Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

Wasn’t able to find any with a lot of pictures but what I did find was fairly interesting. A few of the threads with pictures all used hosts for their images that are no longer active. Anyways, taking all these quotes from THCfarmer with a grain of salt regardless.

From one of the threads

I have had some amazing skywalker, from the bay area jar, harbor and longbeach spot. It’s all had the lemony smell (thats the og smell), but also a little earthy spice, not bubba tho. Some of best smell tree ever. Never smelled it without the lemony kush, if it doesn’t have that I think it’s probably fake. However it doesn’t smell as skunky as some og’s.

Checks out on the earthy spice part. Currently not detecting any lemon though.

the skywalker should have a straight OG smell to her… maybe a super little hint of lemon in her… no fruitiness whatsoever

The skywalker OG I got in the valley tastes like lemon pledge but it’s not the rock hard indica nug structure. Great smoke. Sourced from Norcal I’m told.

But our skywalker does finish in 45 days. Plain and simple…I pulled it at 58 days and it’s overly done. Couldn’t believe my eyes!

youve got the Skywalker IF SHE FINISHES IN 45 DAYS! Thats just part of her beauty, shes real dank.! definately not the LAPK cut ive got, mines done in 70 days and stretches twice as much as skywalker…btw i didnt grow that, just took the pic of a clone i gave a buddy to run…:boogie:

Interesting given how it looks right now @ 38~ days.

Thanks! Haha it’s already been trashed. I only have limited opportunities to consume with the very active dogs lately and any review on a day 38~ early chop would be useless anyways. Even in the unlikely scenario that it turned out to be my favorite Cannabis that I’ve ever had that would just annoy me because of how leafy it is and finicky about stresses. I still have the other Madre Azul so hopefully that makes it to the end.

Ya, I remember seeing a lot of pictures of leaves with only 3 blades when I’ve looked before. My RJ #1 has plenty of 5 bladed leaves but that doesn’t come across as abnormal to me really.


this is definitely indicative of og plants especially when they’re small

the best plant i ever grew from seed was called garberville og and the one plant that was actually og was obvious as soon as flowers started forming with trichome coverage (week 4 of flowering probably)… not to be disagreeing or anything just my experience and sayin a good og is as potent smell wise as anything, probably why it is one if not the most popular types of all time

they’re also notoriously spindly as well, often branchy but low yielding, finicky and difficult to clone


Bummer about the Madre Azul. Your pheno looks different than mine - I think mine has more of an OMG leaning bud structure, less leafy more chunky golfballs. Smells lemon funky berry. Might be my favorite of the tent.
Red eyes look great! I’m looking forward to trying out this strain. I could never figure out if Skywalker OG is a pure OG, or an OG hybrid. Seems some dutch cos have a skywalker og that is a blueberry afghan x og… but maybe the cali cut is more of a pure OG.


for sure gotta get on that redeye train, they look beautiful, love that dark leathery look


Hm. Maybe somebody mentioned COVID on the thread I was thinking about and logic deleted the entire thing haha!, like he did mine. It’s been years since I’ve even checked that thread out, anyway, coulda been deleted a long time ago, I dunno.

Yeah, I’d do the same. Especially the parts about Skywalker finishing in 45 days and the “lemon flavor.” I’ve never heard of any OG finishing in 45 days. And I’ve mentioned this before, but the only OG I’ve ever blazed that tasted lemony is the SFV; all the others have varying degrees of floral/perfume/cologne/earth/spicy.

Right now, I’d make that trade-off, too haha. I’m sooooooo fucking ready to get a new dog or two, really miss having a couple around. We’re fostering a boxer for the weekend and I’m waiting on it like a kid waits for Christmas.

Ah, okay, I forgot you had more than one growing.

Yeah, I wasn’t saying you can’t tell just by looking at the plant. Obviously, OG’s typically have that lanky structure, wide internodes, small flowers etc etc. They’ve got a look to them, for sure. I was just saying that no matter what, the proof will be in the smoke haha.


Ya something about that site has always seemed off to me. There was a time where you could only view 10 pages a day as a guest before it forces you to register which was another reason I never browsed there. Not sure if that still exists.

I could see this pheno of Redeye Jedi finishing in 50-55 but we’ll see, maybe it will slow down on the ripening a bit.

