Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

awesome. very well done!

It’s rare to find anything close to that at the grocery store :drooling_face:


I really hate the grocery store lately. I’d rather scratch up anything than go there. My wife was sick last year and I lived 3 months just on what I had pretty much. I would get dog food and milk from the dollar store.


The good ol dollar general!


You can get 3 general mills cereal for 6 bucks or 3 Kelloggs ,sir you cant mix them up like a crazy person!


You know you put that sts in there on purpose for the photo haha, or at least moved a melon so the photo is still cannabis related :rofl:

Product placement +1


That’s the good stuff! 4 eight oz bottles for 76.00. Only the best for my homies round hearya


I’m about to go barbed wire cage match fight my best good homie for a 91 cut, Lol.

It’s not really like that, but the drama has subsided a little here while I was in the ocean. I thought I’d invent some.

I saw some chunks of paid med spam float by in the surf tho, haha


Dude definitely invented 91 , definitely.


Where you find that deal?

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Yeah, I think it was in '93 lol

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Royal Ormus. These exact ones used to be on Azon ,but not for the last couple years.


@Indicana_Jones you ever been involved with an allstate insurance situation?

Perhaps maybe a burst 4" cast iron drain pipe?

They’re saying it wasn’t “sudden or accidental”

It happened real quick, and I didn’t touch shit, lol. It’s Highway rapery.

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Yes. At least 100 jobs. Allstate fucking sucks. Not talking shit about your choice of insurer, I have them too. Also my wife’s best friend works in the industry as an estimator for insurance repairs. She is neck deep in the business. Her house caught on fire (drier fire) and her whole house had to be gutted from smoke damage. Allstate tried to pay her $40,000 to repair her home. She is now embroiled in a lawsuit with them.

I hate to stick up for them and their bullshit but a cast iron pipe rust through is something that takes 50-100 years to happen. You are generally responsible for repairing the source of the damage which would be the section of cast iron that exploded. They should cover clean up and repairs on everything that the poop water touched. Get ready to lawyer up. Allstate is on some scumbag shit. Maybe @PatHealy can jump in from the other side.


Yeah it’s a pipe from the 50s unfortunately.

We already paid out of pocket for everything, and they’ve pushed the court date till November.

I had to hound the adjuster dude just to get him to tell me anything at all, and he sent me around this loop of phone calls to different allstate people that all referred me back to the other one

I got sleepy of that before it even happened and lawyered up early.


Yeah, there’s a ton of shady litigation going on currently with cast iron pipes. But, you’re going to be responsible for repairing the pipe and your homeowner’s will cover the ensuing damages from the pipe burst. Wear, tear, and maintenance exclusion. I don’t work for Alllstate, but I do work for one of the big three.


If you lawyered up, it’s being handled by a lit adjuster now and they legally can’t speak to you. All communications have to be through the attorney. I’m a property lit adjuster myself.


Have fun in mediation!! Haha In all seriousness though, best of luck with your claim!!


I get paying for the pipe, it says that verbatim in the clause, but the runaround of the process of the rest of it is clearly to fuck with me and hope I go away.


As soon as you get a lawyer or public adjuster the process becomes exponentially longer and filled with more bullshit.


If I don’t, I foot the bill.

And yes, bullshit.