Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

Yeah I was looking at all their various OG crosses they had and wanted to try them all. Would have bought them if GLG had them but I didn’t really feel comfortable with the other banks at the time. I never really read much in the way of negative comments about them but I didn’t browse THCfarmer much.

That’s probably the #1 effect that I try to avoid. Not a fan of it either.

Yeah I agree with all this for sure it just seems weird that it has found its way on to this type of medium. It definitely seems suited towards the more isolated forms of social media. Guess it’s just so ingrained into society at large at this point.

…but have you had the REAL gsc?


I got all of my RD gear from Attitude, no problems. And it was even right when all the COVID/quarantining stuff first started and everybody was bitching about how the mail was taking forever, but I think I got everything about a week or so after ordering. I don’t remember ever thinking,”Gawd, these took forever to get here!” anyway haha. And that was multiple orders, too, not just one big-ass order or anything.

I think it may have been on icmag that I saw all of those negative comments, maybe? I can’t remember now. It wasn’t on thcfarmer, I don’t think.

There’s also some really good and thorough reports on icmag of the Rug Burn OG and the Commerce City Kush, if you’re interested. I’m probably gonna plant some of the Rug Burn, just because the dude who posted the report said he found some Sour-tasting stuff in those seeds. Maybe might plant the Ghost of Lee Roy, too, I dunno. I planted some of those a while back, but they all turned out male (big surprise haha).



At the same time I was looking at all this stuff I remember on one of the other forums there was a lot of negativity being thrown towards Goji OG as not being a REAL OG (reoccurring theme). I think the comments were suggesting RD or Motorebel’s Rebel OG as a good OG alternative if looking for OGs in seed form. I don’t know whether or not Goji resembles a REAL OG or not but it does have that mood-lifting upbeat effect that I’ve always read to be a common trait of OGS.

Looked up Rugburn, ya that was one that I perpetually would add to the cart when toying with the idea of buying them. 501, Scotts OG, Docs OG, and Night Terror OG were some of the others too. Never really looked at Ghost Of LeeRoy but after looking at the genetics it sounds promising too(Ghost OG x [TK x RD#2]). Next time I pop some 88g13hp crosses I’m going to do more of the Ghost x 88g for sure (had 3/3 males). Checking out some of their Ghost OG genetics may be cool if it’s one of the cuts you are less familiar with… and you could always make F2s if you wind up with males…


I mean, I wouldn’t consider Goji an OG. It doesn’t taste like it, anyway, and the high is way more mellow and kinda “subdued” than any OG I’ve ever smoked. More meditative, too, and less “soaring” or however you wanna put it. At least, that’s how my last grow of it smoked.

As much as we all know Bodhi has integrity, he DID release the Goji right around the time when everrrryyyyyyy-fucking-thing had an “OG” slapped onto the end of the name. It’s possible he did the same. But yeah, I wouldn’t consider Goji an OG, especially considering the “OG” mom he used in that cross was Nepali OG, which, what the fuck? Never heard of it until Bodhi started talking about it. Not that I’m an authority on all things OG haha, but still… I’ve never seen straight Nepali OG around at all, ever.

Yeah, maybe. I thought the Starkiller I grew was pretty OG-ish, as far as flavors and high were concerned. And growth patterns, too, actually. Much more OG-ish than the Starkiller I used to get from this one dispensary. The one from the dispensary was much, much more hashy-tasting than the one I grew and had a much heavier high, as well. Both were very good, though, just different.

That dispensary Starkiller I got was from Kyle Kushman’s place in Studio City. I dunno why, but I feel like I need to include that disclaimer haha. Maybe “vegan-grown” weed always turns out tasting hashy haha, I dunno.

Yeah yeah yeah, alright… haha. I hear you.

Honestly, though, if I were to make seeds, I don’t think I’d use any of RD’s stuff, just because of the crazy polyhybrids they use to breed with. I feel like if I ever do make seeds, I kind of wanna use at least one parent plant that’s fairly stable and true-breeding or whatever. I mean, what’s that RD #1 male that they use? Like a Chem/Triangle/Ghost bx3 or something? That does not sound stable to me at all haha.

I’ve got like 40 seeds of their Grape Ox, which is some kind of Bubba/Grape Ape/Blue Moonshine cross, Attitude kept including them as freebies with my orders haha. If you want some, I can send you some. I’m never gonna grow 40 of those, although it actually sounds like a pretty intriguing hybrid. I’m just always leery of any freebies. Like,”Okay, why aren’t people buying these?” haha.


Day 29~


Madre Azul - Very top calyx is starting to turn purple. We’ll see if it progresses. Assuming any purple would be a Blue Lotus trait.

Redeye Jedi 1 & 2

Blueberry HP - Lots of pistils changing on this one. Given the amount of dark cycle interruptions that have already occurred it makes me wonder whether or not it was pollinated. We’ll find out eventually.


Everything looking real good. Praying to the sun god!!!


That happened with both the Time Bandits and the Imperial Majesties I grew, maybe like around day 30 or 35? Seems like that’s just a thing that happens sometimes with those HP crosses.



Also in other news the 13 Field trips are all still looking very healthy and happy

Yeah I hope it’s just that but I really did mess up a few times lately and accidentally interrupted and delayed the dark cycle. It wouldn’t surprise me if something did throw bananas as a result.

Quick impressions of smells to document

Madre Azul - Almost lemon candy floral on leaf rub. Smells good. Other Madre Azul no discernible smell yet.

Redeye Jedi - The more photogenic pheno has a very strong black licorice smell on the leaf rub. Other pheno hasn’t developed enough to comment.

BB HP - Currently best smelling in the tent. Want to say blueberry syrup or candy but I don’t know if I’m being influenced by the name. Regardless it smells very good at this point.


Will toss up a few photos tonight of them but got 4 females and 1 male out of the 5 ssdd x gogi og culled the male but thinking I’m going to pollinate 2 of the females with some lucky charms f2 and run the other 2 as in my 4x4 for flower


The SSDD x Goji is just such a big question mark to me since I haven’t tested it. At the start I had a nice little glass jar full that I wound up playing Johnny Appleseed with half of it because the interest wasnt as high as I had anticipated it might be. Maybe one day I’ll try it though, very interested to see what you find!


Too many pollen chucks as well as breeder F1s for me to sort through at this point… From that particular Goji OG dad I think I might be most interested in the Space Monkey (pine) x Goji OG… Looking at my pollen chuck container the ones at the top that I was most curious about were :

Space Monkey (pine) x Goji OG (2021)
Devil's HP x Goji OG (2021)
Black Triangle x Goji OG (2021)
SSDD x Goji OG  (2021)
SunRa #2 x Goji OG (2021)
SSDD F2 (#1 male, #1 female)
Gorilla Biscuit 2 x SSDD #1 Male
(Legend OG x SL ) x Goji OG (#3 male)
Granola Funk 3 x Goji OG (#3 male)
Granola Funk F2a x Goji OG (#3 male) **** tried 2 , were extremely promising. 
Granola Funk F2a x Space Monkey (#2 male)
ConspiracyKush (TGA?) x Space Monkey (#2 male)
Space Monkey (pine) x GG4 RIL
Space Monkey (pine) x Devil's HP
Space Monkey (pine) F2 (#4 male)

When you add in all the breeder stuff of interest it becomes difficult to narrow it down haha…


Stems starting to develop frost on the SSDD around 4 1/2 weeks in. Also rubbery smell developing :


Little late but my 4 ssdd x gogi og females

Last picture is significantly stretchier and more vigorous then the other phenos hard to keep happy in the 1 gallon going to up pot that one will be one of the 2 females I’m going to pollinate with the lucky charms f2 males


Madre Azul - This pheno looks very delicate and velvety in person. Leaves are very frosty and narrow. Looks like a nightmare to trim when grown like this. I noticed a nanner in one of the buds when cropping the pictures and am not surprised at all, as I’ve said there were dark cycle disturbances multiple times this run. That said I’m pretty sure I am going to chop and compost it because I’m not looking forward to trimming something like this that is potentially going to be seeded. I can’t see any reason to keep it with the intersex / sensitivity coupled with being a nightmare to trim. Nanner can be seen in the 3rd picture in the middle of the bud.

Blueberry Hashplant - smells are transforming and no longer pure BB candy syrup. Not a fan of how leafy this one is but am going to hold off judgement for now. Too hard to get a good picture of this one with how the tent is setup so this is a lower bud shot.

Sunshine Daydream - Old reliable. Very frosty. Stickiest in tent and probably strongest smelling on leaf rub. Haven’t tested this before with as many light disturbances as it has had this round so I’m happy that there doesn’t appear to be any nanners on this.

Redeye Jedi - Main inspiration for this post. This is a real eye catcher for me every-time I look in the tent. I’ve never grown a pure OG before but to me it screams OG morphology. Frosty dense buds that form like golf balls with spiky calyxes. Seems nanner free at the moment too. Very interested in this one as well as opinions from others on whether or not this appears to be leaning Skywalker OG. Any Skywalker & OG enthusiasts around to give their opinion?


Your updates never cease to amaze, all looks top notch !!
Whatever way that RedEyeJedi is leaning I’d be fine with lol she really is a looker!


Looking great from here, perhaps Im in the wrong, but all of those pictures you showed look heavily pollinated.


I cut off a few sample buds from madre azul and surrounding areas, dissected the flowers / calyxes and didn’t see any sign of immature or forming seeds. I’m not going to rule out the possibility, but at this point I don’t believe they are pollinated. May be worth noting also that the Madre Azul smells very good and is very greasy + sticky. Hash makers would be more able to overlook how leafy it is.


Everything looks so professional. Sucks about the nanner and too many leaves. But if we have tons of seed, then it’s ok to be overly picky.

I’d have no issues with any of it. Keep up the great work!


looks spectacular, i think the determination of it’s og qualities would be most obvious by smell… even if you dont have previous experience with the mother side, just based on how the 88ghp dad passes a common profile, you might be able to get a sense for a strong og indicative olfactory profile now, which to me is that chemical/skunky musty funk that always came wafting by at hippy music events, the good shit


Thanks! Yeah definitely agree, the abundance of seeds allows us to be picky and discard stuff for trivial reasons or just for variety. Culling plants is almost a relief to me at this point haha.

Thanks, and ya I considered that and then realized that the smell is surely going to change by harvest time. I’m also horrible at describing smells. Not getting any skunk but it’s a bit like SSDD but more rubbery / dark / minty? / licorice / earthy is the best I can do.

Just re-responding to this to show the difference between the two Redeye Jedi phenos which are right next to each-other. Almost all white pistils still on the second pheno. My thinking is if there was enough pollen floating around to fully pollinate pheno #1 then the plant right next to it probably would have at least one side of the plant affected as well. Also have yet to find any nanners or male flowers that have dropped any pollen.

RJ #1

RJ #2


Yeah, I’d just wait until she’s dried and cured. The flavor (and the high, too, of course) will probably be the easiest way to tell if she was leaning towards the Skywalker side of the cross.

There was a Skywalker thread, pretty sure it was on thcfarmer, that had a lot plant pics. As pretty much every thread does on most weed growing websites (and every other site, too), it devolved into a bunch of,”Nuh uh! You’re wrong and I’m right!” bullshit, but I remember there were a lot of pictures of Skywalker plants in the beginning of the thread, before it got all bitchy, if you wanna take a look.

IIRC, one thing frequently mentioned was that the Skywalker, like the TK, threw a lot of trifoliates and, uh… quinfoliates? Haha, is that the word for five-bladed leaves? So maybe look for those? I dunno. I may be thinking of something else.

Plants look good, anyway! You’re gonna blaze a little bit of that Madre Azul before you trash it, right? You gotta smoke a little bit, man! Haha…