I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

@repins12 A load of plants brother! Good morning!! Thought you chopped the Arachnid Pie! Or was it another one!? No need to say congrats! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :flushed:
One can see that!! :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Youā€™re gonna need a few more friends to help you enjoy those beauties!! Wow! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


That was only half that I chopped, the picture is the other half, that Iā€™m letting harden off a bit more. Same thing with the ArachnaDiesel and Widow maker. :wink: :v:t4:


Okay so far these are the ones, that will be in the first round. The second round will be dropped as the first round, find their places, in the tent
Smaller aero garden

Donā€™t say anything about my drawing skills. Iā€™m usually the only one that can read my chicken scratch. I reckon old habits die hard, my notes are written, so only I can understand them

  1. Skunk Cheese auto
  2. Berry Bomb auto
  3. Red gorilla Girl auto
  4. King Kush auto
  5. Cali snow auto
  6. Yetti Wedding, from at Graysin

Larger aero garden

  1. Do Si Do auto
  2. Juicy Pussy auto
  3. Durban Sunrise from @Hydro921
  4. Auto Top 30 No show, just dropped another last night
  5. Red Poision auto
  6. Wild Thialand auto
  7. Green Crack auto
  8. Giggle Fest auto
  9. Strawberry cream auto
    Others will be added as they are taken out of the aero garden and put into the tent
    My goal is 28ish, plus the pollinator. Weā€™ll see how it goes :wink:
    The pollinator will be started the next go around, since the autos, need to have the STS spraying started after the third to fifth set of true leaves.
    I hope that yā€™all are having a great evening. Yā€™all be safe :v:t4:
    :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil::poop:


Iā€™m a huge fan of Juicy Pussy.


You and me both Mike. The juicier, the better :wink: :smile: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: :shushing_face:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


Iā€™ll be starting 1 more with the next go around. That will be the one that I reverse and use for the pollinator, for the entire tent. Iā€™m hoping 28-29ish strains. 29 is my target, if I can fit them all and handle that many. Itā€™s summer and there is always room somewhere. Hopefully this runs as well as the last one.
Also trying feminized photos outdoors.
Have a great day Mike. Be Safe, my brother :v:t4:


I am not ALLOWED to have that many going at one time. Or I would try. Sounds like workhouse tho. I work like a foole on two tents and a pile of seedlings and clones.


Iā€™m not either :shushing_face:
Iā€™m only running one tent an 8x8 but, I got shit scattered everywhere else.
My buddy has been inquiring about a license, when they issue them in the next 2 or so years. They say a year an a half, Iā€™m realistic. Depending on how that all shakes out, I may think about it :wink: :thinking:
Nope :wink: :laughing: already thought about it, wouldnā€™t be fun then. Just like, when they tried to get me to go legal, with my shine. No thank you, too many rules. I was born an Outlaw and I reckon, Iā€™ll die an Outlaw :v:t4:


Working on the Arachnid pie, at the moment and already put my third drink in my hand. Gonna be one of those nights :wink: :grin: :smile: :laughing:

Still got the great big one to break down and a few others in the trim bin. I need to get into the tent and get to chopping, I need to get the ones that are in the aero garden that are ready in the system, so I have some more real estate to get the rest going :wink: :grin: :smile: :laughing:
WTF am I thinking :v:t4:


@repins12 Damn! Tha ppartyy most goes on!! Pardon the mispelling! :dizzy_face: :flushed:
Buds toppled my speech and my spelling! Awesome stuff friend!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
:pray: :hugs:


I ainā€™t rolled a joint in 20 years, not sure what has me wanting, to twist one

Not too shabby. I reckon itā€™s like riding a bike :wink: :grin: :smile: :laughing:
Dayyyyum, Iā€™m fucked up. Didnā€™t realize I was such a light weight

I think thatā€™s the third strain, Iā€™ve smoked today :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing:
Hope that yā€™all are having a great evening. Be Safe, my friends :v:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


Hey @repins12 just wanted to let u know that this has made a shitty week feel a bit more uplifted

and Iā€™m gonna pop a critical red hour glass but unfortunately Iā€™ve been a little MIA and my dadā€™s been in the hospital for a couple weeks and itā€™s his fucking liver and kidneyā€™s starting toā€¦ Fail and like his Alzheimerā€™s wasnā€™t enough at only 66 so if ya all could send some good vibes my Dadā€™s way Iā€™d be much appreciated and I am excited about the magic beans LoL Happy Growing The Docā€¦ Josh


That video was awesome bro. (the first video) :slight_smile: havenā€™t watched the second yet. lol
I just got back from Tennessee and was able to catch up on the thread. Brother, as usual, you do some outstanding work. I stand amazed.


Variety is the ā€œspice of lifeā€ Iā€™ve heard. I love the spread of genetics you keep going.


Heyooo brother! Been dealing with a medical scare with Dad( heā€™s fine and recovering) and equipment failure. so Iā€™ve been playing catch up and had zero time haha. Wouldnā€™t be spring and summer without setbacks haha

Looking good on your end, I expect a smoke report once you get a chance lol

Hope all is well. talk to you soon


Glad that they arrived there safely, my friend. You know that I understand, my friend and your dad is in my thoughts and prayers :v:t4:


Big ole stinky Luciferā€™s Big Buddy of yours just starting to preflower(got some widow makers and several others that I forgot to take pictures of), Back plant is a very old photoperiod I tried to grow indoors and she was not having it haha, she was in an old school cellophane(pre 2010) and with a ā€œMartyā€ piece of paper to denote grower haha. Brought her outdoors and sheā€™s growing 4 times as fast. Just took about a bunch of clones and hopefully run one and a reversal and get some beans to give out to OG.

We talked about it before but I forgot which one did you say was more of a pain in the ass to use for reversal? I normal only use a male that iā€™ve stressed tested but I figured this would be a good candidate for my first try with those sprays. Thanks in advanced!

Happy Fatherā€™s Day to everyone.


How is your dad doing, my friend? I hope that he is doing better, my brother.
I know about that zero time shit. Kinda seem to always have my hands full of something or another lately. Like you said typical springtime, in the hills :wink: Ass holes and elbows, for sure.
Iā€™ve been puffing on the Charolettā€™s Yesterdream, quite a bit. Fixing to put everything up for the 3 month cure, in the amber half gallon jars and break out some of, last years. I broke out some of the first auto I grew, over 2 and a half years ago, the other night and OMG, does it still fuck me up.
Maybe after some of this cures, Iā€™ll take a trip down there and we can give some of these, a try together.
Plants are looking awesome, brother. The STS seems to work best for me. spraying every 5 days, instead of a couple of times everyday, with the CS. The application times are different for autos vs photos. There is this other stuff, I think itā€™s called ETE, a little pricy but, they say only one application, is needed, from what I read. I havenā€™t tried it, yet. Kinda been thinking about it :thinking: I have plenty of the chemicals for the STS, also have a CS generator. Be glad to help out, any way I can :wink:
I hope that all is well, with you and yours and if your dad ainā€™t better yet, heā€™s damn close to being better :v:t4:
Have a great day, my friend. Be Safe :v:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop: