I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow


Great news, heal well and fully!


I’m here everyday. Just ain’t been sayin much :wink:


Thanks, my friend. Hopefully, it will be quickly :pray:t4: :v:t4:


Just take care brother.


@repins12 Great to see you’re doing better!! Keep on improving brother!! :pray: :hugs:


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I hope that all is well with everyone. Y’all have a great day. Be Safe, my friends :v:t4:


Beautiful morning here in upstate . Starting to feel falls presence :crazy_face:

Maybe it’s just wishful thinking


Gary hope you are doing great.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Happy Birthday @repins12 !!! Hope you have a wonderful day and get to feeling better!


Morning Gary. Hope you have a a good painfree day.


Good morning my friend! Hope your day is, as Mike said, pain free.


Hope all is well and Happy Birthday, Brother!


Happy birthday brother…
And get well soon :weight_lifting_man:


Sorry, I haven’t been around a whole lot. I’ve been here every day, just ain’t had much to say. First off, I want to thank everyone, for the well wishes and kind words, believe me, your words have not fallen on deaf ears and are appreciated, more than you will ever know.
They still don’t really know, what the underlying issue is, so for now, they are going with heart failure. I’m fricking tired of being a damn guinea pig. It’s a damn shame, I gotta be hospitalized twice and go off, to get them to finally listen. I’ve been telling them, how to fix me, for the last 2-3 years. They finally get on the right track and don’t see it through. Kinda like going after a target and not squeezing the trigger. When I left the hospital, the first time, I told them, if I had to come back, I was gonna, not be so happy. Unfortunately, they found out, I’m a man of my word. I’ll know more in a few weeks. I got a whole new set of doc’s and a whole new set of eyes. They seem to have ears that listen, the other crew ain’t so happy.
Enough of my ramblings, just another battle to fight. I can’t remember if I told y’all yet but, I did get a little good news, my cancer is now undetectable.
I hope that all of my friends, out there in Weedville are vertical and kickin, this morning or evening, whichever it may be for you


Plants have had it kinda rough but hopefully I can salvage this seed run. I’m working on getting them turned around, if I can. I had the wife put water in my res and it got way overfilled. Not her fault, I should have checked and she was only trying to help, since it hurt me, a whole lot, to walk.
In my haste, when this was all blowing up, I thought that all of the Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem D, that I had growing were males. I planted the last 2 seeds that I had and 1 didn’t pop, that was the only one to ever do that. Well, thank the growing gods, I was mistaken and have 2 males and 1 female. The one, that grew outta the last 2 seeds, I’m not sure yet. Hopefully, another female :crossed_fingers:t4: I thought that I had lost this strain and it is one of my favorites.
Juicy Pussy, was out on the back porch, for a bit and all of the rain stunted her. I even thought that I was going to lose, the plant. Reversal was successful and now she is in the tent, waiting for the pollen sacs to open up.

Had a few visitors, when I went outback

Male Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem D #1

Oly’s Wash clone and LCMS, in back. I know, they need water and they got it before, I went back in.

Liquor Cookies Moonshine female and male #2 behind it

Green Crack from, I thought that, I would never say it again, ILGM. My brother @Bow4Buck, convinced me, to give it a chance, when I gave him some seeds, that I got to replace a messed up order, after a lot of to do.

German Duck clone, barely hanging on and Peyote Gorilla behind it , in the 100 gallon.

Been making a little vape juice

Got Moma’s winter salad garden started

Back porch

My other 2 t-rts that I had made , came in



Can’t remember, if I posted the first one

I think, that is all, I have growing on. Been a little rough, trying to manage, work, life, health issues and the plants, here lately. Hopefully, things will get back, to some kinda normal soon.
I hope that you have a great day. Y’all be Safe :v:t4:

I thought that I hit reply, this morning. I guess, I got stoned and I missed it :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:


@repins12 Really pleased to hear and see from you brother!! :pray: :hugs:
them plants looking awesome as always!! You master!! :sunglasses:
Keep it up brother!! Amazing stuff!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Btw, think I’m beginning to get your disease, “if a given container can hold more than one tight hand with soil, it can also hold a seed and let it grow!” You’re dangerous! You know that!? :sweat_smile: :neutral_face:


Thank the Lord for that!

Just keep on kicking it down the road brother. That way you’ll be in practice for kicking some medical industry butt.


I could not say it any better.


Fuck yeah !! There he is !
Behind the scenes still killing it
Good to see you back in action


Yo @repins12
Glad to see you’re still among the living!
Your garden is this far up to now. All it lacks is finishing up.