Ya with my Shepherds I definitely am OK with gardening taking a back seat to them. It’s very difficult with two very high drive dogs finding the spare time to tend to the plants. With the Dutch high drive is an understatement, that dog makes the German seem like a lazy stoner dog in comparison. Never interacted much with boxers personally but everytime I’ve seen people walking them they seem pretty mellow & chill dogs. The personalities seem to really come out more when there’s more than one for sure… That’s awesome that you got to the point where you’re getting back into having a dog around even if just for the weekend!

Ya that bud structure sounds more geared towards my preferences as well. Both Madre Azuls had really attractive odors and would probably still be quite good. Also just wanted to reiterate that I don’t mean to discourage anyone else sitting on a pack of them. There really were multiple dark cycle interruptions, delays, as well as some very cold nights.

Thanks and ya I’ve had a very impressive cut of Skywalker gifted to me around 20 years ago. No clue which breeder it was from or if it came from a coffee shop. I only know that it came from Amsterdam in seed form. Around that time I used to look at the banks often and know for sure Dutch Passion had a Skywalker (Blueberry x Mazar-i-Sharif). That plant was probably the most potent or disabling Cannabis that I’ve ever had to date but had unappealing stupefying and disorienting effects. Hoping the Skywalker OG leans more OG than Skywalker after that experience haha.

Ya that’s around when this pheno started to really stand out visually from the rest too. We’re at approx week 5 1/2 right now.


It was actually pretty good when I first joined, like seven years ago. Two people in particular there were very knowledgeable and extremely helpful re: organic growing. Pages and pages of DM’s of them helping me out which I can’t access any longer. Because, you know, I was banned for mentioning COVID haha.

Maybe logic’s just getting even weirder, I dunno. Fuck him.

Like I said, my Time Bandits and Imperial Majesties did the same thing, with the brown-ish withering pistils around day 35, but they weren’t “done” done until like week nine or so. I really do think it’s just something that happens with some of those GHash crosses, but it doesn’t mean that they’re actually finishing up that quickly. Or maybe when it’s combined with certain OG’s? Maybe? Like somehow the combination of the GHash male and certain OG females results in withered pistils around week five? I dunno.

That’d be a first for me haha. Every boxer we’ve owned straight lunges and pulls on the leash when we take them for walks, whether they see other people/dogs or not. When they do see other dogs, though… Fuck me haha. They’ve always gone crazy, but I think it’s just because they’re super-sociable and shit. I love boxers, can’t wait until we get another one.

I don’t think that that Dutch Passion Skywalker is related to Skywalker OG at all. In fact, I’m like 99.9% certain that it isn’t.


That’s good to hear!

Ahh I see. I have 2 Boxers that live near me and every-time I see them out walking they are always very calm and heeling perfectly. My rescue is pretty reactive so I’m always pretty impressed with how mellow and chill those dogs are. Almost reminds me of Great Danes or something like that but a more confident calm disposition. Probably just really good training or maybe older dogs in these 2.

Yeah I suspect you’re probably going to be right about it not being done for a while. I think my 50 day Space Monkey (not the pine pheno) was more of an anomaly with how fast it finished flowering.


Will try to update later today but am taking the dogs in a few minutes for an adventure. BB HP smelling great, and SSDD is starting to get the Blueberry Muffin smell. Just wanted to post that I took down the other Madre Azul today because I found a ton of nanners popping up in the buds. I don’t want to keep repeating the same disclaimers but in case anyone is just searching Madre Azul rather than reading this thread there were a ton of light-cycle stresses that could have triggered this.


Blueberry Hashplant - Hard for me to describe the scent on this one, but I like it. Want to say adhesive - mango - old coins - sour. Smells a lot like what I think of as hashy, but obviously hash will derive its smell from the source material. Smells like early 00s flower to me. Looks decently frosty in person and I haven’t been able to spot a nanner yet.

Redeye Jedeye - Love the look of this plant still. Haven’t seen any nanners yet here either. Rubber pepper spice chocolate slightly skunky. Great smell so far.

Sunshine Daydream - Not as frosty as last time I ran it. We’ll see if maybe I’m just being impatient. Smells great and is starting to morph into the hashy-coffee blueberry muffin smell a bit.

It’s difficult for me to get the flash in a good spot with how these plants are in the tent but I’m pretty happy with how the pictures came out. Feels like I’m getting a better hang of how the aperture, f-stop, ISO etc are going to interact together. Only issue I’m having is when I resize them the loss of image quality seems like it’s exaggerating the flash a bit and making it appear a bit washed out in some images. Going to re-post this in the Bodhi / COPA / H&L thread as well.


Plants are looking great! Don’t pull the REJ too early. It can always go 8wks, and will usually reward you for going a full 9wks.

