IndicaDominant's Outdoor Grow 2024

I’m open to any Questions, Suggestions, Advice, Critiques etc…My Placement of the Ladies was sloppy and Space will be an issue but I will make it work, however it works​:muscle::muscle::muscle:…that’s all the Garden Space I’ve been Allotted …Lol…Trying to grow all I can afford…No excuse though…I could have utilized the space better

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The CHAMBER…Cuts From the LongIsland ×1 & Zombie × 3…

An Oldschool Mammoth Propagation Tent 3×2×2…I run it on it’s side dor more height…run a dome, 2 fans 1 intake, 1 circulation, & a 6 by 2ft T5 …Manipulate temps by using room thermostat…

So we got 3 Bruce County…2 Canadian Grapefruit…1 Blue GoD and 10 Phantom Cookie Kush…I have room for 4 ladies and 2 Dudes…I am open to raising more then 2 boys if they present them selves well…:pray: Still Praying all the GoDs will Bless me with their presence

The Phantom Cookies will start her Hardening Training 1ce she bounces back from her Transplant :muscle::muscle::muscle:

Peace Blessings and Prosperity…BONG


Also the Phantom Cookie Kush are really more of an experiment not Really looking for a male from them…I’ll keep a sexy girl or 2 but they’ll mostly find them selves on Balconies around the city …I will keep and make room for All of the Gods if they Ascend, same for the Bruce & Grapefruit


Hola​:grin:…Peace, Blessings & Prosperity :muscle::muscle::muscle:…Ain’t really anything change out here but all this free time is killing me…& Idle Hands are the Devils Playground Lol…So, Here’s the SQUAD…


My Girl Muffin was on the Front Line & took pretty much All of the damage from the Ravenous Intruders…I believe they have Retreated but, they will be back​:rofl::rofl:

Grease Monkey…My Brethren said she’s Fames🔥, I’m excited about her…Grease & Muffin are Squat, Bushy & wide…That was the Ideal Plant Structure to me for a long time being an Indica Lover

What can I say about Zombie…LoL…I know​:man_facepalming: . Ripper Seeds​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:…The name Alone :flushed:…I will not defend the Authenticity or Origins of the Stock they say they’re working with but, They have been Solid for Me ( My Subject Group has been small)…Very Uniform in Structure, Yield, Power…The only real differences I see in Phenos are Height, Bud Structure & “type” of High and those differences except for Bud Structure have been slight in comparison to others I have dated…I will Run more of they’re Beans, but as of now they are my Scottie Pippen of the Commercial Genetics Game, all around solid…Don’t Judge Me​:pensive:
I’ve been hurt B4 by many other Breeders who wined and Dined me & never called back

Ahhhh…Pinky…Aside from the Crinkle/ Burn/ Toxicity (haven’t tried to figure it out, Nature should correct) I Luv her Structure, she’s got great posture…She’s also got that 3 leaf thing that I saw in the PinkMan Goo from last season…I’m hoping her Flowers have some Authentic Sour Diesel in there…

The 3 “prong” Leaf resemblance

PinkMan Goo Above
The LongIsland Pink


Meanwhile back in the CHAMBER

I took a little time to get more control over the Prop. Tent…Finally programmed the timer and put it to use… Put In a fan for exhaust & a Hydrometer I will mount.

Cut still doing they thing…Curtsey for the crowd Ladies

Phantom Cookies Domina will be off to college soon…I Forgot to remove her training wheels so she a little thin in the stem…She is a Result of me getting into smoking and growing Sativa Dom Stains…I really liked her, she slapped me Up a way last season & I’m glad She’s Back…Power/ Effect is at the top of my requirements where Cannabis is concerned ( all else comes after) & she was Powerful…Had a solid Indica Tump and wasn’t a wide awake , clear headed high that some sativa give and I don’t like…She was “Heady” too though

We Have a Blue GoD Sighting But she appears to be struggling. Much like the Emerald Trinity did…Hope fully me efforts to better control the environment help Her🙏🏾

