I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Good to see you up to posting. You sure are missed when you don’t post…

:green_heart: :seedling:


Soon there will be Juicy Pussy feminized auto crosses, spread around the world

Gonna have fun with these names :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


been following your thread for a lil’ while bud glad to see you/they are finally figuring you out. hope one day to try some of your feminized auto crosses creations maybe best luck too ya’ man .


Do not hesitate to send me a handful.Here your Redberrycheesebake Automatic coming to harvest

I Ve grown 3 and all had beautiful Bud structure
Kudos friend,very nice cross


Sorry to hear your medical team is dropping the ball but hopefully the new one finally gets it right. Awesome news about the cancer being undetectable!

BTW seeing the kitchen garbage can plants made my morning :laughing:


Juicy pussy. The names are falling like rain in my head. Like juicy pussy selfed is pussy juice, unicorn poop x pussy juice is ‘space docked poosy’

Or call a nl x juicy pussy ‘well lit Canadian porn’

Actually, they just get more convoluted from there haha but it’s enough to get me thru Monday morning, looks like so much fun :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’ll be on the lookout for some Juicy Pussy.


I was going to name one of my crosses “smell my fingers”, but the name was already taken. :rofl:


@repins12 my friend,the day has come.
And,there Is One more cheesebake I popped 10 days ago,I love this strain.A shame I have 5-6 seeds left.
Very well done friend!!
How could I preserve It?

6090214_grow-journal-by-draxelcustomredberrycheesebake_m 6090213_grow-journal-by-draxelcustomredberrycheesebake_m


I hope that everyone out there in WEEDVILLE are vertical and kickin’, this morning.

Just thought that, I would stop in and say HIGH and give a bit of an update.
I got outta the hospital late Thursday afternoon/evening. Hopefully, I can manage to stay outta that place :wink: :pray:t4:
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and again on Wednesday. We’ll see where we go from there. That’s about all, I know about that :man_shrugging:t4:
Plants faired a little better, than I expected. Wife’s fall/winter salad garden is coming along nicely

Looks like we will definitely have some regular photo seeds, come fall

One of my male Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem D. This is this guys second, go around. It’s the same one that was in between the 2- 4 wheelers, that I chopped back.

This is the other male LCM

Female LCM, in front of the male. I mistook this one, as a male, in my haste, trying to get things squared away

Oly’s Wash clone. Hopefully, I will get a few LCM crosses, outta it. Sorry Oly. If you could send me another clone, I will promise, to try to do better next time, provided my health hold out.
My German Duck clone, from last year, pretty much, crapped out. Would have been nice, to have at least gotten a few seeds.
Random shots outback

Movin on, to the
Back Porch
This is the broken branch photo clone and I still keep breakin the hell outta it

Midnight Snack, from Cody.

This is a broken branch volunteer auto clone

These autos need to get back inside the tent

The one plant that grew outta my last 2 LCM seeds.

This is Purple Moonshine, from Enoji, Last Green Valley Seeds

The tent, was a little more of a disaster but, I think that things are coming back around

Give it a couple more weeks. I believe, these 2, are gonna be a total loss

Reversed Juicy Pussy

I see seeds starting to form on the other plants in the tent and what appears to be some new growth.
This is for my brother @Bow4Buck

Well, that’s all that I got for now. Oh, I forgot, I have a few Sobriety Check Point’s, out front. Both males and females :wink: :v:t4:
I hope that y’all are having a great day, my friends. Be Safe :v:t4:


Grow 2 and reverse one, with STS, my brother :v:t4:


I only have colloidal silver at 50ppm at home,would It Be effective?


Let me do a little research. I’ve reversed a few, with CS.


Make sure you finish off those mildew colonies in the spring. Don’t take a chance on that crap coming back.


I say that to my wife after I mess with that OG x GG#4 dang near every time. lol
Funny stuff. :slight_smile:


Gary! I so glad to see you on here again. Been worried brother.
Looks like you have some therapy to do on your girls but, for the most part, they look good.


glad to see youre still at it and some of those are looking descent still. those 2 are looking pretty rough in the tent but i got faith in you :smiley:

keep up the good fight my friend!!


Glad to see they released you from the hospital.
Hope you are well on the mend brother.


Gary :v:t4:


Yo Gary
How you feeling these days. Hope you finally get to stay away from the hospital for a weekend.
Hang in there my friend.