I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Ive read pretty much this whole thread, I am impressed by your gardens. Not only hydro but soil too. Looks great :+1:t2:


Thanks for the kind words, my friend. I really have no clue what I am doing with this indoor growing thingy but, what I am doing sure seems to work for me :v:t4:


I just had it out with some snowflake on the conclave an off shoot of ILGM. I need to take a deep breath and Vape some of @Bow4Buck Zkittles. That SOB is lucky I couldnā€™t reach through the computer screen and jap slap him into tomorrow. I need to calm down for a sec :v:t4:


They can kiss my rozy red redneck azz

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CentralMEForest Farmer


Tenga specifically asked for no politics in this thread. I know youā€™re trying to be funny, but when you put a politicianā€™s name in the joke, it becomes political. Just sayinā€™.
My response
What the hell are you talking about??? This was before, she said that and I have done nothing since she said that. You might want to check yourself, before you call me out. That post was over 12 days ago. Please donā€™t visit my journal, I would hate for anything, I say to rub you the wrong way. Iā€™ll leave it at that. If it wasnā€™t for the fact that I am following a few peoples grows, I would ask for my account to be deleted. Actually Moderators, please cancel my account. I surely donā€™t want to upset anyone else.
Please get your facts straight, in the future
CentralMEForest Farmer


Tenga specifically asked for no politics in this thread. I know youā€™re trying to be funny, but when you put a politicianā€™s name in the joke, it becomes political. Just sayinā€™.

I wish you the best, most of yā€™all that I care about, know where to find me or have my personal information. Plese DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYONE ELSE. Yā€™all Have a great evening. Yā€™all be safe
Gary :v:t4: :point_right:t4:
Iā€™m outta here. WTF. Someone calling me out for something I did before you asked this. Iā€™m sorry but, I ainā€™t one to walk on egg shells :v:t4:

I try not to be an azz but, sometimes you gotta be. I donā€™t try to start anything but, I damn sure ainā€™t gonna listen to a bunch of crap, from someone that does not have their facts staight.
Again Moderators, would you please delete my account, and anything associated with it. Iā€™m quite pissed right now and donā€™t want anything in my journal ever benefitting @CentralME. If you canā€™t remove it can you please make it so, they can not see my journal or respond to me. Iā€™m tired of accepting things, that I donā€™t agree with, just to not upset someone else. Itā€™s time I start changing the things, that I can not accept. Back in my day, we knew how to agree to disagree and move on. That seems to be lost now with agree with me or I will have you cancelled. Cancell me, do you really think, I give an eff. You really need to get a grip on reality, we ainā€™t always gonna agree. Thatā€™s human nature. I have dealt with a lot of idiots on the multiple forums, that I am on but, you my friend, take the cake. Again I wish you no ill but, if you donā€™t like what you are reading, donā€™t/stop reading it. Problem solved :v:t4:


Donā€™t go, brother!

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Remember its only offensive if they donā€™t agree with it, but roles reversed and they think everyone should think just like them. They donā€™t want to see your opinions, but they want to shove theirs down your throat. Iā€™ll see you on the other side brother.


Thanks Cody, I think that you know, I am not a Bobble Head doll. I am getting so tired about having to worry about everyone elseā€™s feelingā€™s. WTF about mine :v:t4:


Exactly!! Oh and when I get back to NM Iā€™ll have a package to send your way. Iā€™ll shoot you a pm over on the other place when I get ready to send it.

1 Like

Never fails. Always gotta have that one who tries to ruin things for or upset people because it makes them feel better , Iā€™ll miss having you around brother , you know how to get ahold of me , let me know where you may still be lurking. lol. Plants look good :+1::+1::v:


Jeez! guess I missed the action. But I know what you mean. Sad, you want to bolt, tho.


Brother, if I donā€™t leave, Iā€™ll end up saying something that will get me kicked off. Itā€™s not this forum but, one of the many that I am on. I reckon that itā€™s gonna be one less :wink: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


Always enjoyed seeing your outmotherfuckingstanding plants, haha.


If you are going to pick a fight with a ILGM offshoot forum let me know I will join you in all the fun. Might be the time to dust off that voodoo doll I have lying around.


hello @repins12 , i lurk your thread like most others :wink: seems thereā€™s some thin skin out there these days.

hope you stick around. think i will start a free speech grow thread, should be a big hit with the ā€˜adults in the roomā€™


Iā€™m glad to know that you are around, my friend. These are some trying times for sure, Iā€™m having a hard time believing, what people are believing. I spent a lot of time on foreign soils, so we could keep the freedoms, that we have and quite a few people that I know/knew, did not come home. For the first time in my life, I am embarrassed, of my country. This hurts me, more than anyone will ever know. I canā€™t believe the freedom, I fought so hard to defend, people are now willing to give away, so feely.
Free speech is nonexistent in this country anymore. We used to be able to agree to disagree and move on. Now itā€™s either agree with me or I will sick cancel culture on you. WTF, has this country came to, it makes me sick to my stomach. I better quit before I piss off some other snowflake and get kicked off of here as well.
All I can say, is when the shit hitā€™s the fan. Donā€™t come running to my house expecting me to defend you. Sorry, ainā€™t gonna happen. Iā€™m a prepper, from way back and I am ready and willing to defend myself but, all yā€™all that caused this shit, are on your own. If this offends anyone TMFB. You need to start getting your shit together, because I will only fight to defend fellow PATRIOTS, not the cancel culture or the so called, I think that I am entitled. Yā€™all are on your own



I get it. Too bad about the new wave peeps. Participation indoctrination nation. Not to mention, troll nation. This internet can inflate oneā€™s self image very easily, with zero consequences.

That may be why people kinda found a way to talk it out in ā€˜the good old daysā€™, because they had to do it face to face. Noone sane says any of the shit said online to someoneā€™s face, cuz you never know who you are talking to :wink: they all just walk around silent now, face in the phone, and come home and use the brave fingers, lolā€¦

As for free speech, this is seriously a problem. Peeps are brainwashed, from the highest educated, to the hardest working, eating it up like hot shit. there are at least a handful of people who cannot even look me in the eye anymore cuz they know i like the tweet master. just a joke, donā€™t need anyone that dont need me.

No vax? Off with their head, or take away their job, either way, meh
Dont buy climate change BS?!, off with their head
Dont buy everything scientists and govt heads are selling? off!
Think peeps live too close to the ocean? and eff them?! well you know,

Power is concentrating, maoists and marxists are strutting.

See Canadian prime minister for all the proof needed.

Sorry, to rant in your thread, but it seems we agree on some stuff, and could possibly discuss other stuff we may not agree upon with civility.





So chill :sunglasses: