Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

Thanks! It really depends on how I’m feeling and how busy I am. I don’t care at all about yield as this is all for personal consumption in an efficient vaporizer. I only consume once at night really so for me seeing variety is the most interesting aspect. If something appears special in some way it is easy to reveg 1GAL pots as well and they take up very little space. Also1 GAL pots are mobile for pollinating outside of a flowering area. My setup is disorganized, inefficient and something I don’t think anyone would ever want to emulate though.

Here’s the usual process. This round almost everything was done late or neglected because I was very busy.

  • Seeds started in paper towel, usually sprout within 16-24 hours.
  • Placed in rapid rooters if valuable seeds. Straight to my soil-less mix if self created seeds.
  • Before seedlings look sickly transplant to approximately 3" square nursery pots or smaller.
  • Transplant into 7"x7"x9" 1 GAL pots once fully rooted out.
  • Lower branches pruned off for spacial reasons as well as to ensure 1GAL is sufficient (neglected this step as I was too busy)
  • After a few days flip. Continue to prune any branches that will expand outside of the pot space. Males are culled once they show and soil-less mix dumped back in a container for future use without need for re-amending.

These were flipped close to 1ft if I remember correctly without sufficiently pruning them and I actually threw out the SSDD F2s because they got over 4.5’ tall post stretch. They were very healthy and smelled extremely good but I know with that kind of size they probably would have been first to deteriorate.

Clones perform much more predictable and solid in a 1GAL in my experience. To me there are 2 other options, and they just aren’t worth it when you compare pros and cons of both methods. An incredible amount of space used and reduced variety is the result no matter what it seems.

  • Veg out a seed until it shows sex. Take clones, wait for clone to root, transplant and flower out.
  • Veg out a seed until it shows sex. Transplant to a 3-7GAL pot. Could end up with a huge plant of something I don’t like or that is unstable.