The Cheerleaders…Far Left, Top to Bottom…1×Blue GoD…3× Bruce County Kush…1×Canadian Grapefruit…
Everything else is Phantom Cookie Kush

The Rest of the GoDs longer with us and I pulled 1.of the Grapefruits…All in all I will probably go back on what I said earlier and Select 1 Male from the Phantom Cheerleadeing Squad


The second set of FiM’s I put on Zombie has slowed down her most dominant Limbs and allowed some of the shorter ones to catch up …But she’s over it now and and those dominate tops are shooting back Up

I’ll FiM her again in a couple days…Some of those dominate tops I’ll weave Under the Tressel
She’s got 2 main branches that have yet to reach the tress8 but they will with a little time…1ce that happens her footprint will be laid & there will be no where to go but Up…Cause Space will be a issue


Man, you are busy! Things look good to me I like your trellis setup.

And I think the 4 plants there are a great use of the space :sunglasses:


Salute & thank U @FieldEffect …I’ll put up another layer of Trellis when they’re about a foot and a 1/4 above the current layer…Although Muffin and Grease may not get that tall…


Peace, Blessings and Prosperity :muscle::muscle::muscle:…It’s been an odd season so far here in Southern Ontario …Its been Hot, Humid, Wet, Cloudy and Sunny till now…And the Heat along with Sun have been the only real constants, the others fight for third place however, Humidity has separated it’s self from the pack over the last Month or so…The Ladies seem to Luv it…I Luv it, for now lol…This is my first run of these Ladies other Then Zombie…

Da SQUAD :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

Muffin & Grease, the “Twins” are doing well…I’m not expecting Hard Hitting herb from Muffin but, I am expecting Good to Great Flavor from her (based on what I’ve read about her) & hopefully decent (To Me) Effects…I’ll keep a sample size to smoke and will probably fresh freeze and Bubble the rest…
Grease however I have the Highest of Aspirations for…( That Gurl Gon be Something when she Grow Up):joy::rofl::joy:

Pinky’s keeping that Great Posture & should hit the Trellis in 2 - 3 weeks🤞…On the Low, Pinky my Favorite…She doesn’t require much and goes about her day like a Professional …Hope she Slaps me like I Owe her Money

Phantom Cookie Domina is coming along and has really began to stretch since she left Club CHAMBER & decided to party at the Outdoor Festival with her Sister’s

The Cheerleaders Need some Organization & are tired of performing the same old Routine…So I’m going to separate and re-pot the Bruce County Kush’s & Selected Phantom Cookie Kush’s…The rest will be Donated later in the week to a couple of friends who grow but don’t GROW…I’ll help them distinguish the Males and might even take them back if they are Strapping and my search here at home isn’t fruitful

Lastly, I threw 2 Phantom Cookie Kush seeds in the Prime side of the garden…The Mrs tried to sabotage but 1 has survived​:grin::grin::grin::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:…We’ll see how she ( or He) does…

BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:


The Phantom survivor


The Cheerleaders have been divided into Squads and are currently learning some new steps…

SQUAD 1…Bruce County Kushettes

SQUAD 2…Phantom Cookie Kushers



Canadian Grapefruit is chilling & will get transplanted hopefully tomorrow

The clones aren’t as sexy as they 1ce.were…I was pulling on the stems (ever so slightly) Lol and I think I tore 1…She’s the 1 dying…I prefer the 2 cup method when cloning but I didnt have any & wasn’t gonna buy any…Sigh​:expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

It’s been 5-6 days now…I’d assume they’re rooting, nothing out the bottoms though…Also wondering if I left too much foliage on them​:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:if they’re around next week they’ll go to a nice lady with Fibromyalgia ( couldn’t spell it )…I’ll get more from Strains I’ve yet to try…

Peace, Blessings and Prosperity to All​:muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Peace ,Blessings and Prosperity to All​:muscle::muscle::muscle:The CHAMBER…Down to 2 cuts left, 1 died & the other 1 seemed to be dying…Monday I’ll take the Cuts & 3 seedlings to a new home…Still haven’t transplanted the Grapefruit, I’ll do that Today…The Bruce County will go outdoors today as will the Phantom Domina & the 3 Phantom Kush planted together in the larger grey pot at the back…They were Outside for a few days but some heavy rain and wind so I took em in


