofl:
Just saying :v:t4:


IF (big if) I ever to decide to venture away from soil this will be a big part of why I even give it a shot.

I’m running an auto now under what could be called a “Repins method” and it’s working out pretty good for me :smile: