I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

I’m hoping to get the other 2 spots in the hydro filled and 6 soil pots so, they can all share the LOVE :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Are you recycling your water through your rez or is it straight plain water at this point?


The outdoor buds look a little wispy… Oaxacan you say? lol. People probably have no idea who much of that they smoked back in the brick weed day… lots of compressed Oaxacan and what a great high… seen it once in flower in Vegas, what a pretty weed man… good luck with your project with it bro…


Just adding tap water when needed to top off rez. I did an auto grow in there a while back after completing a photo grow and did nothing but top off rez with water for entire grow. Plants only got nutrients that were left in the water from previous grow and I never used more than quarter strength :man_shrugging:t4:
I keep saying we are wayyyyy overfeeding our plants


Those aren’t buds. They’re branches loaded with pollen sacks.

Hopefully Oxacan x Sheelavathi cross along with a few others.


That Is what I think too,I am using only 0.7ml/l of canna nutrients when their feeding schedule recommends at least about 1,5ml/l.
Autos are also eating less than a photo plant on average

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I’ve noticed the same thing with photos. Feeding schedule is wayyyy over feeding. Just my opinion.


Good morning @repins12 . I hope you are doing well tonight.


What’s up my brother from another mother? Other than us :smile: :grin: :laughing: :joy:


I got up a little earlier than normal for me so I figured I’d see what night owl’s were up and about and get a little paperwork done up before chores. It’s going to be fantastic weather today, and the whole week in fact. I’ve been working on getting my new paddock fenced in but it’s been so dang hot I haven’t been able to stay at it for much longer than an hour or so at a time. I’ve been looking forward to this break in the heat so much I couldn’t sleep last night for planning my days work schedule. There’s so much backed up around the place too. Man I didn’t realize just how much my son did around the place until he moved out of state.


I agree. I don’t use the feeding schedules. I’ve added nutrients 3 times on this auto grow and at quarter strength and my ladies seem to be happy. Still using the general hydroponics nutes , I had the thought of changing to athena, but at this point I don’t see the justification for price increase. Gonna stick with what I know and the gh nutes work. Soon as these autos finish up, flora flex system is getting set up :+1::+1::v:


I’m back to using the maxi series when I do feed and not gonna change again. Got about 60-70 pounds each of maxi grow and maxi bloom and 20-30 pounds of kool bloom. I still use AN sensi series for my soil grows sometimes.


Been right damn hot here in Virginia as well, my brother


Yep maxi series powders. Cal magic and armor si and a root inoculant called myco + which I notice a difference when added , i have some rock resonator heavy yield a buddy talked me into buying (expensive $h!t). I use it occasionally on plants struggling to yield good. It helps a bit. Not sure if I’d buy it again. Cost per results don’t add up to me. Lol :joy: :+1::+1::v:


That’s what I started with and was stupid to jump aboard the Jack’s bandwagon with the results I was gettin from maxi series. Sold all of my Jack’s to a fellow grower in Maryland. Easier my ass
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


Yup, Jacks is for Tomato plants or something, been down that rabbit hole.

Bruddha, this Purple Lot Lizard is incredible. such a nice relaxing high taken at day 79. I prefer the lime green pheno, the wife the other… very impressed with your works… hey, you have any autos with Blue in the title… I’m doing an all blue grow and will start some autos in a few weeks…

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Sorry bro. This site isn’t notifying me when someone tags me. I only see a few and missed this one.


I hope that all is well with everyone in WEEDVILLE. Sucks that Jimmy Buffet passed. Looks like guitarist for Dire Straights has passed as well. RIP legends.

Jimmy Buffet Parody-Marijuanaville

A quick little update indoors

Back right corner

right side of tote

left side of tote

Center right side

right side of tote

left side of tote

Front right side

Back left corner

Center left

Front left reversed Man Bear Alien Pig

Now I’m scrambling to get some autos in soil and into the tent. Got 2 in pots already and 5 above ground in the aerogarden. That should just about wrap up this indoor feminized auto seed run :wink: :thinking:
I hope that y’all have a great day or evening, whichever it is in your corner of the world. Be Safe.


ABC is budding


Outmotherfuckingstanding :+1:t4: