Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Some things just don’t need to be connected to the Internet lol.


Morning homies hope y’all get your kitchens straightened out


Morning @HomegrownVABudz , @Indicana_Jones

Also happy Father’s Day to you guys and rest of the thread!

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Yes indeed! Happy Father’s Day to all the homies!


pH was at 6.10 tonight. I did not pH down last night. That means we only saw a creep up of 0.08 over 24 hours.

Res is getting topped off. Did 0.59g of shock. Will pH down tonight.


@StrongerthanDirt we’re fuckin doing it man!

pH lowered to 5.91


Killer! Great news :100::beers:

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Great news, hell yea @Indicana_Jones glad these treatments are working…

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I’m super stoked. After everything else I tried, I’m glad this did the trick. I was for real about ready to jump off my roof head first.


hopefully you smooth sailing for the rest of your grow


Right on, man! Some consistency!

I’m curious though, what did the shock do that the other tools in your bag could not? Was it an algae bloom or some sort or organic yuck?

I wonder what caused the abrupt change tin your water.

I hope you all are well :v:


Im pretty sure that it was a perfect storm of several things. It starts with there being an inch of water at the bottom of the buckets for the roots to sit in. Then there were two days in a row where I kept the door to the room shut and the temps got up into the high 90s for a couple days in a row. Those temps cooked that little bit of water in the bottom of the buckets and I developed root rot. Oh also while the little bit of water in the bottoms of the buckets was cooking, the main res was also running on fumes. There might have only been 15 gallons or so being disbursed into 18 buckets. So what ever was mixing was concentrating.

It was definitely a good idea that I cleaned out the system from top to bottom, but that wasn’t getting to the root of the problem, pun intended. The peroxide just wasn’t strong enough to kill what ever funk was growing in these root masses.

TLDR; This round of hardships.was brought about by poor environment controls. Environment controlled, pool shock to kill root rot bacteria. Everything is back on the up swing.


well shit! At least you overcame the adversity. I would have been so lost, in fact I was lost watching y’all troubleshoot.

I’m looking forward to see how this run turns out for you.


Waiting for that shock drop strain lol. Glad it’s working out, smooth sailing from here on yeah? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yooo good afternoon folks! Anybody in here like cmh lights?


Ive had no experience with them. Just led and cfl lol


I almost went all CMH before I went full blast LED.

If interested in old school lighting, there is a giant nursery around here going out of business and they are auctioning off all of their hps and mh. Hundreds of them. I think they are lots of 25 400w. I think the bid is at $1 right now


Yeah it’s not an auction but I was gonna buy a bulb last night and found out growers house is selling growers choice 315 cmh with the 3k+r bulb for 44 bucks plus free shipping. It’s literally cheaper than buying the bulb. So yep bought a couple new lights.


Also if you know the nursery name I may check out the auction. I think I still like the cmh better than me led. I don’t know. I keep bouncing back and forth.

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Before I went Cobs, that’s the same light I was looking at. It may have been the DE version, I can’t remember but they were a lot more expensive back then. Those were THE lights to have