I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Great find, Now if they germ that would be something.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Is there something going on with the server today. It keeps telling me I’m outta likes, When I haven’t used many? I feel bad not being able to leave likes on posts I read :man_shrugging:t4: :v:t4:


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Here you go bro! I got plenty!


Server seems to be working fine for me.

1 Like

Did you do a ton late last night. When I am on at 12 to 4am and used a ton and get back on the same day I would run into that.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’ve got a collection of random bag seed from the 90s that I’ve yet to dig into. I should really get a move on!


Anybody heard from Gary lately? Hope everything’s ok.


Just a short message but it was yesterday.


The way the system works, it doesn’t refresh the full number of likes every 24 hours. You have to wait 24 hours after each individual like is used before the system will add it back to your available ‘like count.’

So even if you haven’t been using a ton of likes all at once, if you are consistently using up the last few likes that have just refreshed, you’ll be waiting 24 hours on that schedule before you can use them again.

Kind of weird, but that’s just how the software works.


I chatted with him this morning. He’s ok. Has a few medical issues but he’s alright.


thx Mike, I thought that might be the case.

We’re thinkin of you Gary!



I shouldn’t say I chatted. We keep up with each other by text mostly. I HAVE talked with him.


I shoot text’s with him the same as @BigMike55. He is okay just dealing with medical issues.


I just now texted him. Well see if I get a response.


Hello @repins12! I see you’re typing! Great to hear from you brother!!!
:v: :100: :boom: :maté:


Sorry guys. I’ve been a little distracted this week. Doctor visits Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Electrophysiologist (electrical department) Tuesday, Cardiologist (plumbing department) Wednesday and family doctor on Thursday for everything else. They think that they kinda got my heart issues under control but, surgery brought back swelling in legs and feet. They are trying to get a grip on that now. I’ve been put off work at least until February ninth. They are going to reevaluate me then. Those that I have phone numbers for and text daily or semidaily kinda already knew this.
I appreciate all the kind words and well wishes from everyone, more than you will ever know. I have still been reading, just about every day, just not feeling like posting a whole lot here lately.
I hope that everyone has a great evening. Y’all be Safe my friends :v:t4:

@BigMike55 your text made me realize that a lot of people didn’t know what was going on, thanks my brother :+1:t4: :v:t4:


It’s good to look out for one another.


Greetings @repins12 Fans!

With permission from The Man himself I have created an index to some of the great posts in this thread. I started this for my own reference as one of the happy recipients of repins12’s White Widow crosses, but he and I thought it might be useful for others, so here tis.
(Note: the links are to the relevant post, you may need to scroll for the specific info)

Seeds and Crosses
Linda Seeds White Widow Auto: Male Parent for WW crosses

Charolett’s Dementia: Amnesia XXL

Webbed Slipper: White Widow x Cinderella Jack

Charolett’s Yesterdream: White Widow x Blue Dream’matic

Creepy Crawly Annihilator:White Widow x Auto Destroyer

Arachnid Pie: White Widow x American Pie

Auto Duck Strain, Auto Duck Quack, German Duck

Juicy Pussy Auto

Seymour Shit: White Widow x Good Shit

Critical Red Hour Glass. White Widow x Auto Critical

Purple Panty Dropper, Purple Monkey Balls, Red Eye OG, White Lightning Auto, WTF Auto

WidowMaker: WW x AK47

Liquor Cookies Moonshine x Chem dog

Webbed Slipper: White Widow x Cinderella Jack

Mocha DoSi

Repins12’s New Strain List

Spanish Strain List

May 2022 Order List

One Eyed Snake Bait: Juicy Pussy x CherryVenom

8 Legged Podium Crusher: Reversed White Widow x Forum Stomper

Purple Lot Lizard: Juicy Pussy x Purple Diesel

Strawberry Y Pie: Juicy Pussy x Strawberry Cream

That’s it for now. I’m happy to update with additional links if Gary adds more strain descriptions, or if anyone has suggestions.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


That is super dude, good shoot :slight_smile: looking up my charlottes demetia right now. Plan to pop a bunch of his stuff soon


Damn!! Colossal!! And awesome!! @GrouchyOldMan Thanks a lot for this!! You’ve made it all in one piece!! Only suggestion: Please keep bringing them!! :v: :pray:
And @repins12, couldn’t thank you more!! For this mind-boggling amount of possibilities you provide!! You’re surely one unique and generous person!! Hope everything gets sorted out regarding your health!! Get better soon!!

Heck of a list!! You people are amazing!! :hugs:

Btw, did not see One Eyed Snake Bait
! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: