Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

With all this pH swinging, how’re the plants looking? Do they look healthy?


Some of them are taking it harder than others.

This one has several of these

This is the worst leaf on the plant next to it. This plant is also twice the other one size.


All this experimenting did get me to buy some nutes and some coco to give it a whirl.

@Indicana_Jones what kinda ph pen you use?


I’ve got every deficiency known to man going on right now. These girls are drinking the shit out of this water. I just can’t get them to take up any nutes.

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Have you started to play with the new ph down?

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Old mix is already drained. Barrel washed out and fresh water going in.

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Fresh barrel of food

H2O TAP 8.0
NUTES. 6.2
pH down 40 ml 5.83

11:25 pm

Water was 77° when I locked pH in.

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I am actual a little excited to see if this works.

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You and me both, brother. I haven’t checked pH on my plain tap in a while. 8.0 is high. Maybe my brain is foggy but I always remember it being 7.0 maybe 7.5

The water ph out of our tap here is 8.3. Our city uses chloromine so I need to look into a RO

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Welp shit. pH was back up to 6.18 this morning right before lights out. I locked in pH at 77° and temps never got higher than 85°. I probably shouldn’t have seen a rise higher than 0.07 but I ended up with a rise of about 0.35.

Back to the drawing board.

My next hypothesis is one of these plants is sick in a bad way and it’s poisoning the well. Close root inspection coming up.


Man… that’s tough @Indicana_Jones . Just keep eliminating variables I guess. Those plants are way too far along to ditch and start fresh. Too much invested. It would be nice to figure out before moving on to your next project. Just thought of something. Incoming :incoming_envelope: soon.


Perhaps a light foliar fertilization will help,? Light in strength and quantity :thinking:


That’s a good idea. Possibly. I’d spray.


I think it might get itself to drink again. However, the leaves will never turn green again. At least in my experience. But that doesn’t mean that the plant can’t finish flowering.

With such defects, I look more at the position of the leaves than at the color to judge the state of health. But I don’t know if it’s just my imagination! :rofl:


A foliar with Si, yucca and Chitosan. That should help the leaves retain what moisture they have. I think. My foliar mentor isn’t here lately.


yes he is missing here! i miss him too! if we are talking about the same person:thinking:

ps : if you feed foliar it cant hurt to get vdp as close as possible to perfect. they seem to take the nurtients better that way!


The Island Dweller

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yeah i saw it today … I was thinking of topshelf.


I’ll give it a try. Like some of the plants are just suffering from burnt tips and otherwise look healthy. Probably 4 or 5 are looking rough with full on yellowing and dying leaves. Except for the one that fainted on me, the rest are still standing up straight.