Here’s a link to a batch photo resizer thing that’s super easy to use.

To use, edit your images at full rez, rename them, then drag and drop the ones you want to resize onto this tiny .bat file. It spits out the resized images and you don’t lose quality (so no exaggerated flash effect) but they will never be more than 1000k so they won’t get resized when uploaded here.

:rainbow: :peace_symbol:


Thanks! I will keep the REJ going as long as it’s free of nanners, but do want to pull it slightly early for a better chance for a successful reveg. On the topic of REJ and nanners the other REJ #2 started showing nanners on all of the buds. Thinking about pulling this today, not a big fan of manually plucking.

Have yet to see any nanners show up on my favorite REJ , SSDD or BBHP. Will continue to inspect them as often as I can. If nothing else this run serves as a good stress test. Thankfully my consumption is so low lately that I don’t care about losing this or the Madre Azuls.


Gawddamn, man, that sucks about the nanners. That Redeye looks so good, bananas notwithstanding haha. Even I can see that nanner poking outta that flower in the above pic, so they must be pretty hardcore. No good.

What happened again? You had some power outages or something?


Yeah, it smells really good too! So did the Madre Azul. Oh well, the good part about this is that it didn’t happen when I was pollinating something as that would make me too paranoid about the certainty of the pollen donor in any resulting seeds.

There are at least 2-3 visible nanners per bud, if not more.

The tent is in an area that needs a door to be closed in order to be lightproof. During the day this door stays open for increased air-circulation reasons. A few times I was either out with the dogs or doing something and forgot to close the door in time for lights out. There is a hallway light would reflect into the area and illuminate them as a result. I distinctly remember coming home a few hours late after walking + playing with the dogs and realizing the mistake I made. Some form of this mistake happened more than a couple times during the first 3 weeks of flower. Also it gets fairly cold at night and as I understand it some genetics are finicky about that. Other than that I’m not aware of any major stresses but the light stuff alone could easily do it. It’s possible the 3 are just unstable but seems kind of unlikely to me, I think it’s safe to blame environmental issues to me.


You’ve got a decent amount of both of those crosses left, though, right? This was just the “test run” or whatever you wanna call it? I hope so, anyway haha, I was super-stoked to watch both the Red Eye and the Madre get grown out.

Yeah, I think I’m seeing two just in that one pic, kinda right next to each other.

Ahhh, okay, I get it now. Gawddamn dogs… haha!


Yeah, I only popped 3-4 of each this round. Still have more of everything but doubt I’m going to be doing much with anything containing snow lotus again other than possibly some Goji chucks. At some point I may offer them out to anyone intending to do some form of preservation.

I am really pleased with the remaining Redeye Jedi when judged by look, smell, trichomes feel etc. Obviously I can’t comment on effect yet but it seems very promising.

The SSDD is getting very frosty and outrageously strong and good smelling. This is one of the most difficult plants for me to photograph because no picture seems to demonstrate how frosty it looks in person. The frost of the Redeye Jedi is coming through real well in the pictures. I’m going to try taking a few of them earlier than I normally do because I wanted to experiment after reading some of @HolyAngel 's posts about his SSDD…

Here are the 4 best pictures of the SSDD that I was able to get today :


Don’t give up on the Snow Lotus crosses just yet, dude. Seriously. I really didn’t think much of the first few I grew, as far as “improved structure, more frost, blahblahblah” was concerned, but those Uplifts I grew a while back totally changed my mind.

I got excited until I got to this part:

And then I went,”Awwww…” haha.

Anyway, plants look great, man. Very frosty. I think the pics captured it haha.


Sweet frosty plants are these original SSDD seeds or HolyAngels?


I guess I wouldn’t be completely against trying more Uplifts in the event that I ever get the urge to try some Goji-like genetics again. Probably shouldn’t completely rule SL out, but it’s definitely not at the top of my list of stuff to run.

I don’t know, I just don’t realistically see myself ever running them. With the situation with the dogs I’d rather have more forgiving and ‘stable’ varieties. I’m expecting the Field Trips to herm (due to my fault) as well. Too many seeds and options…

Original Bodhi F1s from GLG while they were still in stock in 2015. I referenced Holy because he has more experience with the genetics, and specifically the Bubbashine leaning phenos. In the past I’d always harvest this pheno around day 70 or a bit later but am going to try a few earlier this time. I’m going to have to dig through the posts in the Bodhi thread to see again when he was taking his, I think it was around 60 days though.


I’ve had some decent snow lotus crosses you not crazy about the strain?