I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Fluid retention. I’ve been telling them for 4 or 5 years now it felt like I was walking around on water balloons. I reckon they finally popped.


That my friend is a understatement.


Well its finally Friday evening. You can go prop your (aching and rather nasty looking, to be honest) feet. Grab some adult beverages and some of that fine smoke and take it easy, Gary.


I’m trying to scramble to get a few more autos going for this seed run

Gonna try to get a little defoliating done



Pinched a branch off the Crystal Meth by mistake, even though it’s an auto, lets see what happens

Check out this bud on the reversed MBAP

On a different note, my fucking feet hurt. I think it looks like they are healing

I forgot to take a picture of my right foot before I re-bandaged it

Gotta try to get a little more defoliating done this evening.
I hope that y’all have a great day/evening/morning, whatever it is in your corner of the world. Be Safe.


Glad to know your feet are getting better.


I am really liking your grow, Gary. Your foot? Not so much.
I got a place on my pecker like that one time. I went home and soaked it in cider. Fixed it right up. Haha.


I always soak it in cider but, my foot won’t fit :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Plants are rocking man that bud on the mbap is cool af! What’s the very lanky bundle of mess it looks like in the front left tote? It just wlooks very unusual. Glad your feet are getting better man! Doctors can be assholes for sure you tell them it fells like walking on balloons. They don’t see anything so obviously you must not know what the bottom of your feel like when you walk.:rofl::rofl::rofl:. Don’t know if that is your case but seems to be an ongoing theme especially with those who only go to doctor when shit has hit the fan. Killing it.


That bud is very cool. I have a grape god that has a tendency for buds to do that and the stalks will be wide and flat , the buds themselves get really dense .plants Looking good brother , your feet definitely look better, I’m familiar with the foot issues, my dad was diabetic and had heart issues he had similar issue due to water retention, never any fun don’t over do it. Get yourself healed back up. :+1::+1::v:


You mean this plant?

It’s the reversed MBAP.
Yeah the doc’s don’t ever seem to listen to me unless I go off on them or a catastrophe happens :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:


I have heart issues, no diabetes. I have to argue this point with any new doctor.


Yep that the one.

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The Bastard is really filling in nice


That’s fucking awesome :+1:t3:


I assumed it was diabetes also. So, this argument will go like,it is circulatory from heart issues? NOT, diabetes Doc.


Hi @repins12 Have always loved your in between projects! Awesome!
Take it easy with a joint, and make sure to take care of your health brother!!
Wish you all the best!! :v: :hugs: a friend from down south (of the equator :sunglasses:!)


The heart doctor is the one that has been treating me and in my opinion caused all of this by not listening to me for the last 4 or 5 years. I get tested for diabetes pretty regularly as part of all of the other blood work that I have done between the heart doctor and my family doctor. They know it’s not diabetes. Working on getting a new heart doctor before, I fire the others. I told them the other day that the quality of treatment I’m receiving from Virginia Heart, might be acceptable under their standards but, not mine
Carole said feet are looking some better

Off to the foot doctor today, for a follow up. Also the culture she took just came back yesterday and it showed some type of bacteria, so she called me yesterday and had me start a new antibiotic that fights those bacteria yesterday. Back to the back doctor on Monday. Stopped and had bloodwork done on the way back from getting injections yesterday. Follow up with family doctor next Friday. Damn :thinking: I need to go back to work.



Damn man that’s rough but totally get the rural area doctor can be very limiting. We have 80 miles to the city to see doctors cause the selection here is garbage. I’m glad they got the culture back and have you on the proper meds. Hope you heal quickly now.:crossed_fingers::+1:


I’m pulling for you brother.


I don’t wanna be the bearer of bad news, but here goes. Hope it’s not a secret.
Our friend @repins12 fell down yesterday and broke his femur in half. May be going in for an operation today, he told me.
Let’s all send him some type of positive reinforcement. Be it prayers, good vibes… whatever. Hoping for a speedy recovery brother.