The Twins are getting Bushier

Zombie is doing her thing…She’s getting tall I’d love for all of my plants to stay under 8ft in this yard but, I think she’s gonna surpass that by a few feet …She’s def got more Amnesia in her then the other seeds from her pack … ! 20240713_110818|375x500

Her Canopy is evening out though

Put another Fim on her this Morning, probably won’t be the last the way she Growing, we’ll see…As long as she shows no ILL Effects and it’s not too close to Flowering time

The Messed up looking leaves are a result of the FIM’s…FIM’ing is a form of stress but I Love the results & prefer it over Topping…Also a big on LST & Scr of Gr


I did some more Tucking to go along with the FIM from earlier…The few shoots left to catch up should do so soon…Hopefully they some of them become dominant and surpass the tallest branches on this Girl…If it works out I’ll un tuck some of the Branches I just tucked


Peace, Blessings and Prosperity to All​:muscle::muscle::muscle:…Well I’m finally getting around to Delivering the Plants to a friend, wanted to do it Monday…The 2 Cuts upfront & the 3 shorter plants behind them

The Grapefruit (back, right) still hasn’t been transplanted :pensive::pensive::pensive:… I do like her floppy look at the moment…The Other 2 Taller plants are Phantom Cookie Kush & I’ve yet to find a home for em…They will go in haif gallons today or tomorrow :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

The Grapefruit will go into 1.5 Gallon however & all remaining Cheerleaders will go Outdoors

These are the Bruce County They will go in 1.5 gal as well until they show…Ladies will Level Up in Pot Size and Good Looking Dudes will remain …

Phantom Cookie Kush 3 for 1…Together they will also go into a 1.5 gal …Any Males from this Trio will remain if they Look Strapping

Phantom Cookies Domina will go into a 5 gal for now, till I get more soil


Phantom Cookies Domina has been Transplanted…I’ll give her a few days & then begin training her…There will be No Topping on this Girl


The Bruce Counties in the gal & 1/2…We have a stow away…Not sure how it got there…I assume its 1 of my crosses :man_shrugging:

I was Day Dreaming and for some reason I Put the Canadian Grapefruit in this pot when she should have gone in a 2gal…Anywho I’ll let it spread out then move it up…

In the Pots I have 70/30 Promix / Castings, 2 Tablespoons per gal. Of Gaia Green All Purp …1 Tablespoon per gal of Rock Dust…Phantom got an additional 3 tablespoons of Bloom in Her soil mix…

Peace, Blessings and Prosperity :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Grand Rising :sunny:…Peace, Blessings and Prosperity to All :muscle::muscle::muscle:…Ventured into the Garden this Rising and found this

I have Skunks living under my shed, could have been them investigating…They dug into Phantom a bit and Toppled a Bruce County over…Filled Phantom back up but Bruce fell out of the pot, had to replant it so hopefully she catches root again…I didn’t drench them after I transplanted them, the soil was loose and probably allowed Bruce to fall out with no Resistance…It should rain out here in the next day or 2 … I like to water them B4 Transplant & bottom feed for while hoping the roots go searching…


Dealing with some soil PH issues (I Think)…Will run soil PH & Nutrient tests this weekend…Ran a PoorMans Soil PH test using Vinegar and Baking Soda, which leads me to believe it’s a High PH that is the Problem…Been watering the Ladies with 5.6PH water the last couple of days hoping to lower the Soils PH…I just asked my Fellow Canucks their thoughts so, we’ll see…For now I will continue to water on the lower end of the Sweet Spot until I do my Soil Test & or Receive some Advice

Hopefully all be well once the PH is lowered
Peace, Blessings and Prosperity…BONG​:muscle::muscle::muscle:


Phantom Cookie Domina LST…I may FiM her most likely but she good


The Bruce County Kushettes

All the Phantom Cookie Kushers have been Adopted

And here is Da SQUAD :muscle::muscle::muscle: