I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

He did some fire with that Bubblegum pollen. I am so happy he gave me a little bit of it to make the seeds I did. Sour Diesel X Bubblegum :heart_eyes:


Big believer in autos especially regs I give so many to people here in CNY that have never grown before I just tell them think heirloom tomatoes very cool to see older folks grow for the first time in there veggies gardens or whatever anyway I’m currently running 2 2x4 perpetual tents and a notorious pollen chucker just recently I finally pulled off a few sts reversals so if any auto growers ever want to do some trading hit your girl up



Well I do have some SD X BG if you would like some.

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I’ve got 16 more seedlings and 5 already, in the tent, that are going to get hit with the Bubble Gum pollen. If all goes well, should be 40 different Bubble Gum auto reg crosses, in under a year and that’s not counting the photos out back :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Trying to start your own seed bank I see. :rofl:


I’m taking a break, from seed making after this run :wink:


I dont blame you. Besides it is my turn to start making seeds. :+1:


I need to shed the tent, so I can actually stand up in my grow zone, plus I got a few photos that, I wanna do a bud run on. You know, that if there is anything, I can do to help, I’m just a text or phone call away, brother.
I hope that all is well, in your neck of the woods. I’m on my last day of this 3 day conference/class. I can’t wait to get home. Unfortunately, I’ll probably be back in seed jail, soon after. I think that I have 7 or 8 paper sacks, full of bud drying and still gotta finish harvesting those last 2. Hopefully get the new ones in the Hydro system, this weekend :crossed_fingers:t4:


Doing good here, work keeps me busy and out of trouble…for the most part. Hopefully the last day will go fast for you and you can get home quickly. I am looking to the strains I am planning on doing here soon. The Romulan Ale project will be something.

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Like I said before, that sounds interesting :+1:t4: :v:t4:

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yeah for sure I have some cheese double grape green crack and tangie crosses I just finished shucking lol or a bunch more regs I can send you a list fems coming in a bit finally have some pollen to work with


I will shoot you a PM tonight after I get home from work.

Just got home last night. Here’s a quick little update, this morning

Tent appears to be happy. I think that the last 2, from the last run, will either get harvested, this week or definitely, by the weekend

Somango, that I crossed with Bubble Gum. I harvested almost half of this plant before I left

Rainbow Zkittles, crossed with Bubble Gum. I harvested half of this plant, as well, before I left
My seedlings are definitely ready to go into pots and into the Hyrdo system

Front left, is the replacement, for the one in the solo cup, that jumped outta the rapid rooter.
I don’t know why the ones in the smaller aero garden always seem to do better

The 8 paper sacks of branches, that I had drying, seem to be dry enough to start shucking seeds. Looks like it’s gonna be a busy weekend :wink: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
I hope that all is well with you and yours. Y’all be safe and Stay HIGH, my friends :v:t4:


That just sounds good. :grinning:


I think that I am gonna call it Rainbow Gum Balls. Once I get things sorted, I’ll send you a few, if you would like :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Yes please good sir.


I think that the Somango, which I’m gonna call Gumango, is gonna be good as well.
The Giant Devil XL, crossed with the Bubble Gum, I’m gonna call, Lucifer’s Big Buddy.
The Cream Mandarine, Dreamsicle Bubble Yum
Blueberry Domina cross, Bazoka Blueberry
The Smoothie cross, Gumball Slushee
The Sweet Trainwreck cross Sweet Gum Pile Up
I think that gets me back to the first 12, that I already named :wink: :v:t4:


I wish I had the room to do all those crosses.


You will, my friend. I know that you are restricted, with space right now and your killing it with what space, you have to work with :+1:t4:


Super nice list of crosses brother. :+1:
Gonna be sweet.