IndicaDominant's Outdoor Grow 2024

A little more Training on Phantom…Trying to get that top down below the lowest nodes…in a few weeks she should have a few Limbs, I’ll Untie her top, she’ll Stand up a bit and form a Beautiful Bulging Know to support her Limbs…They say She’s 70% Sativa



Bong muscle! Squad is looking great :+1:

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Peace, Blessings and Prosperity :muscle::muscle::muscle:
I will post Phantom 1st to show contrast…LoL

She’s Limbing Up…Had to pick a few leaves off due to the Septoria

I did a soil test

Another watering or 2 on the low end of the scale and I’ll run another soil PH test …My spot was out of Nutrient testers so I’ll have to grab em somewhere else but I do believe the soil is rich…

After Receiving Wisdom from my fellow Canuckers and some research, I have learned that Septoria is what I’m experiencing…I was Suggested a Citrus acid & Lactic Acid Fungicide…I purchased 1 named Cyclone and have applied 1 application thus far…Another Suggestion was an HOCI which after reading Up on it I’m Definitely going to get 1

Cooper Fungicide was also suggested and it came up often in my brief research of Septoria, so I will grab a bottle of that soon

And Lastly Hydrogen Peroxide )which I have by the gallon Lol) & Hypochlorous Acid I believe ( may be misspelled)…

Soooo I will continue to Use the Cyclone and see how it fares for a couple weeks…Will also do some research to see if things can be mixed or used in conjunction etc…


The SQUAD :muscle::muscle::muscle:…Removed all Visibly Infected Leaves and those that seemed to touch them

Put Up the Second Tressel…Zombie is Beastly & her Sister’s have finally reached the 1st Canopy

Zombie is on her way to the 2nd canopy

Hopefully I can keep this Septoria & anything else at bay & Harvest some Quality Flowers


The Bruce County Kushettes…Removed a few leaves from them as well

And I gave away Grapefruit and Blue G got discarded a while ago ( if I didn’t mention)…
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Respect @Cannabiscrusader …Thanks 4 Tapping In…U know, Perfection is always the Goal (I’ve come close not sure if I’vereached it B4)… just Worried about the Fungus and how far from my goal it will take me…Stay Up​:muscle::muscle::muscle:BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

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I use a product caller Arbor. I used it indoors to get rid of pm I had going on for months. It’s also a preventative, same ingredients as Athena for 1/4 of the price. Spray once a week until week 2 or 3 of flower. You can spray all the way to harvest with this stuff, but I try to avoid that outdoors.

Add a little dolomite line to your soil, and you’ll never have to guess with the ph again. Provides a good source of calcium too


nice and tidy!

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Thank U @Cannabiscrusader :muscle::muscle::muscle:I’ll def look into Arbor…After this Experience I will Religiously use Preventative Measures against Molds, Fungus & Pests on every Grow, Inside and Out…Hoping the HOCI Generator will be the Mainstay of my Defense with Other products used in conjunction…

Respect @StonerSculptor :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:…Appreciate U & Luv the Name…

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The Spread of Septoria continues but, seems to have slowed considerably …I have made an effort to not handle the plants as often to help prevent the spread of the fungus…Here’s Da SQUAD :muscle::muscle::muscle:…1st Up…The “Twins” MUFFIN & GREASE…Few more Inches in Growth and I Can Start Spreading them Out

PINKY is also a few inches away from a good spread

ZOMBIE is poking through the second Canopy when all is said & done She should be closer to 12 ft (knock on wood)

Phantom is shooting Up Tops

And the Bruce County Kushettes are Still Auditioning for the Big Show

I feel the Septoria has taken a bit of a toll on the Girls…They’re not as Hardy as I’m Use to seeing…Bent/Snapped Branches don’t Snap back and recover like they used to…I will address those concerns after my next soil test later this week but for now all is Alright, I Guess :rofl::joy::rofl:

Peace, Blessings and Prosperity to all
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:

Currently tackling Septoria in the Tomato patch & Possibly the Grape Vine…Just Removing all infected leaves


Peace, Blessings and Prosperity :muscle::muscle::muscle:…Was doing some training on Phantom and Realized…SHE is a HE

:flushed::flushed::flushed:WoW…Really, that’s what were doing this Season…Really :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:…I know this seed came out the pack ( I think…Lol)…Its Not a Herm. I dont see any Female parts on him…I’m Pretty sure it’s a Phantom…I’m a Examin Him More , I may keep him…Crazy​:exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:.


:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:Thinking on this 1…On further Inspection & patchy memory, I believe he is a Phantom × Cookie Kush…I like his Structure/Frame…He smells like a "Sweet Hash"to me when Rubbed…He also looks like he’s going to Stack & Produce well…I am Thinking maybe He’s Showing Too Soon​:thinking: (I’ve been taught that Early Males Tend to Dominate the Cross, which may not be a bad thing in this case)…I will Keep an eye on him, eventually he’ll get “Isolated” (kinda) & I’ll Torture him a bit & Flower him out…I’ll also Hit the Breeders Section, read up.a bit & Probably ask the Community to Share their Opinions, Knowledge and Experience

The Deformed Leaves on the main are from a FIM😁…Any thoughts on His Visual Appeal & Him Producing So Early


That’s a pretty boy :slight_smile: though I mostly do autos, so no opinion on flower time related to breeding to offer.

I just read through, nice grow journal! I love that Zombie, her big fan leaves do remind me of giant zombie fingers reaching out. :laughing:

I don’t know how I can have never heard of hypochlorous acid until now. How is that home generator working for you?

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Blessings @RainToday …Thanks for Checking in​:muscle::muscle::muscle:the Hypochlorus Acid may have been Misspelled to me & I’m just Regenerating (my bad) but I believe it’s referencing HOCI (& or) Hydrogen Peroxide…I’m not totally clear on the relation , if they the same…I’ll continue researching… & ZOMBIE is Rude in my Opinion, Hope all goes well​:muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

Been Misting them with Hydrogen Peroxide in between the Cyclone, which is on a 1ce a week regiment…Also been Feeding them Kelp in their last 2 waterings

PS…Still a couple weeks away from Purchasing the HOCI Generator…Its 199$ free shipping…I think it’ll be a game changer

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I’m going to have to research too :slight_smile: definitely interesting! I’m trying to kill thrips and spider mites and brown scale :nauseated_face:

Yeah, if ZOMBIE was my plant and growing so much taller than the others in a grow meant to stay under 8’ I’d be cursing her too :laughing:

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She Was Born a while (bout 3-4 weeks)B4 her Sister’s & in the Ground early…Didn’t expect her to be this Large…We’ll see after the stretch​:grimacing::sweat_smile:

2nd soil test…Looks similar if not the same…Maybe a tad lighter…

I’ll conclude that the soil is fine & probably wasn’t an Issue to begin with…Septoria is Most likely the culprit :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:…I will continue to read up on Septoria,Treatments & Prevention…

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I found a second male…1 of the Bruce County Kushettes has showed Himself

Dont really like his Stretch but he smells Wonderfully Musky and Hashy…I have 2 other Bruce Counties…1 I believe is a Girl and another Male (not 100% sure yet) I FIM’d em a day or 2 ago so I’ll see how the Boys Branch

It appears Phantom has begun to drop Pollen and is in the Garage :smirk:

I am going to keep Him😁

This is the Other Bruce County that I believe is Male

The smells are Subtle from this 1 & if he is a Male, he will most likely loose out to his taller Stinkier Brother

Peace, Blessings and Prosperity
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Grand Rising :sunny:The Dudes have been Isolated (kinda) & are in the Garage…I have a Nofrills (lazy man) method to Collecting Pollen …LoL…I use Wax Paper like a Net or Catch Basin…

I’ll Flower em Using a Cardboard Box to Black them out…I usually go 48 hours Continuous Darkness then run a loose 12/12 to 14/10 depending on my schedule…I’ll remove more fan leaves 1ce He really starts to open up, give him a shake every now and then and Salvage Pollen along the way…There were times where I’d Set it and for Forget it for 2/3 weeks & come back to a Dying Plant & a fair amount of pollen that was Viable :grin:

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Peace, Blessings and Prosperity :muscle::muscle::muscle:…The Other Suspected Bruce County Male has Come out the Closet :smirk:…He has been disposed of…R.I.P.:pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6:

In Memory of HIM…:pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive:

HIM’s Final Moments, Surrounded by Loved 1’s​:disappointed_relieved::sleepy::cry::sob:

Evry1 have a Beautiful and Blessed Day…Be Safe, & if U ain’t Safe…Be DANGEROUS :fist_right::fist_left:

BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle: